Chapter Eighty

The next day Izzy went to the hospital to meet Dr. Petersen.

“Hey, Doc.” She said as she walked into his office.

“Hey, Izzy take a seat. How are you feeling today?”

“Emotionally or Physically?” She said as she sat down across from him.

“Well let’s start with the physical and then we’ll tackle the emotional.”

“Physically, I've never felt better.”

“And emotionally?”

“I’m a wreck, it turns out your right, I’m pregnant and this is the worst time for me to even think about having a baby.”

“Well babies have a funny way of doing that. Let’s get you up to OB and get you all checked out.”

“Kay.” Izzy went up with Dr. Petersen. He introduced her to Dr. Marie Taylor, who was the head of the OB department. She set Izzy up for a ultrasound, and pointed out the baby to her,

“That’s it right there and there’s the head and their two legs and two arms.”

“That my baby?” Izzy said in awe touching the screen.

“Uh huh.” Dr. Taylor smiled at her, “From the looks of things here, I’d say that you’re about three months along, listen carefully you can hear the baby’s heart beat.” Izzy listened quietly and tears came to her eyes as she heard the tiny heart beat.

“That’s so amazing, I wish Josh was here to hear it.”

“The baby’s father?” Dr. Taylor asked and Izzy nodded, “Well I can tape it and you can show him at home.”

“Sound and all?”

“Sound and all and here,” She said pushing a button, “Is your baby’s first picture.” A black and white picture slid out of the machine. “If you hold on a minute I’ll go get a tape to record on.”

“Okay.” Izzy sat there and watched the small baby on the screen, this was really happening; she was really going to have a baby. Dr. Taylor came back and made a tape for Izzy and checked her all out.

“Well everything seems to be going along fine.” Her beeper went off,

“Oh that Mrs. Samone, I’m sorry I have to run. Here’s your test results and everything you’ll need to get started for your pregnancy. Call me if you have any questions. Good luck Isabella.”

“Thanks Dr. Taylor, bye.”

Izzy left the hospital and drove to where the boys were having a photo shoot for some magazine. She sat in the car and looked at her test results. As she read them she stopped at the conception date, it said the beginning of April. That couldn’t be right, she only started sleeping with JC in the middle of May. She didn’t have sex in April, because she was with Greg and they weren’t that serious. Then it clicked, ‘Oh God’ she thought, ‘Joey, I slept with Joey in the beginning of April! Joey's the father!’ She lightly banged her head against the wheel of the car. How the hell was she going to deal with this?

Izzy put everything from the doctors in her bag and collected herself. She couldn’t let the boys see how frazzled she was. Izzy put on her biggest smile and went in to see the guys. JC jumped up instantly from where he was sitting and ran over to her.

“You’re back early.” He said hugging her and kissing her deeply.

“And you’re being awfully affectionate in public.” She replied.

“Well how can I help it when I have such a beautiful girlfriend, who I absolutely adore.” He smiled and Izzy raised an eyebrow at him,

“What’s gotten into you?” He smiled impishly,

“Nothing, how was the doctor’s?”

“Everything’s going according to plan and everything is fine.”

“Why did ya go to the doctor’s Izzy?” Joey said coming up from behind JC.

“Oh, Dr. Petersen just wanted to check up on me from yesterday that’s all.”

“Kay, you sure there’s nothing else you’d like to tell me?” He said with a grin. Izzy looked at JC, who had just a big of a smile on his face.

“You have a big mouth.” She said shortly and JC looked hurt.

“Aw, Izzy-bell you couldn’t expect him to keep that to himself for very long could you?”

“Well at least a little while, maybe till I got here so I could tell them too.”

“Joey we need you over here!” A woman called from where she had Lance sitting.

“Okay,” he yelled back and then turned to them, “be back in a minute.” He said and ran over to where he was supposed to be. Izzy turned to JC,

“So you’re okay with this?”

“Yeah, I am.” He said with a huge smile, “It just feels so right now, I can’t believe that we’re gonna have a baby.” Izzy faked a smile back,

“I can’t believe it either.”

Izzy walked down to Joey's room and knocked on his door, she couldn’t keep it a secret any longer and had to tell him. It had been killing her all day. He answered the door after a few seconds,

“Izzy, hey, what’s up?”

“Can we go for a walk or something?”

“Yeah, sure, let me get my coat.”

They walked down into the back of the hotel, it had a huge pond and sitting areas around it. They stood at the side of the pond and skipped some stones.

“You’re being awfully quiet tonight. Is something up?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m just trying to figure out whether or not I should say it.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s not, in fact it’s really shitty.”

“It can’t be that bad, Izzy.”

“Oh believe me it is. You know, I think I’m being punished.”

“What are you talking about, punished for what?”

“The bad things I've done in my life.”

“What bad things? I know everything about you, you’re not a bad person Izzy-bell.”

“You don’t know everything about me, Joey.” She said quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“JC’s not the father.” Joey froze and looked at her,


“JC’s not the father of my baby. I thought he was but when I went to the doctor’s today, I found out the truth.”

“Who’s the father Izzy? Please don’t tell me Lance.”

“No, it’s worse,” she said taking a deep breath, “it’s yours.”

