Chapter Fifty Nine

The next morning the both laid in the hammock on the deck in the late morning sun. It swung lazily as they both enjoyed the feeling of each other’s body.

“Mmm, do we have to go back?” Izzy said,

“I think they’d get suspicious if we both didn’t show up.”

“I don’t want to leave.”

“Is that Isabella Mariani admitting that she’s having a good time with me? Hell has frozen over!” He teased and she poked him playfully in the shoulder.

“That’s right buddy. It must have, if someone had told me a month ago that I would be laying naked in a hammock with JC Chasez in the Bahamas right now, I would have laughed in their face. But here we are.”

“Yes, here we are.” He smiled absently stroking her arm and Izzy snuggled closer,

“Never knew you could be so comfy.”

“You happy you came to the Bahamas?” He randomly asked,

“Free vacation with lots of sun, sand, and sex. How could I not be happy?” She teased and he lightly tugged on a piece of her hair,

“Mmm, sex, I could go for some of that right now.” He traveled his one hand down her side to her hip.

“You can always go for sex.” She said and he leaned close,

“You complaining?” He said against her lips as his hand moved between her legs and slowly found their destination.

“Never,” She said breathlessly as he began to probe her core. He kissed her gently and Izzy’s free hand found his member and began to caress it, eliciting a moan from JC’s throat.

“Izzy, you feel so good.”

“So do you.” She whispered back and tugged him gently towards her core. Instinctively JC raised Izzy’s leg and she guided him into her moist center. JC’s hand ran up and down her leg and then rested on her ass. They let the slow rocking of the hammock bring the m to ecstasy and back.

The next morning Izzy was watching the sunrise on the deck while drinking some tea. She was dressed in a light pink satin robe that JC had surprised her with that morning. She felt like a princess there in the Bahamas, too bad it all had to end and go back to normal when they went back on tour. She thought back to yesterday and the hammock. They had spent the whole day in the hammock that way, sleeping on and off, waking each other up in different ways that always led to sex in the end. It was a wonderful day in paradise and Izzy wanted to pretend that they were staying there forever.

JC watched Izzy from inside. She looked simply gorgeous in the robe he had gotten her. All he could think of was taking is off of her. Then his thoughts stopped. All they ever did together was have sex, though yesterday in the hammock he swore that they were making love. It was too good not to be. For the first time in months he felt complete, but did she feel the same way? What if it was all just sex to her? What if she didn’t want anything more than what they had? What if she wanted someone else? He couldn’t take that kind of rejection from her, it would be too much. Should he go out on a limb or stay comfortably where he was? JC was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Izzy crawling on top of his naked body and he jumped,

“Welcome back Mr. Chasez.” She mused as she dropped kisses on his lower abdomen.

“Sorry, I was thinking.”

“Go back to thinking, “ She said moving lower, “I was having fun playing with my friend here.” She finished and licked the tip of his manhood.

“It’s hard to think when you come over to play.” He smiled entangling his hand in her hair.

“Oh, well maybe I should stop.” She smiled and pulled back a little but JC pushed her back gently,

“I can think later, trust me.”

“Okay,” She grinned and took his entire sex in his mouth, making JC gasp,

“Sweet Jesus, Iz.” She sucked a little and then pulled out leaving the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. JC groaned and it brought a smile to her lips. She expertly wrapped her hand around the shaft and moved her hand up and down. Izzy pumped him until he exploded down her throat. After he was done JC slumped back against the bed with a sigh,

“God, that a good way to start the day.” Izzy crawled up next to him and he wrapped his arms around her holding her close.

“Glad you approve.” She mused nuzzling his neck and then snuggled into his arms laying her head on his chest. JC absentmindedly played with her hair, stroking it,

“So what do you want to do today?” He asked,

“How about we stay here in bed. It’s so comfy and convenient…” She trailed off dragging her hand lazily across his stomach. Did he have any idea of how perfect his stomach was? She loved tracing the lines of his six-pack and his hips. She loved hearing his heartbeat when her head laid on his chest. She loved how he would talk quietly and most of it she heard through his chest, that gentle rumble that could always lull her to sleep. God she loved him, she thought and sighed woefully,

“Izzy?” JC called to her and she noticed that he was talking to her,

“Huh? Did you say something?” She lifted her head a little, JC looked down at her,

“Is everything okay? You were away somewhere.” He traced her face with a finger, just a moment ago she had looked so sad. Her faced changed instantly and she smiled,

“No, I’m perfect, just zoning, getting a little sleepy.”

