Chapter Fifty Three

Izzy turned over and rolled into a solid form. She opened her eyes and realized that it was JC. She smacked him as she sat up in her bed,

“You making this a regular thing, Chasez?” She grumbled and JC groaned,

“What?” He said and covered his head.

“Sleeping in my bed.” She replied and got up from the bed walking into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and decided to let him deal with how he was going to get out of her room unnoticed.

She stepped into the shower and enjoyed the hot spray. It felt so good against her skin and she felt like she could stay there forever. She reached for her shampoo and poured some into her hand before setting it down again. JC swatted her ass and she stood up quickly, turning to see him hop in the shower with her.

“JC, you have a shower in your room.”

“I like yours better.”

“Why?” She said and began shampooing her hair. He moved closer to her,

“Because you’re in it.” He smiled and she rolled her eyes at him,

“As long as you don’t get in my way, I don’t care.” JC moved his hands into her hair, massaging her scalp. It felt wonderful and she felt like one of those girls in the herbal essence commercial.

“Am I in the way?” JC asked,

“No.” She said closing her eyes, “You’re not showering.” She pointed out. JC turned her around to rinse her hair out.

“I’m a quick showerer, don’t worry.” Izzy grabbed a bar of soap and began rubbing it against his body. He smiled at her,

“What?” She shrugged her shoulders, “I figured that I would help you out a little.” She smiled and bent down to soap up his legs. JC groaned at her hands, they felt so good to him. This was something he could go for on a daily basis.

“How bout this Iz, I’ll pay you to massage me and shower me.”

“Do I still have to have sex with you?”

“Of course.”

“So what, I’d be your personal sex slave?”

“Mmm, I’d give you the official title of my personal groomer.”

“You sound like a horse.” She giggled and pushed him under the spray to rinse off. She put conditioner in her hair and JC began to soap her body,

“Mmm...” She moaned as his hands roamed her body. He paid special attention to her breasts running lazy circles over them before moving down towards his legs. Izzy took the opportunity and began shampoo his hair. “You’re gonna smell like me today. Let’s hope no one notices.” She said and he moved back up her body.

“Why, afraid that they’ll figure us out?”

“No, because they’ll really begin to wonder about your sexuality.” She teased and JC backed her up against the wall, causing her hands in his hair to wrap around his neck. His body was pressed against hers,

“You can defend me.” He said and brushed his lips over hers,

“What am I going to say? Yes, folks I know he’s not gay because I have sex with him every night?”

“And sometimes during the day.” He said kissing her again,

“And sometimes during the day.” She repeated finishing her previous statement. “Happy?” JC kissed her again,

“Hmm, put something in about how big Mr. Happy is.”

“Oh, like how it’s this big?” She said pinching her finger together.

“It’s that small?” He asked and grinded against her leg, she felt his erection and knew it wasn’t that small,

“Okay,” she gave in and pulled her fingers apart about an inch, “maybe this big.”

“You’re a pain in the ass.” He said and began tickling her,

“Ahh!” She screamed and the two went at it chasing each other around the confined space. They splashed each other until they were exhausted. JC sat down on the floor of the shower still laughing,

“You’re exhausting in the shower.” He said and she joined him on the floor, wiping shampoo off his forehead,

“Yeah, well you still have shampoo in your hair.” She giggled as some of his hair flopped down his forehead. He pushed it all back, out of the way,

“Better?” He asked and she kneeled in front of his. She took the shower spray in her hand and tilted his head back. She rinsed his hair of the shampoo. Her chest was level with his face and he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He sucked and nipped at her breasts. His one hand held her in place while the other traveled up and own her curves. Izzy moaned urging him to go on. She dropped the shower spray and braced herself on the wall. JC hand slipped between her legs and began to probe her wetness,

“Oh, yeah.” She moaned as she moved her hips with his rhythm. He slipped another finger into her and rubbed her clit with his thumb. “Faster.” She whispered and JC appeased her pumping her faster and faster till he felt her body go rigid with her orgasm. “Oh, goodness…” She moaned as her orgasm racked her body and she slid down the wall and into his lap. Izzy was trying to catch her breath and laid her head against his shoulder.

“You okay?” He asked and she nodded,

“Oh yeah.” She sighed and he chuckled pulling her close. He liked feeling the after tremors of her orgasm. “You’re completely exhausting in the shower.” She said and they both broke out into laughter. JC kissed her neck and moved up her jaw, “I see someone’s not done yet.” She mused,

“Not even close.” He replied and kissed her. He rolled her under him and trapped her between the wall and himself. The cool tile against her back and the heat from his body made her body tingle with anticipation. JC didn’t wait long before he spread her legs and slipped into her. “God Izzy, why do you always feel amazing?” He whispered against her neck and began to move his hips against hers. All Izzy could do is moan and whimper. JC began to move faster and faster. Izzy dug her nails into his shoulder blades and arched her back wanting to feel more of him. The steam encircled the couple and Izzy couldn’t figure out if it was that or JC that was making it hard to breathe. The pleasure seemed to be suffocating her; it washed over her, wave after wave. Then all at once JC squeezed her with all his might and bit down on her neck but Izzy didn’t feel the pain only pleasure. JC was still clutching her as he came down and Izzy realized that she really couldn’t breathe. Panic washed over her when JC wouldn’t let her go. She frantically pushed him away and tried to get up. A confused JC tried to pull her back to him to figure out what was wrong.

