Chapter Seventy Eight

JC sat there with the guys and watched the baseball game. Izzy came in late and they were all on the couch and chairs taking up all the good seats. JC offered his lap but she decided to sit on the floor in between his feet and used his legs as back supports. During a commercial he looked down at her and stroked her hair gently,

“Hey you, you’re being awfully quiet.” She turned resting her arms on his legs and leaned her head on his thigh looking up at him,

“I’m just enjoying all of you. Is the game getting good?”

“You aren’t watching?” She sat up on her knees, sliding forward, burying her face in his lap,

“Mmm, not really, just thinking.”

“Hey come on we’re all in the room!” Chris shouted at her, “This is man time!” Izzy lifted her head looking at Chris,

“Men? Men you say? I’ve only seen one man in this room and he left with the food cart.”

“Hey.” JC playfully teased and she rubbed her face on his thigh,

“Okay, maybe two.” She giggled and he groaned silently. He leaned down next to her ear,

“You keep that up and I won’t be able to watch the end of the game.” He whispered and Izzy heard the grin in his voice. She turned and placed a kiss on his cheek,

“I’m not doing anything.” He took her hand and brought it to his mouth. He nibbled at her fingertips.

“Behave yourself a little longer, Izzy. You’ll be rewarded for your patience – I promise.” Lifting her head, she nipped at his ear. “Only a little while, Jace,” she whispered, her warm breath making him shiver. “Then I plan on being so bad, I’ll make you feel real good.” She stretched and got up leaning over to place a kiss on JC’s lips, “I’m going to bed. I need to catch up on some sleep that someone’s been depriving me off.” She grinned,

“Jesus! Don’t you two ever let up?!” Justin scolded playfully, “I think I liked it better when they were fighting!” The couple laughed,

“On that note, I’m gonna say goodnight to y’all. See you tomorrow bright and early for the arena!” They all groaned,

“You better not be perky! Your ass is going to be beat down.” Chris warned and she looked at him,

“By who? You?” She raised an eyebrow at him,

“Uh, no, Justin.” He said shoving Justin forward at her and he backed up,

“Uh uh, no way, you got yourself into the mess with Kung fu mama you get yourself out.” She laughed,

“Goodnight boys.” She went to walk towards the door when JC pulled her back and kissed her,

“Just one more for the road.” He whispered, “I shouldn’t be too late.”

“Okay, have fun.” She kissed him one last time before getting up and returning to her room.

JC quietly opened the door to his room; it was all dark in his room. He secretly wished that Izzy had waited up for him but it was like three in the morning. He couldn’t blame her for sleeping because that’s what he should probably be doing. He quickly got undressed and slipped under the covers. Izzy was asleep facing the wall, the little chemise she was wearing matched the color of her creamy skin and draped gracefully over her curves leaving her back bare. Her long dark hair was twisted up onto the pillow and JC couldn’t resist touching her soft skin. He lightly ran a hand up and down her back to which Izzy emitted a slight moan. He was sure that he was improving whatever dream she was having. JC moved a little closer and dropped little kisses on her shoulders moving down her arm,

“Mmm…” came from Izzy as she turned toward him and giving him better access. JC looked at her, she was still asleep. JC moved his lips to her chest and pushed the thin strap of the chemise down, her hands found their way into his hair. JC really enjoyed being part of her dream as he began suckling one of her breast. “Yes…. mmm…yes…” She dreamily said and JC let his hands wander down towards her legs. He pulled one over his hip as he moved in between them. Then he slid his hand down the length of her thigh towards her ass and under the chemise. He really wanted to be in her right now but that would have to wait until she woke. He grounded slowly against her and she reciprocated, “Mmm, more, J...” He smiled into her skin; his name was on the tip of her tongue. He continued kissing and caressing Izzy’s body, he was shocked that she hadn’t woken up yet. This was better than he expected! “Yes…God…mmm…J…”

“Say it.” He whispered softly against her skin in between kisses, “Say my name.”

“Yes…oh….Jah…oh…Justin…” She said breathlessly and JC instantly stopped and looked at her. To which Izzy started laughing and opened her eyes to see his face, it was priceless.

“You were awake? That wasn’t cool.” He said and she was still laughing,

“I couldn’t help it. That was too much of a temptation for me.” JC pulled back and sat against the headboard with his arms crossed. Izzy crawled over, encircled his waist with her arms and laid her head on his chest. “Oh, honey you’re not really mad at me, are you? You know the only man in my dreams is you.” She began kissing his stomach, “You’re in my dreams, my day dreams and my fantasies.” She moved up towards his neck,

“Fantasies huh?”

