Chapter Fifty Two

The next day Izzy walked though the busy lobby with Chris and Dre. She had her arm through his chatting playfully and joking around. Girls screamed for him and she burst out laughing a little,

“Chris if they ever really knew you they’d run straight in the other direction.” She teased,

“Yeah, why don’t you?”

“Dumb, naïve, and I love y’all to much.” She said with a wink and he laughed. Chris signed some autographs and she waited patiently by his side. She took some photos for the fans all the while getting suspicious looks from the girls. She heard one of the girls whisper loudly,

“That’s Lance’s fiancé!”

“No, I heard that she was dating Justin!”

“That was just to cover up their engagement!” Izzy caught Chris’s eye and smiled at him knowing he heard the girl’s conversation.

“You almost done, honey pie? We’ve really got to get you going so you’re not late.” Chris picked up on it,

“Okay darling this is the last one.” He said bating his eye lashes at her making her laugh,

“Baby, I love the way you make me laugh. You’re so cute.” Chris smirked handing the paper back to the fan and grabbed her hand as they walked away.

“That’s right, I’m dead sexy, everyone wants my hot bod, even Dre.” Izzy laughed really hard at that one and Chris dropped a kiss on her cheek. Izzy pulled back in fake shock,

“Chris, not here, Lance might find out about us!” She giggled as they left the hotel,

The next morning Izzy bounced down to breakfast with the guys,

“Good morning guys!”

“Well, aren’t we little miss perky today.” JC retorted as she sat down,

“You know Chasez, I keep trying to see things from your point of view but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.” She joked and grabbed a bagel. The other four were exceptionally quiet. She glanced at each of them and the nervously swept sideways glances at her. She put her bagel down and stared at them.

“Okay, out with it, what’s got y’all so quiet this morning?”

“Nothing, er, we’re just all tired.” Justin said quickly taking a sip of coffee,

“I’m so sure, really if you’re going to lie to me you have to come up with a better excuse than that.” She looked at Lance, “Lance? Please tell me what’s got y’all looking like someone’s going to drop a bomb.” He swallowed hard looking everywhere but her, she narrowed her eyes, “Lance, tell me.” She said sternly and he sighed handing her a paper. Joey tried to intercept but Izzy was too quick. Justin smacked Lance and she shot him a look, “Don’t you dare lay a hand on Lance for telling me what you cowards wouldn’t.” She said and Justin sank down into his chair. Izzy glanced over the page that Lance had open. Near the bottom was an article, “Nsync: Two stepping or Two timing?” Izzy began to read it, slowly she glanced over the pictures. There were ones with her and Justin on stage singing lovingly to each other, her and Joey playing around but she was captured in his arms, Chris kissing her in the lobby the other day and then one of her and Lance at a club together kissing. Each picture was completely innocent, in fact she wanted a copy of them. The article talked about how she was two timing each of the guys and planning on breaking them up. As she read it more she began to laugh. The more she read the harder she laughed to the point where she was on the floor in the fetal position.

The guys couldn’t believe her reaction. They all thought that she would be furious over the article. Finally she stopped laughing enough to crawl back into her seat. With a few giggles she wiped her eyes,

“Thanks, that was the best laugh I’ve had in such a long time.”

“You’re not mad or upset?” Lance asked,

“Heck no!” She exclaimed, “This is damn funny shit! Me, the traitorous girlfriend of Nsync, better yet the Yoko Ono of Nsync! What a riot!” She said and began laughing again,

“You’re seriously not upset?” Joey asked,

“No, I’m laughing to hid the tears because what some dumbass reporter, who doesn’t know me at all, writes on the last page of the entertainment section of the paper. Really I want to cut it out and frame it.. It’s too beautiful!” She said and started giggling again. The boy’s began laughing a little with her,

“Stephen’s already put a statement out about the article.”

“Aw that was sweet of him. I’ll have to thank him later. Actually can I have this? I want to scan is and e-mail it to my sisters, they’ll just die when they read it.”

“So you’re really not upset?” Justin asked,

“Oh my GOD NO! You guys know I don’t care what people who don’t know me think of me. Now if you guys had said this about me, I’d be upset, but really, I’m cool with it.” The guys relaxed a little, “I think it’s sweet that you guys got so worked up over it.”
