Chapter Seventy Nine

Izzy walked around backstage looking for JC. She couldn’t find him anywhere, in fact she was having a problem finding any of the boys. Finally she saw Joey and ran over to him.

“Joey! Where have you been? I've been walking around looking for you-”

Izzy opened her eyes to a fuzzy light, someone was calling her name, it was JC.

“Izzy! You’re awake, thank God!” He said as the room came into focus, all of the boys were there and looking very worried.

“What happened?” Izzy asked groggily, trying to sit up. JC made her lie back down.

“No, lay down until the doctor can check you out.”

“I’m fine, I don’t need to see a doctor.” She said and Joey sat down next to her.

“You might have hit your head when you fell, we just want to make sure that you’re okay.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t fall, let me up.” She tried to get up again but Joey and JC pushed her back down.

“Yes you did, you fainted dead away in the middle of the hallway. In fact you were in the middle of talking to me and you just dropped to the floor.” Izzy was about to respond when a man came into the room with a black bag.

“Hey Dr. Petersen, Izzy’s right here.” JC said standing up from where he was.

“Hey, JC, hey guys. Hello, Izzy.” He greeted her sitting down next to her. “How are we feeling today Izzy?”


“She’s a little disoriented Doc, and she feels a little warm to me.” JC interrupted.

“Ah, I see. Well if you boys don’t mind waiting outside while I check out Izzy here.”

“I’m staying.” JC protested and Dr. Petersen pushed the boys out the door,

“I insist, I’ll come and get you when I’m done.” He said and shut the door and then turning towards her, “That’s a lot better, I can actually think and you can get a breath of air.” He smiled at her and smiled gratefully back at him.

“Thanks, they mean well.”

“Yeah, well let’s have a look at you, shall we?” He sat down and began to check her out. “Seems like you took a spill, fainted?”

“Apparently, I don’t know. The last thing I remember is walking down a hall and seeing Joey, then I woke up here.”

“Mm hmm, okay, did you eat anything today?”

“Yeah, I had a huge breakfast and then I ate a pretty big lunch too.”

“Are you on any medication, take any aspirin?”

“Nope and nope, I've been pretty healthy lately surprisingly.”

“You get sick easily?”

“Just sinus infections, that’s all, nothing too serious.”

“Are you getting enough sleep?”

“Too much if you ask me, I seem to be tired no matter how much sleep I get.” She laughed a bit.

“Is there any chance of you being pregnant?”

“There shouldn’t be, I’m on the pill.”

“If I had a nickel for every time I heard that. You know it’s not 100% effective against pregnancy. When was the last time you had your period?” He asked and Izzy sat there for a minute, it had been a while.

“I don’t know, I've been so busy running after these guys that I haven’t really even paid attention, it’s been a while. But can’t that happen, it doesn’t mean that I’m pregnant, right?”

“Yes that’s true, but I can’t find any other reason for your fainting spell and every thing you’re telling me leads me to think that. I’m not saying it’s a definite, but maybe you should have it checked out, that’s all. Here why don’t you make an appointment to see me tomorrow, we can go to the hospital and take a look okay?”

“Okay, how about ten, are you free?”

“That’ll be fine Izzy, I’ll see you then.”

“Thanks Dr. Petersen. See you tomorrow.” She said as he got up from his seat and went for the door,

“Izzy do you want me to take care of the guys?”

“Yeah I’d really appreciate that.” She said and he just nodded his head before leaving. Izzy laid back on the couch that she was resting on. Could she really be pregnant? How was this possible? ‘Duh’ she thought, you and JC, they had had unprotected sex so many times, only because she thought that they were safe because of her birth control. Her parents were going to kill her if she was.

Izzy stared at the blue stick, she really wanted to cry, in fact she almost started too. She was so dead. JC suddenly popped into the room,

“Izzy? Where are you?” Izzy jumped in the bathroom at the sound of his voice, he was home earlier than she thought he would be. She dropped the stick in the sink and then quickly picked it up. “Honey?” He said from the other room,

“I’m in the bathroom, Josh, I’ll be right out.” She sighed; she had to tell him and now was as good a time as ever. She went and stood in the doorway of the bathroom. “Hey.” She said and JC came over to her and kissed her lightly,

“What’s wrong?” he asked,

“We need to talk.”

“Okay,” He said slowly, “why don’t I like the sound of this?” Izzy held up the pregnancy test in her one hand, “What’s that and what does it mean?” He asked.

“It’s a pregnancy test,” she said with a slight pause, “and it’s positive.”


“I’m pregnant, Josh.”

“Your pregnant, as in you’re going to have a baby?”

“No, I’m gonna have a camel.” She said sarcastically, “Yes, I’m going to have a baby.”

“Wait a minute, don’t those things have an error thing, it could be wrong.” Izzy pulled out her other hand, which held three more pregnancy tests,

“Not if four of them say the same thing.” JC sat down hard on the bed and stared into his hands.

“Wow, okay, so what are you going to do?” Izzy put the tests down on the night stand and sat down next to him,

“Don’t you mean what are we gonna do, it’s your baby too.”

“Yeah, that’s what I meant. I just, wow, we’re having a baby. It’s just kind of a shock that’s all.”

“You’re telling me.”

“I thought you were on birth control.”

“I was, it just failed.”

“Big time.”

“Look, don’t act like this is all my fault, you were as much a part of this as I was. You know, you don’t even have to be a part of this if you don’t want to.” She said shortly, “I’m very content on doing this by myself, I don’t need you.” Izzy got off the bed,

“Iz, I’m sorry, I just, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say. What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know!” She said, “All I know is that this is the last thing either of us needs right now.” JC got up from the bed and went over to her,

“Well this affects you more than it does me. So what ever you decide to do, I’ll support you. We’ll get through this together.” He said and pulled her into his arms,

“Thank you, that means a lot to me, Josh.”