“Mmm, me too, a nap sounds so good.” He moved deeper into the bed pulling the covers up a little.

“You’re always up for a nap.” She teased and he tweaked her nose,

“You were the one who suggested it.” He smiled down at her and she buried her face into his chest, giggling a little. JC loved that little giggle she had; it was his favorite out of all of her laughs. He couldn’t get enough of it ever. He tickled her side a little to hear it again, and it erupted out of her mouth making him grin even more.

“Hey!” She shouted playfully, “I’m trying to take a nap here.” She pouted and JC couldn’t resist, he kissed her, cupping the side of her face in his hands. Izzy smiled after the kiss,

“You’re interrupting my sleeping, you know.” She teased and he smiled,

“You complaining.”

“Nope not at all.”

Izzy woke to an empty bed and flipped over,

“Jace?” She called out but didn’t get a response. She groaned and sat up rubbing her face a little, letting her eyes adjust to the bright light that was shining in through the door way. “JC?” She called out again and was greeted by silence. She wondered where he had gone off to and decided to investigate after slipping on a dress and walking out onto the balcony. She spotted JC down at the beach laying out and reading a book. She smiled and hopped down there to join him. He was really engrossed in the book and didn’t see her approaching. She came up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands,

“Guess who?” She said playfully and he smiled,

“Hmmm, Joey? No, the hands are too soft.” He teased reaching up and caressing her hands, “Lance? No, the hands are too small.” She giggled and he laughed out loud, “Well that just gave it away, I’d know that giggle anywhere. Chris how’d you get here?” he joked and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders,

“Jerk.” She said playfully and planted a kiss on his cheek. He hadn’t shaved since they got to the Bahamas and there was a delicious bit of stubble growing. JC leaned back into Izzy and placed his book down.

“I see you finally are done with your nap.” He looked up at her and held her arms in place around him,

“Yep, I’m shocked that I out slept you.” She giggled a little looking down at him, “Are you enjoying your book?” She said nodding to where it lay.

“Yeah, it’s nice to read with out the bumpiness of the bus. The words all stay in one place.”

“Mmm, I understand.” She looked around the beach and sighed, “Gosh, it’s so beautiful here. I could stay here forever.” She said dreamily and JC smiled at her, only thing he could think of was how beautiful she was.

“Wanna go for a walk? We haven’t even seen most of the beach yet.”

“I’d love too.” She said and JC stood up and pulled her up to meet him. Izzy couldn’t resist and pulled him down for a kiss. JC wrapped his arms around her holding her close,

“Hmm, one would think with a kiss like that, that you don’t want to go for a walk.” He said and leaned down for another kiss. This time Izzy let his lips lightly brush hers before she grabbed his hand and began dragging him down the beach.

“Come on, we can do that later.” She said playfully and he followed running after her. They walked for a while hand in hand quietly, just enjoying the surroundings. The water lazily lapped at their feet and the sun happily shone down on their shoulders. JC watched Izzy as he trailed behind her a step, letting her lead, and sighed happily. He had found his Bell again after six years of searching, attaching himself to Joey’s hip had finally paid off.

“So, I guess I should be getting in before papa Fatone comes out here wondering who’s sitting in his driveway.”

“Yeah, so this is good night and good bye.”

“Good night, not good bye. If you keep hanging out with Joey you’re bound to run into me again.”

“In that case, I’m gonna become his hip ornament.” He joked and she laughed,

“I’d like to see that.” They both laughed.

JC smiled to himself at the memory. Izzy suddenly let go of his hand and ran to something in the sand,

“What did you find?” He called out to her and she stood up holding out a seashell to him,

“A beautiful seashell.” He walked over to her and took it from her hand. Izzy was suddenly off again, back in the direction of their hut. “Here’s another one! How did I miss these on the walk?” She laughed and JC followed her as she went about finding different shells along the shore.

They were in front of their hut when she caught JC’s gaze on her. He’d been following her with his eyes. It was as if he was surprised by the person in front of him. Izzy got and idea in her head and she ran at him, tackling him to the sandy ground and covering his face with playful kisses.

JC cupped her face in his hands and brought her mouth to his.

