Chapter Fifty Five

Later that night JC knocked on Izzy’s door and stepped away from the peephole so that she couldn’t see him. Izzy answered the door cheerfully but turned sour when she saw JC standing there. With out letting her talk he burst into her room and shut the door. As shocked as Izzy was from the intrusion, JC was more shocked at what she did next. She kissed him, hungrily devouring his lips with hers. She pulled him roughly towards the bed and JC willingly followed unable to deny her, he needed her more than anything he needed in his life. Clothes were torn off as they fell against the bed,

“Fuck me!” She said forcefully against his lips through their crushing kisses and rough caresses. “Fuck me doggie style!” She hissed at him and he was even more turned on by her directness. He flipped her on all fours and stuffed her to the brim with his manhood.

“Oh God yes! Fuck me!” She yelled and JC grunted in response as he began thrusting wildly. It was pure, rough animal sex, no emotions were played, only Izzy’s screams of pleasure as he ravaged her body. Soon they both collapsed and he trapped her underneath him. They laid there for a few second before Izzy pushed JC off of her and got up.

“I’m gonna go shower, I’m sure you can see yourself out. Be gone by time I get out.” She said coldly and went into the bathroom shutting the door and locking it behind her.

JC stared after her as he laid in the bed. She had been so callus and cold towards him. She must be really mad at him for last night though he barely remembered it. Last thing he knew was that he was back at the hotel and then he woke up soaking wet in the clothes he had worn out. He had had way too much to drink last night, he didn’t meant to drink that much. He planned on making it an early night and going home to Izzy. But at the club he got really thirsty and kept downing them. Before he knew it, it was three in the morning and he was a complete waste case. Now Izzy was mad at him and he didn’t even know why.

He slowly got up and pulled on his boxer shorts in an attempt to get dressed. He just couldn’t, he needed to work this out with Izzy. He couldn’t take her being mad at him, so he waited for her to come out of the shower.

Izzy climbed into the shower and broke down in sobs. This was exactly how she wanted it to be with JC, so why was she so upset over what happened? This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid by being with JC. She thought that she was safe with JC because she hated him, there was no way she could have feelings for him. How did this happen? She was only going to get hurt by him, they were too opposite to work. Lance was a good choice for her, he was everything she needed, only thing was, he wasn’t what she wanted.

She finished up her shower trying to calm down from her sobbing. She threw on a robe and wrapped up her hair in a towel. She sighed as she opened the door glad that JC had left.

JC was sitting on the far side of the room. He saw Izzy come out of the bathroom. Her eyes were so red and puffy like she had sobbed her heart out. God he wanted to go over and hold her till everything was better. She looked sad but relieved, that is till she saw him sitting in her room. Instantly she was rigid and cold. She stared at JC,

“What are you doing here?” She hissed icily,

“I want to talk.” He replied,

“We don’t talk.” She replied crossing her arms. JC got up from the seat and crossed over to her,

“Yes we do. At least lately we did. Heck we even had inside jokes.” He said trying to get her to at least smile at him but she just raised an eyebrow at him,

“I’m sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone who cares.”

“Izzy don’t do this.”

“Do what Chasez? This is exactly how things should be, how I want them to be.”

“No you don’t.” He moved closer to her, “Because in the beginning we couldn’t stand each other and now I thought that we were at least friends.”

“You thought wrong.”

“Well I considered you my friend, regardless of if you did.”

“That’s your problem, not mine.” She retorted and the closer he got the harder it was for Izzy to keep up her bitchy shell.

“I still consider you my friend, even though you’re trying to push me away. I know you’re mad at me, what did I do?”

“Didn’t think you were friends with teasing bitches.”

“Who said anything about you being a teasing bitch?” She just rolled her eyes and moved away from him.

“Whatever, I don’t care, no feelings, no ties.”

“You’re chicken.” She whipped around,

“What did you say?”

“You’re completely scared to face me.”

“You’re not everything you think you are.”

“What am I then?”

“An asshole, just like always.” JC advanced on her again,

“Why am I an asshole?”

“You need a reason? I thought that it was your natural charming personality.” She said sarcastically,

“Izzy, quit with the shit and tell me why you’re upset with me!” JC yelled in frustration,

“Who said anything about being upset?”

