Chapter Sixty

Izzy was quickly packed and ready to go the next morning. JC came up behind and pulled her close.

“It’s killing me for you to wearing all these clothes.”

“I’m not wearing that much.” She smiled and turned in his arms,

“It’s still too much in my opinion.”

“Really?” She asked and led his hand under her skirt to feel around. All JC felt was skin,

“You little fox. Now I’m gonna have this picture of you with no underwear on. It’s going to be torturous all day long till I get to you in the hotel tonight.”

“How about a little pre-flight taste of what’s to come? You know, to cut the edge?” she said and licked her lips,

“Do we have enough time?”

“We’ll make do.” She replied and pushed him down on the bed. Izzy quickly undid his pants and climbed on top of him, impaling herself on his shaft. She slowly began to move,

“Izzy don’t torture me.” He begged and she quickened the pace. He was going in no time and soon flipped her over to finish the job. Afterward he collapsed on her out of breath. “I don’t want to give you up, Izzy. How the hell am I supposed to go back to only having you at night?”

“Guess we’ll have to make use of random closets during the day.” She joked and he chuckled,

“That’s one of the bests ideas I’ve ever heard.” He said and rolled off of her.

“Guess I should call the taxi up.” She said softly,

“I’ll do it, Iz.” JC said turning on his side,

“Thanks.” Their eyes locked for a long moment. JC leaned down and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding him close. Then she pulled away a little, “I’m going to miss my flight if we keep this up.” She whispered and laid another kiss on his lips,

“If only you weren’t so darn kissable.” He mumbled between kisses,

“You pretty kissable yourself, Mr. Chasez.” She said kissing him lightly but JC wasn’t having any of that, he deepen the kiss moving over her again. This time Izzy pushed him away, “JC, we really need to stop and call a taxi.” She scolded and then soften a little, “Then we can make out some more.” She winked and he smiled,

“Kay, I’ll be right back.” He ran off of the bed pulling up his pants as he went. The sight of him waddling/running away made her laugh out loud. He could be so cute sometimes, why did this all have to end? A part of her wanted to miss her flight and stay longer with JC. Why oh why did she have to fall for him?

The taxi arrived to pick up Izzy. The driver took her bags and placed them in the car. She told the driver to wait a minute and ran back into the hut,

“Missed me already?” JC teased and she rolled her eyes,

“I just wanted to say good-bye and to thank you for taking me here. I actually had a really good time.” He walked over to her,

“The pleasure was all mine.” He mused and pulled her tightly against his body,

“Not all of it.” She whispered seductively against his lips before kissing him.

“Mmm, you taste so sweet.” He said,

“You just plain taste good.” She replied,

“You better leave before this gets out of hand.”

“Are you sure it already hasn’t?” She asked and the reality of the question hit her and there was an awkward silence between the two. “Well I better get going. The taxi’s waiting, see you later tonight.” She winked and relieved the tension. JC smiled,

“You can count on it.” Izzy shook her head and left the hut. She was actually sad to leave the Bahamas and JC. ‘God’, she thought, ‘what the hell have I gotten myself into?’ She was head over hells in love with a guy and couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
