Chapter Thirty Six

Izzy bopped out of her room cheerfully and met the guys for breakfast.

“Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes?” She chirped and JC groaned,

“For you to go away and stop being so God damn perky.”

“Here, here.” Justin agreed and she put her hands on her hips,

“Aw, are we a little hung over from last night?”

“We’re not a little hung over, we’re a lot hung over.” Lance mumbled into his coffee and she sat down at the table and started buttering some toast.

“Why aren’t you hung over? You drank at least as much as we all did.” Chris said,

“That’s because I can handle my liquor, my dear.” She smiled at all the guys who were all still trying to get over last night.

“I thought you were going to be worst than all of us.” Joey commented, “Considering the moves you pulled on that bar last night. When did you learn moves like that?” She shrugged her shoulders,

“Eh, here and there.” She glanced at all of them again, “Are you going to make it through the morning? Y’all look like you’re going to fall over at any minute.”

“That’s because that’s how we feel.” Justin grumbled,

“Well then I better go stock up on the aspirin and water for the photo shoot you guys have in an hour huh?” Joey groaned,

“Can’t they just airbrush some new clothes on some of our old photos?” Izzy got up and went over hugging Joey from behind,

“Nope, guess you’re going to have to suck it up and be that cute little pop star we all know you have deep down inside of you.” She said tapping the end of his nose.

“If I wasn’t so hung over, I just might find you funny.”

They were at their second photo shoot of the day and running behind schedule. The guys were fairing a little better now than they were this morning. They were all gulping down water like it was their job.

JC watched as Izzy approached him, hips swaying, a naughty smile on her lips and his blood rushed south of his brain.

“Hey, Chasez” Izzy said in a sexy, husky voice when she stopped directly in front of him. She glanced down at his feet and then up at him, “Nice shoes, wanna fuck?” He chuckled at her brashness and looked around quickly,

“What right here?” It was taking every ounce in his system not to lay her down right there and have his way with her. Izzy shrugged her shoulders,

“Eh, why not? You got anything else planned right now?” She said playfully noticing all the people running around them like chicken’s with their heads cut off.

“Nah, I’m not doing anything right now.” He answered and they both chuckled a little.

One of the stylists for the shoot shoved a box of pins into her hands,

“Hem his shirt, quick, about an inch.” She said in one breath and rushed off. Izzy giggled as she stooped down in front of JC and began hemming his shirt.

“Well that screws that plan.” JC reached for her head,

“You are in the right position to…”

“Chasez, I have sharp pins near your crotch, carefully consider anything you want to do or say to me.” She warned and JC quickly moved his hand away. “You know I think this is the closet I’ve been to your crotch without the intent of anything sexual.” She smiled up at him,

“You just watch where you’re putting those pins.”

“Obviously that stylist didn’t know what she was doing.” Izzy laughed to herself, “Who knows, I could just slip and whoops! No little JC’s, ever.” JC laughed nervously,

“Yeah, real funny.” Izzy’s grinned grew even more,

“Are you nervous Chasez?” Her look turned mischievous, and he glared down at her,

“Don’t get any ideas.”

“Who me?” She said as innocently as possible, “Turn to the left.” She directed and JC did so, “You don’t like pins?”

“Or needles.” She felt him shiver,

“Would that be a phobia?”

“Big time, so hurry up.” He said antsily,

“And miss out on staring at your ass? Hell no! I’m gonna take my God damn sweet time and enjoy this.” She teased and JC relaxed a little laughing at her comment.

“So when can we get together tonight?” He whispered down to her,

“I don’t know, Joey’s got me pretty booked today with his movie stuff. I don’t think I can get away at all.”

“You sure?”

“Trust me, if I could get away I would. I just really don’t think I can, well at least not without Joey knowing about it.”

“Okay,” He sighed, “How much more?” He looked down,

“Stop moving or you’re going to get a pin up your ass and it won’t be my fault.” She said and JC stiffen instantly, “Okay, almost done, the last-” She poked him in the ass with her finger nail and JC flew ten feet in the air. Izzy fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. JC turned on her,

“That was not funny!” He yelled at her, Izzy couldn’t even make a retort because she was laughing so hard. People stopped and stared at them, it made quite a sight. Joey came over to her,

“Izzy what did you do?”