“You were crying in the shower.”

“I was not.”

“Your eyes are all red and puffy.”

“The shower was just hot.” She said, JC moved closer and grabbed her waist, pulling her to face him,

“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Izzy looked away from him blinking away tears. She didn’t want to cry in front of him,

“I hate you.” She hissed and then looked at him, “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m your friend and I hurt you.” She tried to push him away but he kept a firm grasp on her,

“Damn you Chasez!” She yelled and tears began to pour down her face. “You were such a jerk last night! Every time I start to think that you might actually be okay, you go pull crap like last night! You’re literally driving me insane! I can’t stand you but I can’t get away from you because of this stupid physical attraction I have for you!”

“What did I do to you that was so horrible?”

“You come pounding on my door in your fucking drunken stupor acting like I was just a convenient hole to fuck! I was so degraded by your actions and the thing was no matter how many times I said no you wouldn’t lay off! You acted like you owned me and that what I wanted didn’t matter. No guy is allowed to do that to me, least of all you!” She broke down crying again. JC pulled her tightly against him and stroked her hair,

“Iz, I don’t know what to say. That’s not me, you know that.” She looked up at him,

“Do I? How the hell do I know who the real you is? Is it JC of the morning or JC of the night? Which one is the real JC?” She broke away from him and held herself. JC turned and followed her,

“I don’t know what came over me last night. That’s not me I swear. I was really drunk; I don’t remember anything past getting back to the hotel. I don’t know what came over me.”

“That doesn’t make what you did right.” She threw over her shoulder and her icy shell was returning. JC placed a hand on her shoulder,

“It doesn’t make what I did right. In fact you have every right to be pissed at me. All I can say is that I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He said sincerely and then he began singing,

“I’m sorry, so sorry. I’m sorry, so sorry.” She began to laugh a little and he turned her around. Izzy playfully smacked him,

“You know you’re a big jerk sometimes. Your only saving grace is that you’re hot.” She teased sniffling a little,

“Ah the truth comes out, you think I’m hot.”

“Of course. Did you think I would sleep with an ugly person? As if!”

“Oh that’s right. How unshallow of me.” He teased and then he kissed her. Their kiss deepened and JC pulled her closer. She began pulling him towards the bed, JC already had her robe untied and Izzy’s hands were finding their way into his boxers,

“Mmm, Izzy, just get rid of the them.” He moaned and she smiled against his lips,

“Maybe I like the challenge.”

“Pain in the ass.” He mumbled moving his lips down her jaw to her neck,

“Hmm, not tonight.” She mused and felt JC chuckled against her skin. Finally she pushed JC’s boxers down and he stepped out of them. Izzy immediately pulled him tightly against her body craving the contact. They fell on top of the bed and JC’s lips traveled all over her body making her skin feel like it was on fire. She moaned pleasurably and JC moved between her legs, spreading them apart. He gently kissed his way down her thighs till his tongue sought and found her center. Izzy sucked in a shallow breath, then he lowered his mouth on her.

“Oh…” Izzy moaned when he licked at her. Her hips bucked up and forced him even deeper. “Ooh!”

“Easy, cowgirl.” He chuckled and wrapped his lips around her sweet nub and sucked tenderly. Continuing his ministrations until she was sobbing for release, JC sucked her to the edge and back.

“Oh,...JC, I...Ahh!” Izzy shuddered with the force of her orgasm, but he continued as she creamed against his mouth. He swiftly took her to her next explosion before inserting two pumping fingers as he moved to align their bodies. Izzy tasted herself as he kissed her. Before she realized it, he moved between her legs, replacing his fingers with the head of his shaft. Slowly, he entered her and began thrusting in and out of her. She was so tight. She held him like a hot, velvet fist. He kissed her hungrily as he increased the tempo and she began to quiver. Her entire body began to clench with pleasurable tension. Every nerve seemed to tighten with each stroke. “Ahh!” Izzy went over the edge, falling into complete ecstasy. Feeling her body clenching him, JC stiffened then exploded into her.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” He cried out and after a long moment JC lifted his head from her shoulder to find Izzy’s eyes closed to him.

