Chapter Fifty Eight

As much as Izzy tried to hide her feelings for JC they seemed to creep out even more. In fact she was falling so hard that she could swear that he was falling for her too. He was such a different person while they were in the Bahamas. He was cheerful and sweet, completely not the JC she first met, and he was more like the Josh she used to know before he became JC.

Izzy stretched her legs and rested them on the rail as she lay back in her chair. She was wrapped in a sheet from the bed. JC had fallen asleep after their last round of romping. She had decided to take advantage of the beautiful sunset and have some time to herself. She couldn’t believe that she was here in the Bahamas with JC. No phones, no pagers, no one to interrupt them and they hadn’t fought once. Maybe there was a chance for them to be more than sex partners. Izzy retreated back a little; this trip was messing with her mind a little too much. Their lived would never mix. His life was in his music and he was on tour all the time. She had a life back in Edwards. She needed a stable guy, not some pop star. She needed to stop these feelings now before she fell so hard that she wouldn’t be able to come back.

“You seem deep in thought.” JC said leaning against the doorframe, Izzy leaned her head back looking at him. He was completely naked.

“Cover up JC, you think that this is some sort of a nudist colony?” She joked,

“I paid for the place, I can do whatever I want.” He said arrogantly crossing his arms. Izzy rolled her eyes and looked away from him,

“Spoken like a true three year old.” She muttered. JC walked over in front of her and straddled her. Her leaned over and placed a hand on either side of her armrests, trapping her in the chair.

“You didn’t think I was a three year old a little while ago when you were crying out my name.” She just cocked an eyebrow at him.

“I was crying out your name because it gets you off.” She said dropping her legs from the railing.

“Is that so?” He said and Izzy pushed him away as she got up,

“Yeah, it’s an ego boost for you.” JC grabbed the sheet in an attempt to pull her back to him,

“If you wanna give me an ego boost just come here.” Izzy let the sheet drop and went into the suite, “Izzy?” He called following her into the bedroom. She was slipping on a little sundress. “Why do you always put clothes on?”

“Because I wear clothes when I go out in public.”

“Where are you going?”

“No where.”

“Is that so?” He said putting his hands on his hips. Izzy pulled her hair up into a bun,

“Yep.” She started towards the door but JC blocked her.

“I’ll go with you.”

“No, I don’t want you to.” JC still didn’t move, “Chasez, move.” He waited a second and then moved out of the way,

“When will you be back?”

“When I feel like it.” She said and breezed out the door. JC went out onto the balcony and flopped down into the chair. Why did she just leave? Everything was going so blissfully.

Izzy went along the beach throwing stones into the ocean. If she was thinking that JC had changed, boy was she just set straight. He was still that spoiled prima donna who wanted his way and only his way. Izzy could never a date a man like that. She would rather poke needles in her eyes.

She glanced out into the ocean at the sunset and sighed. It was so wonderful here in the Bahamas; maybe she would get a job and live here. It was so peaceful and beautiful she felt like she could stare at the sunset forever. In fact she wished that she had someone to share it with.

Izzy stayed there on the beach till it got really dark and the stars came out. She didn’t think at all while she was there, she just stared into the night sky. Finally she went back to the hut and found JC sleeping in the chair on the balcony. When she shut the door he awoke. He rubbed his face sleepily and got up. He had since put on some boxer shorts and walked over to her,

“You’re back, what time is it?”

“Eleven or so.” She said and pulled out her hair,

“Izzy are you okay? I mean we were talking, then you got all mad at me and left. Did I do something to upset you?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it Chasez.”

“Okay now I know you’re pissed at me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You only call me Chasez when you’re pissed at me.” She looked at him,

“It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Oh, really?”

“Really, I can call you Chasez anytime I want to. Chasez, Chasez, Chasez.” She taunted, JC smiled and went closer, “Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez. I could go on for days calling you Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Cha-” He stopped her with his lips.

“That’s enough out of you.” He teased and Izzy smiled evilly,

“Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez, Chasez…” She continued and JC began to tickle her, “Ahh!” She screamed, “Chasez! Stop!” She said bubbling with laughter. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. JC carried her into the bedroom and threw her on the bed.

“Well isn’t this convenient.” She said and JC jumped on her and kissed her.

“The next time you say my name you’ll be screaming it.”
