Chapter Twenty Eight

JC stayed away from Izzy and the guys for the rest of the day. That night they all wanted to go out on the town. JC was still sulking in his room and wouldn’t go out with them. Lance went to go talk to him but Izzy stopped him,

“Lance I did this, let me take care of it. You guys go, we’ll go catch up later, okay?” Lance nodded and the boys left. Izzy took a deep breath, this was not going to be easy, and talking with JC never was. She knocked on his door,

“Go away!” He yelled from inside the room and Izzy tried the doorknob, “It’s locked! Go away!” He yelled again.

“Well a locked door never stopped me before.” She said to herself. Izzy bent down and fiddled with the keyhole, unlocked the door and opened it. She quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind her. JC glared at her,

“How’d you open that door? I thought I locked it.” Izzy shrugged,

“Lessons of a misspent youth.”

“Lovely, now get out I have nothing to say to you.”

“You know I seriously can’t believe that you are this upset over this.” She said crossing her arms and he turned from her,

“Well I think I have my reasons.”

“Oh, please, this is all your fault!” He turned and came at her,

“My fault!? My fault!? How is this my fault!!??”

“It was your hair brained scheme. I just changed the ending to teach you a lesson.”

“Death isn’t funny, Izzy.”

“Oh and dropping me like twenty feet is? And what about all that bullshit with the truce? Face it you’re just upset because your ego got bruised and you’ve been in here licking your wounds.”

“That’s not why I’m upset! I thought that you were dead and that I killed you!”

“That was the point! I’m fine and no one got hurt!”

“It wasn’t a funny joke!”

“You’re the only one who didn’t think it was funny.”

“God you just don’t get it, do you!”

“What’s to get Chasez? That you’re just a stuck up, prima donna pop star who can’t take a joke!”

“I can take a joke, just not one where people die!”

“NO ONE DIED!!! You couldn’t be yelling at me right now if I was dead!!”

“You must be the most frustrating woman I have ever known!!!”

“Well you’re the most frustrating man I have ever met!!” She yelled back at him and they stood there out of breath glaring at each other. Suddenly they kissed each other, hands roam frantically all over the other’s body. Izzy pulled off JC’s shirt while he worked off her pants. They moved back towards the bed until they hit it and landed on top of it. JC pulled off his jeans quickly and Izzy tore off her shirt. JC’s hands found her breasts under her bra and fondled them roughly. Izzy responded with moans enveloped in their kisses. She pulled off his boxers and stroked his penis, JC groaned as he nibbled on her neck. Then he pinned her beneath him and slowly peeled off her panties. He loved having complete control over her. When he had her panties off he ran a hand up her curves drinking her all in. Izzy moaned in expectation and JC didn’t make her wait any longer. He entered her forcing himself deeper till she had him completely inside her. He began thrusting heavily and Izzy responded equally. It was amazing the passion that came out between them. It was like they were in another world lost in their touches and kisses. Once it was all over they laid breathless in bed.

“Okay, that was a shock.” Izzy said.

“You can say that again.”

“Okay that was a shock.” She said and they both laughed,

“So,” JC said turning on his side to face Izzy, “what are we gonna do about this?”

“Well,” Izzy glanced at the clock, “I’m thinking that the boys won’t be back for another couple hours so we could have another go.” She smiled and JC smiled back,

“Or two.” He replied as he reached for her.

A couple hours later Izzy was leaving JC’s room. He followed her to the door and kissed her before she even opened the door,

“Joey’s so going to flip when he finds out. Hell all the guys are going to flip.” She said,

“So, let’s not tell them. It kind of makes things more interesting.”

“Okay,” She kissed him, “I’m up for that.”

“Mmm, I’m up for something.” He murmured kissing her again,

“I bet you are.” She joked.

“So, we’ll have to do this again like tomorrow?”

“It is tomorrow, Chasez.”

“Well then later tonight.”

“You’re on, goodnight Chasez.”

“Goodnight Mariani.” With a final kiss Izzy left JC’s room for hers. She had the permanent grin of a person who had just been fucked for three hours straight. She was unlocking her door when Joey came up behind her,

“Izzy thank god that you’re finally back! I was so worried I’ve been calling you all night! Why haven’t you answered your cell phone?” Izzy opened her door and walked in,

“That’s cuz my phone was in here and I’ve been in JC’s room.”

“For the past four hours? Is JC still alive?” Izzy rolled her eyes,

“Yes, he’s perfectly fine, besides a bruised ego, he’s fine.”

“What were you doing for four hours?”

“Talking things out between us.”


“Yes, why don’t you believe me?”

“Because I went and knocked on JC’s door and hour ago and no one answered.”

“Probably because we were on the balcony. Jesus Joey you’re worse than my mother.”

“I was just worried when I couldn’t find you that’s all.”

“I’m fine, JC’s fine and everything’s perfect in Nsync land again, okay?”

“Okay, okay, okay!”

“Good now go to bed, it’s three in the morning and you have to get up early for interviews.”

“Okay goodnight Izzy.” Joey leaned down and kissed her cheek. He sniffed a little,

“Is that cologne?” He asked standing back up,

“I just spent four hours in JC’s room. You think that I wouldn’t smell like him?”

“Okay,” Joey laughed a little, “That would be a good one, you and C. That’s like fire and water.” He shook his head still chuckling, “Goodnight, Iz.”

“Night Joe.” She replied and closed the door after he left and leaned against it thinking of Joey’s comment, “We may be fire and water but when you put them together things tend to get steamy.”