“JC,” she moaned softly as she felt him harden beneath her. His hands moved down her body and pulled at the hem of her dress. Izzy pulled back a little, “Jace, we can’t out here,” she whispered when he released her lips to move down her throat. “We’re out in the open and sand is not so nice in some private parts of the body.” JC laughed.

“I suppose not.” He smiled mischievously up at her, “So, why’d you knock me down?”

“Because you were being too serious, this place is not meant for seriousness.” She scolded playfully and kissed him,

“It’s not, huh?”

“Nope, none at all. That’s why it’s so wonderful. What were you thinking about to make you so serious?”

“One of my favorite subjects.”

“And that would be?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Guess.” He said and nipped at her neck. She sighed happily,


“Nope, that’s just a pastime.” He moved his kisses back up her neck towards her jaw.

“Let me think…music?” His lips made their way towards her mouth,

“Close, it’s so close, and it goes well with it.”

“Goes well with music and it’s a favorite subject for you, huh?” She leaned down so that her lips were barely brushing his, “Would that be sex or anything in the sexual category?” She whispered huskily and he groaned at the thought,

“God, yes, especially with you…” He moaned and kissed her deeply, he rolled over her pinning her to the sand. Once again his hands moved to the hem of her dress and she pulled back a little with a sexy smile on her face,

“Wanna go take a shower, so I can freak you?” She suggested,

“Hell yeah…” He said and in one smooth move, JC rolled to his feet with her legs wrapped around his waist. He walked them to the shower enclosure beneath the balcony of their hut.

They quickly shedded the clothes off each other as they stood under the warm spray of water. Izzy brought his head down for a hungry, consuming kiss. Reaching for the liquid soap, she began lathering his chest, making him moan with pleasure.


“Yes?” She asked smiling up at him and he instantly kissed her backing her up a little. Izzy moved her hands lower and JC knew where her hands were heading before she reached his throbbing member. Pouring some of the soap in his hands, he started at her neck, gradually working to cover her breasts in froth. She moaned at his touch making him smile. Sliding his slick hands over her belly, he lathered the triangle of curls that hid her feminine petals.

“Jace…” She whimpered when one finger teased her. “Please don’t tease me. I don’t think I could handle it right now.” JC response was to lift her against the wall of the wood boarded stall and entered her slowly.

“Mmm… Izzy, you feel so good.” He breathed into her skin as he slowly pumped into her. Izzy wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly against her. She wanted to feel all of him.

“Oh, Jace, harder!” She exclaimed and JC didn’t need to be told twice. He slammed into her like a jackhammer until she went taut in his arms. “Jace!” She cried out,

“Come on, Iz, take me, too!” He plunged faster and harder until her body shook and her walls gripped him.

“Ah!” Izzy cried as she was overcome by waves of pleasure.

“Damn!” He moaned as her spasms gripped and milked him. For a moment, he rested against her.

“You’re still hard.” She said laughingly feeling him still inside of her,

“I could do this all night.” He mumbled against her neck,

“So could I. Want to go christen another part of the hut?”

“Hell yeah, where?” Without disengaging, he managed to step from the shower and carry her up into the hut,

“JC, let me down, I can walk.”

“Nope where?” She smiled and shook her head as she leaned down and kissed him,

“Right here.” She whispered against his lips. They had only made it to the top part of the steps to the balcony.

“Here?” He said placing her down on the top step.

“We’ll start here and work out way to the bedroom.”

“God I love the way you think.”

JC sat in the dark on the couch in the living room.

“Izzy?” He called unsure of what was happening. He didn’t get a response from her and he still couldn’t find her in the dark. He heard someone click slowly through a CD and the beginning strains of “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails began to play and he chuckled, “Nice choice.” He said and Izzy appeared in front of him. Her back was to him and she was wearing a robe. He hoped that she wasn’t wearing much under it. Izzy began to move her hips from side to side in time to the music. She reached back and pulled her hair up and then let it drop slowly cascading down her back. JC was definitely enjoying this show. Izzy then added her shoulders into the little dance. God he wanted her and he knew that she was far from done. She slowly turned around and danced around a little more, getting closer to him. She locked eyes with him and gave him the look that made him weak in the knees. It was the I’m-gonna-have-my-wicked-way-with-you-until-you-can’t-walk look. His body was responding to the whole situation, especially the growing tightness in his pants. Izzy walked forward a little before dropping to the floor and slowly crawling towards him never losing eye contact. JC swallowed hard as she advanced upon him. While she was crawling she lost the sheer robe to reveal the blue mesh chemise that he had bought her a while back. He had been right; it looked God damn good on her. Though he had a feeling it wouldn’t be on her for long. Izzy crawled up in between his legs and rubbed herself along the length of him.