“Iz?” He called to her and her eyes fluttered open,

“Yes, Mr. Chasez?” She mused happily and he chuckled a little,

“Just checking to see if you were there.”

“Mmm, yeah I’m here, barely, that was sooo good.” She said closing her eyes again snuggling into his arms, “Are you staying the night again?”

“If that’s okay.” He said laying on his back, “I don’t think I can move.”

“You can’t move?!” She began laughing, “I can’t even feel my legs.”

“Shows you how good I am.” He teased making muscle man poses and she playfully pushed him,

“I’ve created a monster.” Then he rolled over and faced Izzy,

“Hey we have a few days of vacation coming up. Why don’t we go away to the Bahamas or something?” Izzy stared at him like he had three heads,

“What have you been smoking? I’m not in the mood for jokes, JC.”

“I’m serious, if we get away think of all the horizontal action we could get in, all day, all night,” He nuzzled her neck, “on the beach, in the Jacuzzi, and we wouldn’t have to hide it.”

“Here’s a thought, why don’t you think with the head on your shoulders instead of the one between your legs.”

“Well that’s the one you like better.” He teased an she laughed,

“How true, how true, but really do you think that no one will notice we went away together?”

“We’ll take separate planes and say that we’re going to separate places.”

“Okay, do you think we could stand living in the same place for three whole days?”

“I don’t plan on doing much talking, do you? God, just thinking about it is making me hard.” He mentioned as he absently grinded against her leg.

“That’s cuz you’re always horny. Whoever said that Joey was the horny one sure was wrong.”

“So is that a yes?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her,

“I was planning on going home with Joey or Lance had invited me to visit his family with him, you know since we’re engaged an all.” She joked and JC rolled his eyes,

“So, come on.”

“How will I explain the tan?”

“Trust me, we won’t be spending much time outdoors.”

“I don’t know, three whole days alone with you…”

“You’ll enjoy it with my plans.”

“Hey, I still maintain that I’m sleeping with you out of pity.” She teased and JC grabbed her an pinned her to the bed,

“Do you now?” He smiled holding her in place beneath him.

“Yes.” She challenged, sticking her tongue out at him. JC scooped down and captured her tongue, sucking on it lightly. He then pulled it into his mouth and kissed her. JC moved his mouth south; leaving a trail of licks and kisses down to her breasts. He took one of her harden nipples into his mouth and she squirmed with pleasure,


“Is it still out of pity?” He teased before moving to her other nipple. He bit her skin tenderly,

“Oh!” She gasped and he smiled against her skin,

“You like that, eh? Want more?”

“Oh, yesss…” She said with a voice full of desire.

“Am I still a charity case?”

“I was just joking.” She said and JC spread her legs with his knees and rubbed his harden manhood on her moist center. She bucked up her hips trying to get him to enter her, but her pulled away,


“Please, JC, please.” She begged with her eyes close,

“Say that you’ll go away with me.”

“JC, I-” He moved in little and then pulled out again. It took every last bit of restraint in his system but he needed her to go away with him. Three whole days alone with her would be heaven! He would finally be able to tell her how he felt about her.

“Say that you’ll go away with me or I’ll walk right out that door.” He rubbed up against her again and she groaned, this was complete and unfair torture. How would she handle three whole days with JC? She didn’t know how she felt about him and three days with him certainly wouldn’t help. But could she survive three days without him? She wanted all these thoughts to go away, she wanted him to plunge into her and take all of her worries away.

“JC, fuck me please, stop torturing me…” JC teased her a bit more,

“All you’ve gotta do is say a little three letter word and I will.” He whispered against her lips, “Just one, teeny, tiny, little, itty, bitty, word and I’ll fuck your brains out.” Izzy couldn’t handle it anymore and just gave in,

“Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes….” She repeated and JC didn’t waste any time. He plunged into her thrusting ferociously. Izzy could only manage little whimpers and gasps as he fucked her. It didn’t take long before Izzy’s body tightened underneath him, gripping him and sending him over the edge. JC went limp and rolled off of her still out of breath.


Izzy walked into her room and found that someone had slipped an envelope under her door. She picked it up and opened it. Inside there was a plane ticket and a note.

“Hope you have your passport ready. Don’t pack much to wear, you won’t need it. :) - JC”