“Oh yeah, everyone of my hot, wet, sexual, fantasies.” She said slowly and nibbling on his ear, “How can I make it up to you?” Izzy straddled him, “Because I know you want me.” JC looked away,

“No, I don’t.” Izzy wasn’t deterred; she leaned in and kissed his neck,

“Are you sure?” She moved up to his jaw,

“Yes, I’m sure.” He said and she knew that he was playing hard to get,

“You’re body deceives you, it’s pretty obvious that someone really wants me.” She whispered and licked the shell of his ear. JC had an erection the size of a baseball bat. “Maybe I’ll just play with him and leave you out of it. I don’t want to play with someone who doesn’t want to play with me.” She teased and JC sighed,

“So about these hot, wet, sexual fantasies.” JC said uncrossed his arms and slid them down her back,

“What about them?” She asked slyly.

“What do they entail?”

“That depends.” She said as she kissed down his chest.

“On what?”

“Whether or not you forgive me.” She was licking her way down his happy trail,

“Oh I forgive you.” He sighed happily.

“Good, so what fantasy do you want to know about?” She pulled down the elastic of his boxer just slightly to leave kisses along the band.

“Mmm, all of them, your favorite ones.”

“Well they’re all my favorites. Especially the ones with ice and then there’s the one with the locker room, oh and whipped cream, mmm then there’s the stage one, the quickie in between songs one, the one where we’re trapped on the bus, I could go on and on and on…” She said as she trailed kisses back up his torso.

“You’re giving me ideas.”

“That’s the point, so do you want to finish that dream you were helping me with?”

The next day during the sound check party JC went off the side to grab a water and saw Izzy standing there reading something. He went over to her and pulled her behind a curtain.

“Jace!” She couldn’t say anything else because he was kissing her. Izzy instantly was lost and brought him closer to her, “Mmm.” She moaned, “Are you playing hooky?”

“To make out with you? Hell yeah.” He whispered and kissed her deeply, “I couldn’t help myself,” kiss, “I didn’t get to kiss you good morning.” Kiss.

“You’re definitely making up for it now.” She smiled and kissed him again.

“So about that one fantasy.” He murmured,

“Which one?” She gasped as JC nibbled on her neck,

“I think it has to do with you, me and a back stage location?” He whispered and kissed her again. His hands roamed her body taking her all in. She wore a skirt today and a short one at that. “Mmm, you’re so beautiful, you know that?” He whispered against her lips in between kisses and his hands wandered under her skirt.

“Oh, Josh, yes…” She gasped and clung to his back. That’s when she felt it, the wire to his mike. She quickly felt down to the box and froze when she realized that it was on.

“What baby?” He said softly traveling down her neck again.

She leaned over to his ear, away from his mike,

“Your mike is on.” She said quietly and he jerked back,

“What?” he exclaimed realizing what had happened,

“I’m sorry, I feel guilty.” She said and he looked at her strangely. Izzy quickly put t finger to his lips and continued, “I’m not free to be with you but I’ve fallen in love with you. If only I hadn’t met Chris first when I came searching for my half brother.” JC still didn’t get it,” I mean out families would never let us be together. They’ve hated each other ever since my alcoholic, abusive, rich, powerful, father got drunk and hit your precious little sister Maggie leaving her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.” JC finally caught on to what she was doing and played along.

“But Angela, I don’t care about any of that. All I care about is that I love you.” He kissed her again or effect,

“Josh, don’t kiss me,” She said dramatically, “I don’t want what I can’t have. You know I’m a married woman, and you’re a married man, we could never be together.”

“We could be together if we,” he paused for effect, “killed our spouses and made it look like an accident.” Izzy gasped,

“Josh, Chris is your band mate!” She paused, “But it could work.” Izzy gave the cut sign to him and grabbed his mike gently,

“Will Angela and JC plan their spouses demise to satisfy their desires? Find out next time on, ‘As the Nsync world turns’.” She said in her most announcer like voice and tried to keep back the laughter. JC brushed a kiss over her lips and mouthed, ‘I love you’. She mouthed back, ‘I love you too” and swatted his butt as he left their curtained area.

JC walked back onto the stage to the applause of the crowd. He did a little bow and Justin slugged him in the arm,

“Nice cover.” He whispered to him and he just grinned. Chris just glared at him with his arms crossed,

“You are NOT killing me off the show.” He said as seriously as possible, “ I like being married to Angela, she’s hot.” JC just shrugged,

“Hey, I just read the script. You take it up with the writer.” He said and the crowd laughed thinking it was all just a part of the show. Next Chapter Joey lit off another roman candle and watched it fly off into the air.

“Izzy come on, you know you wanna try one!” He called to her,

“That’s okay I prefer to keep all of my fingers!” She shouted back to him and took another bite of her burger.

“Oh come on they’re safe!” Chris shouted as he lit one off. “WE haven’t hurt anything yet.”

“Yet, being the operable word in that sentence, Kirkpatrick. I’m just wafting for one of you to blow your hand off.”

“Aw killer, you’re letting me down.” Justin lit one, “Ow, damn!” He said and sucked on his burnt finger.

“I rest my case.” She laughed and watched the five light more fireworks. Everything for once was coming together beautifully. She was in love with JC, great friends and she was so happy that she had to keep pinching herself to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. She sighed happily and sat back watching everything and taking it all in. Joey plopped down next to her, dropping her out of her thoughts,

“What cha up to?”