“Izzy, you’re torturing me.” He whispered breathlessly and tried to pull her close. Izzy pushed his hands away and held them against the couch. She shook her head ‘no’, and smiled like a Cheshire Cat. JC groaned pleasurably and she licked the shell of his earlobe. Her hot breath tickled the hair on his neck and her hips were grinding his in time to the hypnotic beat playing in the background. Izzy let go of his hand and pulled up the hem of his shirt, stripping him of it,

“Now we’re talking.” He mused and she winked at him. Izzy worked slowly at his belt. JC moved to help her and she once again pushed his hands away. “Okay, okay.” He surrendered as she undid his belt, pulling it off and tossing it away. Now Izzy was letting JC’s hands roam over her body. He slid them up her thighs slowly drinking her in, “Izzy, I don’t know how much more I can take.” He moaned and Izzy just smiled as she licked his nipple. She slowly slid off of him leaving a trail of kisses in her wake. She loved torturing him. She slid off completely onto the floor once again. JC groaned disappointedly, “You are so gonna get it.” He growled and she looked up with a huge smile on her face, “You are such a tease.” He shot at her,

“But the reward is so sweet.” She purred back at him as she reclaimed a stance in front of him.

“Come here you little fox.” He smiled and she shook her head as she turned around. “You’re gonna be the end of me.” He said and she threw a wink over her shoulder at him. Izzy bent down at the waist, reaching for her ankles. Her legs were slightly spread and JC knew that she didn’t have anything on underneath. “Sweet Jesus.” He muttered undoing his own pants. She was just out of reach and glistening wet, ready for him. He was going to have her, he had to have her. No cold shower would cure this erection.

Izzy flipped up throwing her hair back and turning around. JC had his pants fully undone and was shoving his boxers down. She quickly bent down to help him. JC let go and let her do all the work. She slid his pants and boxers off and threw them aside. On her way back up she took a long lick up his shaft and swirled her tongue around the tip tasting his juices.

“My God, Izzy!”

“Mmm.” She purred and moved her way to straddle him; She was positioned right above him and had her hands on her shoulders.

“Please Izzy, please, I need to be in you, please, please, please.” He begged resting his hands on her hips.

“Well, since you asked nicely.” She said and sat down filling herself with him,

“Oh God!” He gasped holding her tight. It felt like heaven to him, he hoped that he could hold out long enough for her.

“You okay, darling?” She asked quietly.

“I’m way more than okay.” He whispered and she kissed him.

“Darling, we haven’t even started yet.” She whispered seductively and began moving her hips up and down,

“Baby you’re so good to me.” He whispered breathlessly,

“That’s cuz you’re so good to me.” She whispered back and moved her hips a bit faster. JC pulled her down on to him forcefully, his breathing quickened and Izzy slowed down a little.

“Izzy don’t.” He whined.

“Don’t want to lose it too quickly do we?”

“No, it’s just…” He couldn’t finish his sentence because Izzy had quickened her pace again. Her climax had begun to peak and she let JC take over the pace. He held her in place and moved his hips into her hers.

“I’m coming Jace.” Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck as she buried her face there as well. Her body went tight with her climax and she went limp on him. With a couple strokes JC hit his peak and exploded in her. He lay back against the couch keeping his arms around Izzy. Her body was still trembling from her orgasm; she hadn’t lifted her head from his neck. JC was trying to let them catch their breath when he whistled,

“Wow, that was amazing.” He said and Izzy just nodded her head, she didn’t have the energy to talk. “You okay?” He asked and she just nodded again. JC chuckled knowing that she was just worn out. He would have carried her to the bedroom if he thought that his legs could support them, but he knew that they wouldn’t. So he laid down on the couch taking Izzy with him. She happily curled into his arms and fell asleep quickly. JC pulled a light sheet over their bodies and snuggled close with her. “I love you Isabella.” He whispered into her hair and kissed her forehead.