“Freak out Chasez. You should have seen how high he jumped!” She giggled and stood up.

“God you’re just so funny aren’t you.” JC retorted rolling his eyes at her and she put her hands on her hips,

“It was a joke silly.” She said making a face at him and he just walked away shaking his head. She turned to Joey, “I swear that boy wouldn’t know a sense of humor if it smacked him in the face.”

Izzy found a note slipped under her door, it read,

“Meet me at the pool in twenty, please. –JC” She giggled at the please, at least he was trying to be nice. She searched around in her suitcase and found her hot pink bikini that barely covered her and quickly put it on. She slipped on some pants grabbed a towel and was on her way to meet JC at the pool.

It was at least one in the morning and if they weren’t out they were fast asleep. The hotel they were staying at was small and quiet, mostly older guests. The pool area was completely deserted at that time of night and completely perfect for them.

She stood in the doorway and saw JC doing little laps in the pool. She smiled and sauntered towards him.

“Warming up?” She said and placed her towel on the chair by her. JC stopped swimming laps and swam over to the edge of the pool by her.

“You escaped.” He said crossing his arms on the edge and leaning on them. Izzy looked over her shoulder at him,

“Well, you asked real nice.” She winked and slid her pants down her legs, causing her to bend over in front of him. She heard JC suck in air sharply and smiled to herself as she tossed her pants on the chair that held her towel. Izzy turned, “So you’re not all pissy about this morning?” She said as she walked to the edge and sat by JC placing her feet in the water.

“Not when you wear something like that.” He mused moving closer to her,

“What this little old thing?”

“Little is right.” He mumbled and then looked up at her, “You’re not getting in?”

“I’m just testing the water.” JC moved over in between her legs and ran water up over them. “You really want me in there, don’t you?” JC moved his hands up and rested them on her hips,

“Either you get in or I’m coming out. I don’t care.” He said huskily and she grinned sliding forward a little. JC pulled her into the water, directly into his arms. He kissed her as he pressed her up against the side of the pool. Instinctively Izzy wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding him. “Iz, I can’t wait.” He said in between kisses and pushed his suit down revealing his throbbing member. With one swift move he pushed aside her bathing suit and guided himself into her moist center. He nearly lost it when he was completely inside her.

“Chasez, I want you to fuck me so badly.” She whispered huskily into his ear and JC didn’t need to be told twice. He began slamming her against the pool wall,

“Oh, man, Iz, god, fuck…” He trailed on groaning with each thrust, she felt so good.

“Oh fuckk…” She cried out as she came clutching JC with everything she had. Izzy threw her head back enjoying the waves of pleasure racking and rocking her body.

“Ahh, ohhh.” He grunted in response, thrusting one last time, releasing everything he had into her. They sunk a little deeper into the water and Izzy rested her head on the edge of the pool staring up at the night sky trying to catch her breath. JC was face down in her breasts coming down from his high. She let out a little giggle as they floated there for a few quiet moments and JC lifted his head,

“What’s so funny?” He asked as she kept staring at the sky,

“Nothing and everything.” She giggled again. JC let got of her and swam back a few paces.

“What do you mean?” She looked up at her and sunk down to her chin in the water.

“This whole situation with us is just a little funny and ironic, that’s all.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Who would’ve thunk us?”

“Exactly.” She smiled and swam away from him laying on her back, treading water. He followed her,

“Where do you think you’re going?” He yanked on her foot pulling her towards him.

“Apparently back to you.” She laughed and he kissed her again. Then Izzy surprised him by dunking him under the water. She quickly darted away and he came up sputtering,

“Hey!” He shouted and dove after her trying to catch her and return the favor. She splashed him and swam away. JC quickly caught her and tossed her over his shoulder into the water,

“Ahh!” She screamed with laughter and splashed him again. He dove at her again catching her but this time he simply kissed her. Their kissing deepened once again and she wrapped herself around him.

JC couldn’t tell what made this kiss different but it made flashes of light pulse through his eyelids. Someone cleared their throat and JC’s eyes flew open. A flashlight glared down at them and Izzy instantly hid her face in JC’s neck.