“Eating.” She said holding up the rest of her hamburger, “Don’t you have more fireworks to set off? I saw the huge box that you guys bought.” She took a bite of the cake,

“Actually we’re almost through them.”

“Are you kidding me? You went through them already? Damn fire bugs, all five of you.” She teased,

“Aw, well we still have sparklers to do. You’re gonna do those with us aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I’ll do sparklers with you. I think they’re the safest thing you guys bought.” He just rolled his eyes, then narrowed in on her half eaten cake. She looked up at him,

“Do you want a bite? It’s really good.”

“I know, I had like three pieces.” She laughed and held out a bite for him,

“Well one more bite can’t hurt.” She said and Joey took the bite off of her fork,

“No, it definitely can’t.” He mumbled with his mouth full of cake.

“Eww, Joey, chew WITHOUT talking!” She said trying to hold back a laugh. Izzy heard JC scream out in pain,

“Dude you blew off a finger!” Justin yelled and Izzy’s head instantly snapped up and saw JC huddled over his hand. Within two seconds she was by his side, her heart was pounding in her chest,

“Jace, honey let me see. Justin call a paramedic, quick!” She shouted at him and turned back to JC, “It’s gonna be okay baby.” She brushed his hair out of his face, “Come on let me see how bad it is.” He shook his head and kept holding his hand taking deep breaths, “Let me see it.” JC slowly moved his hand away and a jet of red squirted up at her. “Ahhh!” Izzy screeched and jumped back, “Oh, uhhh.” She shuttered and looked at the blood that was covering her one side. She took a closer look at it and then tasted it. It was ketchup. “What the hell?” She said and then looked to JC who was laughing on the ground along with Justin and the rest of the guys.

“I can’t believe you fell for it!” JC laughed out,

“That was so NOT funny, JOSH!” She yelled at him and he cracked up even harder, “I thought you blew your fucking hand off!!” She yelled placing her hands on her hips staring at all of the laughing guys and felt the laughter rise in her throat. “You’ve got five seconds to start running before I beat your ass down Chasez!” She screamed playfully at him and he looked up,

“Oh shit.” He said because he knew that he was in for it. JC took off running and Izzy quickly chased him and dove at him knocking him to the ground.

“All right! My fight! Finally!” Chris shouted as they watched the pair scuffle on the ground. Izzy had him pinned to the ground, playfully punching him and tickling him mercilessly.

JC finally got a hold of her and rolled her over. She pushed him to the ground again and then they tumbled till they rolled under an empty table. JC pulled her face down and kissed her. The table created a little privacy for the couple. When he pulled back he saw Izzy glaring up at him and he pouted,

“You’re not really mad at me, are you?”

“I thought you were really hurt. You scared me half to death.”

“I appreciate the way you ran to my side and tried to take care of me.” He mused kissing her again, “You can be my nurse anytime.” He tried to lighten the mood but she remained serious,

“I don’t like the thought of you getting hurt, Josh.”

“I’m sorry, forgive me?” He smiled hopefully,

“Only because you’re so fucking hot.” She teased and kissed him,

“So you’re using me for my good looks.”

“No, I’m using you because I love you more than anything.” She smiled,

“Well then okay.” He kissed her deeply moving his hands down her body, “Mmm, you’re all sticky. You need a shower.”

“Mmm, you should help since it’s your fault I’m all sticky.” She whispered back.

“I’d gladly offer my services.” He said and kissed her breathlessly.

“Aw, geez, they’re MAKING OUT!” Justin yelled and Izzy held her hand out from under the table, telling Justin exactly what he could do with his statement. “Well Iz if you’re offering…” Justin teased and Izzy pulled away from JC,

“I think I need to go teach Junior a lesson.” JC pulled her back and pinned her beneath him,

“Teach him some other time. Right now you’re teaching me.”

“Oh I am, huh? What am I teaching you?”

“How fast you can run to the shower.”

“Alright then.” She smirked and pushed him off as she darted out from under the table and ran for the door leading to the stairs. JC quickly followed and the other’s laughed thinking that they were play fighting again.

After a shower they joined the guys back on the roof as they were lighting sparklers and just having a good time. This had to be one of her favorite days by far with the guys, they had so much fun just acting like kids. She didn’t want it to end. How did she ever live with out these five guys in her life? In such a short time they had all become such an important piece of her life that she didn’t think anything could take them away from her. She needed them and she knew that she couldn’t live without them.

JC came up behind her, surprising her out of her thoughts.

“Hey you, what are you doing?” She smiled up at her boyfriend and kissed him lightly,

“Just thinking.”

“You’ve been doing a lot of that lately. Everything okay?”

“More than you could ever know. Everything is just perfect, you know?” She sighed and he hugged her tightly, kissing her on the neck.

“Yeah, I know what you’re saying and I couldn’t agree more.”
