Chapter Thirty

Izzy sighed and knocked on JC’s door. He opened it with a smug look on his face.

“Hello Miss Mariani, back for more?” He said licking his lips lustfully. Izzy just rolled her eyes trying to ignore the fact that that one simple gesture was making her wet.

“We need to talk.” She said pushing him aside and walking into his room.

He turned as he shut the door, god he wanted to lay her down and have his way with her right there on the floor. ‘Maybe later’, he thought smiling to himself. Izzy leaned against his dresser; JC walked over to her and grabbed her by the hips. She gasped a little from the shock.

“So Miss Mariani, what do we need to talk about?” He asked leaning in for a kiss. Izzy pushed him away,

“We need to talk about this.” He went to move in again,

“What’s there to talk about? In fact I’d rather have less talking and definitely less clothes.” He slid his hands up under her tank top.

“Listen Chasez, we have plenty to talk about.” He ignored her and kissed her neck,

“Later.” He mumbled and Izzy’s knees went weak from his kisses. Why did he have this effect on her? Never in her life had she had this reaction with someone. JC pulled Izzy to the floor with him,

“Chasez, listen you need to stop that.” She said as his hands pulled off her tank top.

“For a girl who’s so against this, you’re not putting up much of a fight.” He pulled off his own shirt and had Izzy trapped beneath him. His mind was spinning with all of the things he could do with her in that position. Izzy saw that JC was distracted and took the opportunity. She pulled him around and pinned him beneath her. “Well if that’s the way you want it.” JC mused leaning up to kiss her and she pushed him back down. She held him down with her hands pinning his shoulders to the floor.

“Will you fucking listen to me, Chasez? Get a grip.” JC grabbed her ass,

“Oh, I have a grip.”

“Stop, really we need to set some ground rules here.”

“What game are we playing?” He asked smugly staring lustfully at her with his blue eyes. God his eyes were hypnotizing, Izzy thought. JC leaned up again and this time he was victorious as Izzy was lost in his eyes.

“Damn you Chasez!” She hissed as he sucked and kissed her neck.

“Mmm,” He said against her skin, “talking dirty are we?” JC pulled her tightly against him; he wanted to feel all of her. Izzy could feel how aroused he was and simply gave in. She started unbuckling his belt,

“We’re talking afterward.” She hissed.

“Whatever you want.” JC mumbled, lost in her breasts. He wanted to be in her now; he was going to lose it if he didn’t get there soon. Did she know how touching his body the way she did, do to him? Izzy finally freed his throbbing member from his pants and stroked it firmly.

“God, Izzy, I’m gonna, oh.” Was all he could get out. Izzy stopped abruptly and left his arms. JC snapped out of his sex filled haze, “Where are you going?” He growled.

“Chill Chasez, you were the one who wanted less clothes. I could just leave, you know.” Izzy stood there in her underwear and bra, crossing her arms.

“I’d like to see you try.” He said getting up from the floor, shucking his pants to the side and advancing on her.

“What are you going to do?” She challenged him. JC pulled her to him hungrily and kissed her. Izzy was his, there was no way she was moving. JC unhooked her bra and took it off for her. She moaned and her body went limp against his. JC held her up with his arms and lowered her to the floor. His hands wandered down to her panties. He quickly slid them down off her legs and threw them to the side before returning to her. Izzy spread her legs in anticipation and JC slid a finger up her slit, probing her a little, making Izzy gasp,

“Oh, more!”

“You like that? I’ll give you more.” He said and filled her with his simmering manhood. It was almost too much to bear. JC sat there for a few seconds enjoying the feeling of Izzy wrapped around him. He waited too long and Izzy began rocking her hips, whimpering for him to begin. JC took the lead and began thrusting, pounding her as hard and as fast as he could. Izzy’s eyes clouded over in ecstasy as she reached her peak, quickly going over the edge. JC wasn’t too far behind; he hit his peak and collapsed on top of her. Each of them gasped for a breath afterward,

“Is it just me or does that get better each time?” She said and JC rolled off of her and lay on his back,

“It definitely gets better with each time.” Izzy got up and began to dress to the groaning of JC. “You’re just making more work for me, you know.”

“Who says that you’re getting lucky twice?”

“Well I was hoping.”

“Anyways,” She said ignoring his comment, “now that we’re done. We have to talk about this.” She wiggled a finger in between them.

“What about this?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I really like it.” He placed his hands behind his neck, not bothering to get dressed.

“I really like it too, but I don’t want it to get messy. I don’t want a relationship, I just got out of one, but I really like the sex.”

“I agree, so we can be fuck buddies.”

“Kinda, no strings, no feelings, just sex.” Izzy finished sitting down next to him on the floor, “But we only have sex with each other, no one else.”

“Fine, are we gonna tell anyone?”

“Do you think they’d understand?”

“Hmm,” He said letting his hand drift up the inside of her thigh, “probably no, which means we’re going to be sneaking around a lot.” Izzy dropped her head back as he brushed over her center.

“You scared about that Chasez?”

“No,” he murmured, “Incredibly turned on.” He grabbed her waist and pulled her to him again. His hands snaked up under her shirt, as he kissed her neck. Izzy surrendered herself to him as he crawled up on top of her. “I told you it was pointless to put your clothes on.” Then he pulled back suddenly, “You’re on birth control right?”

“No, I let you have unprotected sex with me because I want to have your children.” She retorted,

“A simple, no, would have sufficed.”

“When have I ever been simple?”

“You got that right.”
