Chapter Twenty Nine

The next day JC and Izzy had a hard time trying not to stare at each other. The guys had a ton of interviews that morning so Izzy didn’t have much to do. She sat in the background ignoring JC’s stares. He finally caught up with her when she was getting food for Joey at the food table,

“Hello Miss Mariani.”

“Hello yourself Mr. Chasez.” She replied,

“I want you so bad.” He whispered to her and she let out a little laugh,

“You certainly are direct.” JC smiled,

“I just know what I’ve been craving all day.”

“What, do you just want to drop right here and do it?” She whispered back,

“Don’t I wish, how about an empty room in five minutes?” Izzy thought a minute,

“You lead the way, I’ll be there.” She said and walked away and gave Joey his food sitting down with him.

“Here you go senor.” She joked in a Mexican accent.

“Aw, Izzy you’re the best. You didn’t have to.”

“If I let you do it, it would be all junk food.”

“Yes, and instead it’s fruit salad, yum.” He said picking up the bowl and looking at it strangely,

“Oh, shush, it’s good and I got you two cheese burgers.”

“Oh happy day.” He said sarcastically. Izzy saw JC get up and leave the room,

“Whatever, just eat it, Joe. I’m gonna freshen up and be right back.” Izzy got up and headed in the direction that JC went. Lance intercepted her,

“Hey Izzy you got a minute?”

“Um, sure, what’s up Lance?”

“Well I was wondering what you were doing tonight.”

“Well I don’t know, but I don’t think anyone should leave the hotel since you guys have another big day tomorrow.”

“My sentiments exactly, so would you want to watch a movie with me in my room tonight?” Izzy couldn’t think of a reason not too,

“Sure sounds great.”

“Oh, great. Well I’ll let you get back to wherever you were getting to.”

“Okay thanks.” Izzy quickly passed Lance and went down the hall that JC had gone. A hand grabbed her and pulled her into a side room. It was JC who immediately kissed her. Izzy wrapped her arms around his neck. JC’s hands roamed her body hurriedly,

“What took you so long?” He asked,

“I got intercepted by Lance.” She replied and he kissed her again,

“Okay.” His hands were pulling up skirt feeling her legs along the way,

“Chasez, we can’t be away too long.” JC kissed down her neck,

“Just long enough.” He whispered as he unzipped his pants.

Izzy came back to the table all flushed and sat down.

“You look like you just ran a marathon.” Joey commented,

“Then I did my make up right.” She smiled taking a bite of her sandwich.

“So what did Lance want?”

“Huh? Oh he wanted to know if I wanted to watch a movie with him tonight.”

“Really, like a date?”

“No, like I’m going to his room to watch a movie. We’re just friends, what do you want to come?”

“No I wouldn’t want to interrupt.”

“You wouldn’t be, actually that sounds cool. Why don’t we all watch a movie together like one big group? It’d be fun.”

“Okay, as long as Lance won’t mind.”

“He won’t trust me.”


Izzy was talking with Joey as he was getting his hair done when her cell phone rang.

“Hey, sexy how you doing?” It was JC,

“Hey Lucy, I’m doing good, how are things on your end?” JC chuckled a little,

“I’m sitting alone in side dressing room A, and I was wondering of you could pay me a visit.”

“I think I can do that for you.” She replied,

“Oh hey is that Lucy?” Joey said from his chair and Izzy nodded, “Tell her I said hi!” Izzy giggled a little,

“Joey says hi, Lucy.” JC laughed even harder,

“Tell him I said Hi back and that his best friend has the hottest pair of legs around.” Izzy rolled her eyes as she laughed too,

“Joey, Lucy says hi back.” Joey simply nodded,

“So Joey has no clue?”

“Nope none. So about this, uh, project, how long do you think it would take?”

“Hmm, I don’t know but not that long.”

“Well in that case I can do it.”

“Good see you soon.”

“Yeah, see you, bye.” Izzy hung up the phone,

“What did Lucy want?”

“She wanted to know if I could do some sorority stuff for her.”

“Ooo, top secret stuff right?”

“Yep.” She said bopping him on the head with a folder, “Listen, Joey I’m gonna take a walk. I need to stretch my legs after sitting all day.

“Okay, are you coming back?”

“Yeah.” Izzy left and wandered down to the dressing room where JC was. Making sure that no one was looking she went inside. It was completely dark inside, then JC grabbed her from behind and pinned her against the wall, covering her mouth,

“Shh, don’t say another word.” He pulled her towards the couch kissing her, “Mmm, it’s been too long.”

“Since this morning.”

“Like I said it’s been too long.”

They made it a quickie in fear that someone would walk in on them.

“So,” JC said as they were getting dressed, “can I come by tonight?”

“It’ll have to be late, everyone’s watching a movie in Lance’s room tonight.”

“Geez don’t tell me about it.”

“Well you’re hearing about it now.” She retorted,

“That’s beside the point.” He said crossing his arms,

“You know sometimes you can act like such a three year old.” Izzy said getting up from the couch,

“I’m only asking for a little consideration.”

“I’m sorry you weren’t the first person I ran to tell that we were watching a movie tonight. Next time I’ll make sure you’re first on my freakin’ list.”

“What’s with the attitude? It was a simple request.”

“Newsflash for you, Chasez. I’m not about to fall to the floor at your feet and grant every request that you command.”

“Now who’s acting like a three year old?”

“You are.” She said and then opened the door, “I’ve got to go find Joey.” She rolled her eyes at JC and left the room. What the hell was she doing with JC? She was nuts to be doing anything with him, this had disaster written all over it. Then she thought about how his touch affected her and she became aroused. She cursed herself mentally for even liking it, things had to be straightened out between them or this could get out of hand fast.
