Chapter Fifty Four

The next thing Izzy knew was that someone was pounding on her door. They were persistent and finally she dragged herself from her bed, muttering about someone better be dead. She opened the door to reveal a very drunk JC who almost fell into her room. He caught himself on the doorframe and smiled lustfully at her.

“Hey baby.” He slurred stumbling towards her, she moved out of his reach.

“What do you want, Chasez?”

“I think you know what I want.”

“Go to bed, Chasez.”

“Oh baby, don’t tease me.” He moved towards her again and she pushed him away,

“I said go to bed.”

“What’s with the attitude? This morning I was the biggest dick you’ve ever fucked and now you act like I’m a pest.”

“That’s because you heard me wrong. I said that you’re the biggest dick I’ve ever met.”

“What? Do I have to pay you now? Is that what you want?”

“I don’t want anything from you.”

“Bull shit, you want me and you know it. Stop playing games with me.” He sneered,

“Yeah, Chasez, I want you. I want you to leave.” She retorted and slammed the door in his face. Instantly he began pounding the door again yelling,

“Open the fucking door! You’re such a fucking tease!” Izzy opened the door, but this time she had a pitcher of water. Before he could get another word out she poured the water over his head.

“Now that you’ve cooled off, go to bed and leave me the fuck alone.” She retorted and slammed the door in face again. She heard him mutter,

“Fucking whore, teasing bitch, just like fucking Bobbie.” Little did he know that these words cut right to her heart.

The next day Izzy was so upset with JC that she could barely stand to be in the same room as him. Luckily for the first part of the day he was working off his hangover and didn’t notice. Though when it did wear off he took notice of her behavior and cornered her at lunch,

“What’s the matter?” He asked and she crossed her arms,

“I have nothing to say to you.” She huffed and tried to push past him but he quickly stopped her,

“Izzy I was drunk.”

“Gosh, Sherlock you think?” She retorted and JC sighed letting that one go,

“I wasn’t in my right mind.”

“I don’t care, get away from me.” She said trying to get away but he blocked her again,

“Come on, listen to me.”

“I got quite the earful last night, thank you very much.” She said and Lance came up to them at that point,

“Is everything okay, Iz?” Izzy stared at JC,

“Fucking fantastic, Lance.” She said grabbing his hand. Lance quickly pulled her to him and JC had no choice but to let her go with Lance. He put his arm around her as they walked away.

“Fuck her.” JC growled to himself but he knew he didn’t mean it. He wanted to make everything all right between them.

“Hey Izzy take our bus today!” Justin asked,

“I don’t want to be near Chasez.” She said.

“I think he wants to hang out with Joey today. So you’re in the clear.”

“Then I’m definitely on your bus.” She said hopping on the bus and sitting down next to Chris. Justin followed and plopped down next to her,

“You know one of these day you might actually like JC.”

“Uh huh, when pigs fly.” She retorted,

“You know you two used to get along back in the day.” Chris joined in the conversation,

“What do you mean, I never met him before this tour.”

“Yeah you did. We used to go out to clubs all the time when you were a senior in high school.” Chris said,

“No, it was always you, me, Joey and his friend from Disney, Josh. What ever happened to that kid?”

“Uh, Iz, that’s JC.” Justin said and Izzy stared at the duo,

“Nuh uh. That’s not Josh. I actually got along with Josh, he was cool. JC, not cool.” The two nodded their heads,

“That’s what the JC stands for, Josh Chasez, he shortened for the Mickey Mouse Club because there was another Josh on the show. He didn’t start going by JC till he joined Nsync.” Justin said and then grinned, “JC had the biggest crush on you. He talked about you all the time on the set.”

“I can’t believe that JC is my Josh. When the hell did he become Mr. Prima donna pop star?”

“He’s not like that at all. I don’t get you two, why can’t you get along?” Chris asked,

“We’re just too different now.”

“More like too stubborn.” Justin commented,

“Hey he could have had me back then if he only tried.”

“The only reason he didn’t go for you was because of Joey.” Chris said,

“Well that and he had really bad pick up lines.” Justin added,

“I bet he still does. Like, ‘Come here often?’ or ‘I’m in Nsync sleep with me.’” They all started laughing,

“I think he actually used that first one.” They all laughed harder,

“Back in the day it would have been cute, but now, it’s pretty pathetic.”