“Izzy, what’s wrong?” Izzy shook her head and made her way out of the bathroom. She moved into the bedroom looking for her bag. It was on the dresser and she grabbed it turning it upside down dumping all the contents on her dresser. She grabbed her inhaler and quickly took a hit. Feeling the medicine hit her lungs and open them up letting fresh oxygen hit them, she collapsed onto the floor. A confused JC walked out of the bathroom to see Izzy collapse by the bed. His heart jumped into his throat and he rushed to her side.

“Izzy!” He yelled and found her awake lying by the bed trying to catch her breath. He pushed her hair out of her face.

“Are you okay?” She nodded and JC grabbed a robe and covered her up. She smiled, taking another hit of her inhaler,

“It seems,” She paused to take a breath, “that you literally took my breath away.” She started to giggle and JC just looked at her in shock.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Izzy shook her head,

“I’m fine now. The steam was too much for me and made me have an attack.” JC stroked her hair,

“I was freaked out that I had done something to you.” His fingers pushed away some more hair and he saw the bite mark on her neck. “Geez, I’m sorry.” He laid a kiss over the bruise.

“What?” She ran a hand over where he just kissed.

“I left a mark.” Izzy closed her eyes with a little smile,

“It’s what I get for liking it rough.” She laid her head against the bed wanting to sleep, she was completely exhausted,

“Izzy?” JC called to her gently, “Izzy?”

“Hmm…?” She rolled her head towards him and slowly opened her eyes,

“You’re scaring me.” She leaned over and leaned against his chest,

“I’m completely exhausted, that attack took a lot out of me.” She murmured against his chest. JC stroked her wet hair soothingly,

“Do you need anything?”

“My bed.”

“Okay.” He picked her up and placed her in bed. He tucked her in and sat down on the edge, “Better?”

“Yeah, thanks for taking care of me.”

“No, problem, I’ve got to keep you in top shape or else I’m gonna have to start sleeping with thirteen year olds.”

“The things I do for you guys.” She mumbled and buried her face in the pillow. JC laughed at her and quickly got dressed in the clothes he had brought over. Shoving everything else under her bed he opened her door and poked his head out, the hallway was thankfully empty. He snuck out and walked down to his room.

“Hey C!” Lance called and he jumped about five feet, he turned,

“Geez Lance! You scared me!”

“Sorry you haven’t seen Izzy up yet have you?”

“She’s staying in this morning.”

“Huh? Why?”

“She had an attack.” JC shrugged his shoulders.

“Another asthma attack? Wait how do you know?” JC looked at Lance’s accusing stare,

“I heard a thump in her room this morning. I know what a klutz she is and decided to check it out.”

“You didn’t do anything to her did you?” ‘Except fuck her brains out, no.’ JC thought to himself,

“Lance, I might not like the girl but you guys seem to care a lot for her and even though she doesn’t show it often, she is human. I am not that much of an asshole to kick a girl when she’s sick. I simply went in there to see of she was okay and she was. So back off.” He said sternly and Lance took a step back,

“C, I’m sorry.”

“Kay, look where’s everyone else? They should be up and at the car by now.”

“They are, I came up to get you and Izzy. We knocked on your doors all morning and didn’t get any response. I was coming with the card to key into your rooms.”

“Fine let’s go.” He said and strided off towards the elevators. JC was in a grumpy mood all morning till he checked his phone messages. Apparently Izzy had left him one when he was away from his phone,

“Hey JC I know I couldn’t be there to defend your sexuality so I did the next best thing. She paused taking a deep breath, “I, Isabella Angelina Mariani, attest to the fact that Joshua Scott Chasez is not gay because I have sex with him on a nightly basis and sometimes during the day. Plus I would like to say that he has the biggest dick that I have ever fucked. Have a good day Mr. Chasez.” She finished and JC broke down in laughter. The other guys stared at him because they couldn’t figure out what was so funny.

“Dude, what’s so funny?” Chris asked and JC simply shook his head still laughing as he saved the message.

“I just got a really great message from an old friend.” He chuckled to himself.

Izzy stayed in bed the rest of the day. The attack really wore her out. That night Joey came in and checked on her.

“Hey princess.” He said soothingly and she lifted her head a little,

“Hey Joey-bear.”

“How ya feeling? JC told us what happened.”

“I fell like someone drained all my energy.”

“So I guess you’re not in any shape to go out with us huh?”

“Not in the least. Have a good time and behave.”

“I always behave.” He smirked and she groaned,

“Maybe I should give you guys a chaperone.”

“Nah, we’ll be good. Sweet dreams princess.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead.

“Goodnight Joey-bear.” She said and flopped down into her pillows again.