“The pool is closed folks.” The guard who was staring down at them growled and JC pushed back the hair from his face. He whispered to Izzy,

“I’ll take care of this.” He said and moved away from her. She kept her back to the guard swimming to the other side of the pool. She hid behind a corner and watched as JC got out of the pool and talked to the guard. Soon they walked together towards the exit. JC shook the man’s hands and the guard left. JC quickly came back to the pool and jumped in.

“It’s all clear.” He called out and Izzy swam out from her hiding place, over to him.

“What did you just do?” JC reached her and pulled her into his arms holding her close,

“I promised him tickets for his daughter and her friend, if he would over look us being here and kept everyone away from this area.” He smiled devishly,

“That was awful sweet of you. Sometimes you are just full of surprises.” She said and kissed him deeply,

“What was that for?” He grinned knowing fully why.

“Because, gracious efforts shouldn’t go unappreciated.” She said and kissed him again,

“If I get rewarded like this, I might do some more gracious efforts.” He mused against her mouth and pulled her over to an alcove that was covered in plants.

Justin went out onto his balcony that looked out into the courtyard of the hotel. He wanted the room with the beach side view and didn’t get it because Joey wouldn’t let him have his room. He sighed and looked down, the pool was there and looked really inviting but he doubted that it was open.

He heard a cry coming from the pool and leaned over more to hear. He heard it again and a he smiled. Some guy moaned and the girl gasped. Some couple were getting it on in the pool. He started laughing and kept on listening to them. He glanced around the pool trying to find them but they were hidden by some of the foliage. But they were getting louder and louder as they reached their peak. This was too good and he had to share it. He ran down to Chris’ room and knocked on the door. Chris opened his door and Justin burst into the room dragging Chris to the balcony.

“Come on you have to see this.”


“Some couple is getting their freak on in the pool. You can hear everything.”

“Justin, I don’t want to hear some-”

“Shh! You can still hear them.” Chris was quiet and heard the moans, groans, oh my Gods, and obscenities that floated up from the pool.

“Holy shit, who ever it is, they’re really going at it. Where are they?”

“I don’t know I can’t see them. All I can see is the pool, but they’re down there.”

“Jesus, it’s like a sound track to a porno.”

“I know, let’s go down stairs and see who it is.” Justin suggested,

“Why you think we would know them? What if it’s some old couple? Eww.” Chris made a face.

“Who cares, I just think it’s funny.” Justin said heading towards the door.

“Fine, hold up.” Chris said chasing after him. They ran down the hall and hopped on the elevator pushing the down button. Two minutes after the doors closed the other elevator opened up and Izzy and JC snuck out looking to see if anyone was around in the hall. Luckily there wasn’t and they quickly ran to their rooms laughing.

The next day JC was the last one to join the group for lunch. Justin was animatedly telling a story,

“So then I went out on my balcony, you know to get some fresh air, and I look down into the courtyard. That’s when I heard it.”

“Heard what?” Lance asked,

“These two people going at it in the pool late last night.” He said and Izzy nearly choked on her water. Joey rubbed her back,

“What? You’re kidding?” She said trying to cover it up,

“Nope, you could hear every grunt, moan and oh my God that came out of their mouths.”

“You could. What did we call it, a soundtrack to a porno.” Chris added, “It was too funny.” He said and the group started laughing. Izzy caught JC’s eye and her grin grew even bigger.

“Did you see who it was?” JC asked,

“Naw, they were hidden by some plants. But I mean these two were really going at it. I surprised that the guy didn’t tear the girl in half he was banging her so hard.” Izzy and JC burst out laughing once again as Justin went on, “Me and Chris went down to sneak a look but they were gone by time we got there to check it out. I would have loved to see who it was.” He sighed,

“Geez Squirt, here I was thinking that all the hot sex we were having would calm those hormones of yours.” Izzy teased, “Now I realized that I’ve only made the monster bigger.” Justin wiggled his eyebrows at her,

“You want to go cure that big monster?”

“Sure, I’ve got five minutes.” She grinned evilly and Justin grabbed his chest as the guys snickered,

“Right here Iz, that was harsh.”
