Chapter Thirty Seven

Izzy walked up to Joey shyly,

“Joey?” She asked sweetly,

“Yes?” He replied knowing that she was up to something.

“I was wondering if some of my sisters could come and visit for the weekend, we could all stay in my room.”

“How many?”

“Just Lucy, Jenna, Mel and Niquita. They’re all huge fans and I really need an estrogen fix right now.” She said and Joey laughed,

“What we don’t have enough estrogen for you?”

“Chasez doesn’t count, I need real estrogen.” JC rolled his eyes,

“You know, you could wait till I’m out of the room to make fun of me.”

“What fun would that be?” She replied.

“Okay that’s enough kids.” Chris said, “If you don’t stop it, I’ll turn this car around and we’ll all go home.” They all laughed and Izzy turned back to Joey,

“So it’s cool?”

“Yeah, it’s cool.”

“It’s cool with the rest of you guys too?”

“No.” JC said and she shot him a look,

“I wasn’t talking to you Chasez.”

“I have a first name you know.”

“And when I feel you’re worthy of it, I’ll call you by it.”

“Hey now, I’m serious about turning this car around.” Chris warned jokingly again.

“So anyways, Chris, Lance and Justin, is it cool?” She said purposely leaving out JC,

“Yeah it’s cool with us.”

“Sweet! You guys are the best!! My friends are going to be so excited.”

Izzy flipped through the TV stations and found the animal planet channel. She began watching it a little and waiting for JC to drop by. It was one of those emergency vet shoes and she really got into it. A scene came on where an owner had to put their beloved cat to sleep after it got hit by a car. Izzy couldn’t hold back the tears and began uncontrollably sobbing. She hated watching shows like this but she couldn’t tear herself away from it.

JC knocked on her balcony door and she answered it,

“What’s the matter?” He asked when he saw her face,

“Oh nothing.” She sniffled and blew her nose, “I was just watching TV and this animal vet show was on and I just got a little worked up over it.” She said flipping off the TV and turned to see JC staring at her, “What?”

“All that, over a TV show?” He asked with a hint of laughter in his voice,

“It was really sad! They had to put their cat down! The whole family was crying.” JC started laughing, “Chasez, it was really sad!”

“I’m sure it was!” He said grabbing his sides and doubling over in laughter. She smacked him playfully,

“Stop laughing! It was so sad, you jerk.” She said half laughing herself. JC was now on the floor still laughing and Izzy jumped on him tickling him.

“Hey!” He shouted out in between laughs and wrestled her back.

“Ahh!” She screeched and burst into giggles as he tickled her. Suddenly he lifted her up and tossed her on the bed. He jumped on her and kissed her. She took over and pushed him down on the bed, with very little effort on his part, JC was naked beneath Izzy’s questing hands and lips. JC then returned the favor teasing her with his lips till she was naked and crying out.

“Fuck me, please, fuck me hard.” She breathed out and he rolled her onto her stomach, drawing her body, around his cock up until she held herself on her knees. He thrust into her soundly, as far as he could reach and she screamed in pleasure.

“Like that? Is that how you want it?" He pulled out and slammed into her again pulling another cry from her lips.

“Yes, yes, please,…more…” She gasped out. He pounded into her again and again and again, picking up his pace until the sound of their bodies coming together tapped out a steady rhythm through the room.

”Shit, fuck, I’m gonna cum. Come with me.” JC told her as he felt himself nearing completion.

“Oh fuck yeah, I’m with you.” She moaned out as her body tensed for the explosion to follow. “Ahh!” JC pushed himself deeper and felt her body clench as she arched to jam her hips up, to receive all he had to give.

“Shit, fuck…” He yelled thrusting into her one last time, holding her tightly to his body as he jerked his release inside of her. He collapsed on her pressing her into the bed.

Izzy felt JC roll off of her and tried to calm her breathing. She simply couldn’t get enough of that man. It was so wrong because it was JC, but at the same time it felt so good and couldn’t deny herself.

“Iz, your phone’s ringing.” JC said tapping her on the shoulder. She sighed reaching for her phone which was on the bed stand.

“Who the hell is calling me at this time of night?” She grumbled, really only wanting to sleep. She answered her phone, “Hello?” She flopped back in bed, “Hey Greg what’s up?” She watched JC get out of bed and start to get dress, “It’s like 2:30 in the morning, why the hell would I be sleeping?” She said sarcastically and JC winced,

“Remind me not to call you at 2:30 in the morning.” He teased and she rolled her eyes at him,

“Greg, I’m just tired. What did you want?”

“See you.” JC said sliding his wallet into his back pocket. Izzy waved to him and concentrated on her phone call,

“What? No, no one’s here. It’s just the TV, that’s all.” She said and JC smirked as he slipped out onto the balcony to go back to his room.
