Chapter Fifty Six

“Izzy what are you doing for those few days we have off?” Joey asked and Lance interrupted,

“You’re coming home with me, right?”

“Going home with Lance are you?” Joey raised an eyebrow at her,

“How come you’re going home with Lance?” Chris shouted, “You could come home with me.”

“She already said that she was coming with me.” Lance retorted.

“That’s not fair! You got to ask her first!”

“You know you could always come home with me.” Justin offered, “If you didn’t want to spend it with these baboons.” He smirked and Lance smacked him,

“That’s exactly why she’s coming home with me, right?” Lance turned to Izzy for confirmation,

“Why ya asking me? Y’all seemed to have it figured out where I’m going.” She shot back crossing her arms,

“Izzy, what’s wrong? Why are you upset?” Lance asked,

“You don’t know? You seemed to know everything else about me.”

“I’m sorry Izzy.”

“Yeah, well for all your informations, I’m not going home with any of you.”

“What?” Lance said,

“I have some things I have to attend to in Edwards.” She said coldly.

“Greggy-boy.” Joey teased.

“Whatever, but that’s where I’m spending my vacation. Thank you very much.” She said and stalked off.

Izzy stared at JC from afar, could that really be her Josh? The one that was always in her thoughts when she first left Florida? She smiled a she remembered back to that summer after she graduated high school. Joey and her were still cleaning up their relationship from their break up. He had taken her out to a club and met Chris and JC there. She got to talking with JC and they hit it off immediately. He had even asked her out on a date but she was still half involved with Joey and he flipped out when he found out about JC. From then on the only time she could see him was if she was with Joey, or she snuck off to see JC when he was filming MMC shows.

Then she remembered the last time she saw him, it was a couple days before she had to leave for college. Joey was working and she went to the local fair with JC. They rode all the rides, ate cotton candy and played carnival games. He won her a stuffed dog at one of the games after playing like eight games in a row. From that moment on it never left her side, in fact it was in her suitcase this very moment.

After the fair he drove her back home,

{Flash Back}
Josh drove into her driveway and parked the car. She turned to look at Josh,

“Thanks for taking me out tonight, I had a really great time.”

“I did too.” He paused for a minute, “So you have to go to school in two days huh? Are you going to come back to Florida on your breaks?” He asked hopefully,

“I don’t think so. My mom wants me to move back home with her. So I don’t think I’ll be back till maybe December, probably next summer. Trust me I would rather stay here.”

“Oh.” He said quietly and looked into his lap. Izzy reached out and touched his arm gently,

“Maybe we can call each other.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Me too, I’ll call you when I get to school to give you my number.”

“Okay, yeah.” He smiled making Izzy smile with him. Boy she wanted to kiss him, long and hard.

“So, I guess I should be getting in before papa Fatone comes out here wondering who’s sitting in his driveway.”

“Yeah, so this is good night and good bye.”

“Good night, not good bye. If you keep hanging out with Joey you’re bound to run into me again.”

“In that case, I’m gonna become his hip ornament.” He joked and she laughed,

“I’d like to see that.” They both laughed and then sat there for a few quiet moments before Josh reached over and covered her hand with his. He looked deeply into her eyes and before he could say anything Izzy reached over grabbed his shirt gently pulling him to her and kissed him. A few seconds later JC realized what was happening, reached around and held her head. The fireworks they had seen that night was nothing compared to the fireworks that were happening in that car. The kiss deepened as Izzy opened her mouth welcoming Josh in with her tongue. Fifteen minutes later they broke apart but remained close,

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t leave without knowing what you tasted like. I’ll call you when I get to school. Good night Josh.” She whispered and quickly exited the car before Josh could get out a word. Izzy rushed into the house and went to her room where she collapsed on her bed. She raised a hand to her lips; she could still feel him there. That’s when she knew it; she had fallen in love with Josh.
{End Flash Back}

That had been six years ago and now look where it had led her.
