Chapter Fifty Seven

Izzy sat in the plane and glanced out the window at the ocean below. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this. Flying thousands of miles to have sex with a guy. What the hell was she thinking? She shouldn’t have done this. She should have gone to Edwards like she had said she was going to do. But this was a free trip to the Bahamas, JC had figured it all out for her and just sent her instructions. She was letting him get control over her, letting her feelings come into play. There was no denying that she had feelings for JC, she wouldn’t be flying to be with him if she didn’t. The only thing she wasn’t sure of was if JC had feelings for her too. Maybe this trip was a good thing and they could talk. She could tell him how she felt, but if he didn’t feel the same way she could lose him. Izzy sighed to herself, why had she let her feelings get involved? This was exactly what she was trying to avoid when she got involved with JC. No feelings, no ties, what the hell happened?

Izzy stepped out of the gate and looked around. How the hell was she supposed to get to JC? He said that he would have someone waiting for her but she didn’t see a sign with her name on it. Then one sign caught her attention, it read ‘Angelina Troy’.

“What are you talking about? I don’t have a porn name.” JC said bewildered and Izzy laughed,

“Yes you do. Everyone has one; it’s your middle name and the street you grew up on. Like mine would be Angelina Troy. Yours would be Scott…”

“Springs.” JC finished for her and she burst out laughing,

“How fitting.”

She walked up to the man holding the sign,

“Angelina Troy?” He asked,

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Mr. Springs is awaiting your arrival.”

“I’m sure he is.” She muttered to herself as she followed the chauffer out of the airport. JC had spared no expense in the limo he had sent for her. Way to go low key, Chasez, she thought. The limo brought her to a small exquisite resort. It was absolutely beautiful here in the Bahamas, much better than New York City or Edwards. The chauffer checked her in and another hotel employee drove her to her little cottage hut that she was staying in with JC. She walked inside the cottage hut and almost gasped at what she saw. It was huge inside and had five separate rooms, with a deck that looked out into the ocean. The hotel boy gave her, her key and she tipped him, letting him leave. She flopped down on one of the comfy couches wondering how the hell she got here. JC walked out from one of the back rooms.

“Hey beautiful.” He smiled,

“JC, you really out did yourself. I can’t believe that I’m spending three days here.”

“Well believe it because it cost me a fortune.”

“You know this could almost pass for prostitution.” She joked.

“I just rented the place. You happened to visit, nothing illegal about that.”

“We could’ve gone to some hotel in the city, you know.” JC stepped back a little, his Izzy in some cheap hotel in the city? Not if he had anything to say about it, she was too good for that.

“I like the security and the don’t ask, don’t tell policy that this resort has.” He shrugged off and walked over joining her on the couch and pulling her onto his lap.

“So it’s not the first time you’ve brought a girl down here for sex?” She teased and turned a bit serious,

“Izzy, I don’t do this on a regular basis.” He saw the worry in her face and he lightened his tone, “I like coming here, but I only bring the really slutty ones.” He joked and she hit him gently,


“God I love it when you talk dirty.” He mused kissing her neck.

“You are so horny.”

“Always when you’re around. It’s like I have a permanent hard on.” JC slid his hand up her skirt.

“You act like you have a permanent hard on.”

“Maybe you should take care of it for me.” He murmured from between her breasts. Izzy ran her hands into his hair,

“You’ve got two hands.” She teased,

“One of them is holding you up and the other’s busy.” He mentioned and probed her center,

“Oh!” She cried and JC began to pump Izzy. The pleasure he was creating in her was unbelievable. He knew all the right areas to probe and rub. Izzy climaxed in no time and laid there out of breath against JC.

“Happy you came down?”

“Happy I came.” She joked, “That was exactly what I needed, thank you.”

“No problem, just remember to return the favor.”

“Someday I will.” She smiled wickedly,

“Someday? I think right now.” He said and grabbed her hands playfully pushing them towards his crotch. Izzy jumped off his lap and ran away. JC quickly took up the chase. She ran out of the hut and went towards the beach. JC caught up with her at the water’s edge and threw her down into the water. She happened to catch him and took him down with her.

“Hey!” He yelled as he tumbled down on top of her into the crashing waves. She kissed him and pulled him to her.

“So that was the whole point of this.” He mused,

“Something like that.” She said and pushed him off of her.

“You are such a tease.” He said reaching of her again but she scooted away and stood up,

“I may be a tease,” she retorted with her hands on her hips, “but I’m a tease that’s all sandy and salty and I need a shower.” JC stood up form the water,

“Is that an invitation?”

“What do you think?” She grinned and walked away.
