Chapter Thirty Nine

The girls were hanging out in one of the side rooms while the guys prepared for the show. The guys popped in and out variously to the delight of the girls. Jenna stood up and turned on music. She began dancing around the room and soon the other girls joined in. ‘Bust a move’ by Young MC came on and Izzy shouted,

“Girl that’s the jam, turn that up!” Mel was by the CD player and turned it up. Izzy started dancing crazily around the room to the laughter of the other girls. She did the running man and the roger rabbit and the girls cheered for her loudly,

“Go Baby Girl!” Jenna shouted with laughter.

JC and Lance were walking around when they heard the yells of the girls and went to investigate. They saw Izzy dancing around in the middle of the room and began to laugh.

“She’s completely nuts!” JC laughed,

“Yeah, she is. How come she never dances like that with us?”

“I think that’s a good thing.” JC said. Izzy saw the guys watching her and caught JC’s eye and winked with a huge smile on her face. She bounded out of the room,

“What do you guys think you’re doing? Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere, like hair and make up?”

”We were just going there. Until we saw this crazy maniac dancing. She looked a lot like you, oh wait she WAS you!” JC teased,

“Funny Chasez, you’re so fucking hilarious. We all know that your dancing is SO much better.” She said wagging her head at him,

“Uh oh, we better go Lance, she’s pulling out the attitude!”

“I know you’re scared of me Chasez, just admit it.”

“Scared of your face maybe.” He retorted,

“Yours is pretty scary without makeup so maybe you should go put some on so you don’t scare all the kiddies out there.”

“Okay kids break it up.” Lance said playfully and Izzy turned on him,

“Don’t even get me started on you Mr. Bass.”

“I’m sure that’s what he would love you to do.” JC said to a mortified Lance as he dragged him away, “We have to go.” JC said throwing a wink over his shoulder at her to which she simply rolled her eyes. As they walked away she saw Lance punch him in the arm and she laughed that Lance was defending her.

The girls got to experience all the pre-show rituals with the guys. Watching them play hackey sack and then the group prayer. Then it was Izzy’s turn as she stood by the ramp to the stage with the girls. Chris was the first one, he picked her up and swung her around,

“Good luck Chris, don’t look down.” She said playfully,

“Thanks Izzy.” He smiled at her as he put her down and Justin came up next. He went in as to kiss her and she rolled her eyes at him,

“Like you could ever get with this, Timberlake.” She winked at him,

“In my dreams Izzy, only in my dreams.” He smiled, hugged her and planted a kiss on her cheek,

“Good luck Junior.” She smiled and he shook his head,

“Thanks Killer.” He said and ran up the ramp. Joey reached her and pulled her into a huge bear hug,

“Ooo, good luck my Joey-bear. Have a really good show and don’t forget anything, kay?” He pulled back and smiled,

“What me forget anything? Nah.” He kissed her cheek, “Love you princess.”

“Love you too, Joe.” Lance eagerly came up to her next and she opened her arms up wide, “Come her Lance.” Lance hugged her,

“Good luck and have a great show, baby.”

“Thanks Izzy.” He kissed her cheek extremely close to her lips as he pulled away and winked to her as he ran up the ramp. JC prepared to run by Izzy as he usually did as she shouted out a retort, but she surprised him today when she grabbed his hand as he walked by,

“Good luck JC. Have a good show.” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. A small smile spread across his face and he squeezed back with a wink,

“Thanks.” They dropped their hands and he ran up the ramp. The one thing that stuck out in his mind is that she called him JC.

“I do have a first name you know.”

“And when I think you’re worthy of it I’ll call you by it.” That girl was full of surprises.
