Chapter Thirty Eight

Izzy was putting some things away in her hotel room when there was a knock on her door. She looked through the peephole and saw Joey standing there. What did he want? He was supposed to be getting ready for his interview. She opened the door and then heard screaming,

“Izzy!” It was Lucy and the girls.

“Lucy! What are you guys weren’t supposed to be here until later tonight!” She said giving the tall blonde a huge hug.

“Come here girlfriend!” Jenna the tall, thin, African American girl shouted next,

“Jenna, oh how I’ve missed you!” She gave her a tight hug, “Jenna you look absolutely wonderful!” Then Izzy saw a plump short brunette,

“Ahh, Niquita!” Then it was Mel, who was short and petite with curly blonde hair. “Oh, Mel!”

“I’ll leave you girls to talk. Izzy are you coming to the interview?” Joey asked.

“I don’t think so. We’ll meet up with you at the concert.”

“Okay I’ll leave everything for you at the front desk for you.”

“Perfect, thanks Joey-bear!” She said and waved goodbye as she hustled all the girls and their luggage into the room.

“I can’t believe that I was just escorted by Joey Fatone of Nsync! Eeee!! This is too much Izzy!” Mel squealed,

“I know I can’t believe that you get to live this life everyday. God it must be fantastic!” Niquita said and Izzy flopped back down on her bed,

“Really you guys, it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. But I made the guys promise to make it as much fun as it can be.”

“Really!!!! Ahh!!” They all screamed together.

“And that starts with presents from the guys and me, hold on a minute while I get them.” The girls squealed with delight as she left her room. JC and Justin passed by her door right then and heard all the screaming.

“What is going on in there?!” JC exclaimed,

“Yeah it sounds like a concert in there.” Justin said then they heard from behind the door,

“Oh my God I think I hear Justin! Ahh!! There he is with JC! Eeee!” Izzy burst out laughing,

“Justin I need your keys to get the presents, my sisters are here a little early.”

“What presents?” JC asked.

“Oh my God they are so hot!!!” They heard from the door and all of them burst out laughing again,

“Girl, they can hear us, shut up!” Izzy heard Jenna say and giggled even more,

“God, this is too much!” She said shaking her head, “Chasez, remember all that stuff I had you sign the other day? Well it was for my sisters, they’re up for the weekend.”

“Great just what we need more sorority sisters hanging around.” JC half joked,

“Watch it Chasez, or I’ll let them have you.” She jokingly warned

“Hey I don’t mind, if they’re anything like Izzy, it’ll be fun.” Justin commented handing her his room key.

“Okay, well you guys better get going before the drool starts to come out from under the doorway.”

“Hey we heard that!!!” The girls yelled and they all started cracking up again. Justin and JC went down the hall and Izzy went to Justin’s room to retrieve the presents. They were huge baskets of t-shirts, stickers, pens, posters, programs, key chains and the like, the best for any fan. The girls went ballistic when they saw them and even crazier when Izzy handed them their all access passes for the concert that night. They hung out and caught up on everything that was going on in their lives. Izzy really missed having her sisters around her. They had surrounded her life for the past five and a half years and she considered each one family.

Izzy decided to show them the arena and introduce them to all the workers behind the scenes. The girls enjoyed it but they really wanted to meet the guys. So when the guys arrived at the arena Izzy found them.

“Hey guys, are you up for a special meet and greet with my girls? They’re really excited to meet you.”

“Sure baby.” Joey said, “I can work my charm on Lucy some more.”

“You’re not that exciting because they already met you, heck they’ve even seen you in your underwear, so you’re no big deal.”

“My underwear?”

“I have some pictures…” She said and Joey grabbed her around her waist tickling her,

“Pain!” He teased and she laughed even harder. Finally he let her go and she took the boys to the room where the girls were patiently waiting. She stopped them outside the door,

“You guys wait out here, let me go see if they’re ready to meet you.” She slipped into the room and Mel pounced on her,

“Where are the guys?”

“Whoa, outside the door, I just wanted to make sure that you guys were all calm and collected before I brought them in.”

“They’re right outside that door?” Jenna practically yelled,

“Yes we’re right outside the door and we can hear you!” Chris yelled through the door and Izzy stifled a laugh,

“Izzy let us in! We’re feeling really left out!” Justin shouted next.

“We promise we won’t bite…hard!” Joey yelled and Izzy shook her head,

“Your sure you want to meet them?” She asked and they all gave her death glares, “Okay, okay, don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” She said and opened the door for the guys to walk in. Joey instantly kissed her on the cheek,

“Sorority girl party! Whoo hoo!” He yelled and each of the guys filed past her with JC coming in last. He stared at her and licked his lips. She gave him a sexy smile before closing the door and turning to the room.

“Okay, I’m gonna make introductions so pay attention.” She said loudly making everyone turn her way,

“Guys, these are my girls-“

“Thanks for pointing that out Iz, I don’t think we could have figured that one out, whew! I’m so glad you were able to clear that up!” Chris exclaimed and she shot him a look,

“ANY WAYS, like I was saying, this is, Lucy Smith, Jenna Marquise, Nicole Jones, we all call her Niquita, Melissa Perrone, but we all call her Mel. Girls you know who the guys are I assume.”

“Um, yeah. We got that covered babe.” Jenna shouted and jumped up walking over to the guys to introduce herself personally. The other girls quickly joined her and the room turned into loud chatter.

Izzy sat down with Lucy who was chillin with Lance,

“Hey baby girl.” Lucy called to her and Izzy leaned on her,

“You’re not moving in on my Lance are you?” She giggled and Lucy rolled her eyes,

“Like I could ever steal a guy from you.” She said poking her in the side and Izzy jumped,

“Don’t!” She exclaimed and Lucy laughed,

“Baby girl you were always so ticklish.”

“Shh, don’t tell them.” Izzy said covering Lucy’s mouth, “They’ll never stop if they know that!” She said still laughing so hard that the two fell over backwards in their chairs. The whole room stared at them and Lance stooped down to help them up. Lucy and Izzy were laughing so hard that they couldn’t. They simply rolled over themselves and each other.

“Aw man Lance always gets the prime sorority sister action!” Joey shouted which made Izzy and Lucy laugh even harder,

“Don’t even try Lance!” Mel yelled over their laughter, “When those two get going it’s a lost cause. They’re impossible.” She rolled her eyes with laughter brimming out of her mouth.

It felt too soon that the meet and greet for the girls had to end. The guys had some last minute things to do before the sound check party that the girls were dying to go to. So the guys left and the girls made their way out into the audience.

“Did I ever tell you that I love you Izzy?” Niquita squealed as they found their spots,

“Yes, but I still love the adoration. Keep it coming.” She teased and Mel was a little quiet which was unusual. “Mel, come in Mel.” Izzy sang to her and she looked up,


“You’re quiet, that’s what.” A dreamy smile came over her face,

“I just met Nsync. I, just met Nsync, as in Lance, Joey, Chris, JC and Justin, Nsync. I just hung out with them as if I knew them forever. I hung out with Nsync and I’m gonna hang out with them tonight.” Izzy burst out in laughter and hugged her playfully,

“Yes, you just met five of the biggest dorks in the country. Don’t you feel special?”