“Whoa, hold the train, that’s impossible, we having slept together in ages.”

“Think back to when you visited me at school, Joey.”

“Oh, shit.”

“Oh, shit is right.”

“Are you sure it’s mine?”

“There’s no one else’s it could be Joey. The baby’s at twelve weeks, that’s three months ago, meaning it was conceived in the beginning of April. That was the first time I had had sex in like six months. The baby’s too old to be JC’s.”

“Does he know yet?”

“No, I don’t have the heart to tell him. He’s getting all excited about it now.”

“You can’t let him live a lie, the longer you let it go, the worse it’s gonna be.”

“What about you? I don’t think Kelly’s gonna like the fact that we’re having a kid. I don’t want you to lose Brianna or Kelly. I don’t want to lose JC either.” She finished quietly.

“Don’t worry about Kelly, I can take care of her.”

“I just feel like I’m gonna be hurting so many people with this baby. I don’t want to hurt anyone. What if we just let it go? What would the harm in that be?”

“Izzy-bell you’re not thinking straight. You can’t let JC think he’s the father when he’s not, the truth will come out and when your, I mean our kid’s older you’ll wind up hurting them too.”

“God I hate it when you’re right.” She said turning away from him.

“Well one of us has to be, surprisingly it’s me.” He joked and she laughed.

“Yeah, I know, for once. You know what? The good thing is that my parents won’t kill me now. They’ll be doing a little jig, and celebrating.” She said and Joey laughed with her.

“Something like this?” He said and did a kooky little dance, Izzy burst out laughing and then suddenly grabbed her stomach.

“Oh!” Joey stopped dancing and went to her side.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, the baby just moved. That was so weird! It kind of tickles.”

“Can I feel?” he asked.

“Sure, give me your hand.” She took his hand and placed it under her shirt on her stomach. “I don’t know if you can feel it or not.”

“I felt something move!” He exclaimed and she smiled,

“That’s our baby Joey.” She whispered quietly looking into his eyes.

“Yeah it is.” He quietly said back to her. “I’m gonna take care of you Izzy, you and our baby.” He slid his hands around her and pulled her into a deep hug.

“You’ve always taken care of me, Joey.” She said hugging him tight.

“That’s because you’ve always taken care of me.” He said dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

JC stood outside on the balcony of his room. He was wondering where Izzy had gone off to. He saw two people down by the pond out in the back of the hotel. They were standing close like lovers would for a while and then they walked back to the hotel hand in hand. He smiled to himself because they reminded him of Izzy and himself. He would definitely have to take Izzy on a walk around that pond tomorrow night. He couldn’t believe that they were going to have a baby. He hadn’t told his parent’s yet and he didn’t know how well they were going to take this. Izzy coming back into the room dropped him out of his thoughts.

“Hey you, what are you doing out there by yourself?” She said taking off her coat and walking over to him.

“I was just looking out over the pond and thinking that we should take a walk out there tomorrow night. Where did you go off too?”

“I was just out by the pond talking with Joey.”

“That was you out there?”

“Yeah, why?”

“No big deal, what did you have to talk to Joey about?” He asked and Izzy turned from him and shrugged her shoulders.

“Nothing, just stuff, you know.” She said and JC grabbed her arm and turned her back to face him,

“I don’t know, what kind of stuff?” Izzy pulled her arm out of his grasp,

“Why do you care? It’s no big deal.”

“If it’s no big deal, why won’t you tell me?”

“Cuz it’s just stuff I talk to Joey about, he is my best friend you know.”

“And I’m your boyfriend, but I guess that doesn’t rank right? I don’t need to know what’s going on in my girlfriend’s life, it doesn’t matter.”

“JC, don’t. Why do you have to get so jealous? If I was just out there with Lucy or Laura we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s just because I was talking to Joey. You’re jealous of my relationship with Joey.”

“Yeah, because you tell him everything before you tell me! I’m surprised that you told me about the baby before you told him. I always tell you everything that is going on in my life-”

“Everyone knows what’s going on in your life! You take a shit and it’s on the front page of the New York Times!”

“Yeah but I tell you before it gets the paper. Most of the time I have to get what’s going on with you second hand, from Joey.”

“Fine I’m the shittiest girlfriend that ever lived, is that what you wanted to hear?”

“Izzy I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to.”

“You know I don’t think that, don’t go putting words in my mouth. I just want to know when things are bothering you, I just want to be the one you turn to.”

“Well you can’t be that person all the time JC.”

“Once in a while would be nice.”

“Maybe if you weren’t such a prick I would.”

“Is that what you and Joey were talking about? Me? Is that the reason why you can’t tell me what’s wrong?”

“Why can’t you just drop this?!”

“So you were talking about me!” Izzy went to say something but she just grabbed her mouth and ran into the bathroom. Next thing JC heard was Izzy puking her guts out. He went into the bathroom and sat down next to her and pulled her hair back. He began rubbing her back but she pushed his hand away, and sat back a little after she was finished,

“Leave me alone.” She said,


“JC, please just go away.” She said shaking her head sadly and JC slowly got up. He took one final look and went into the other room. She just sat there, ‘why does everything have to be so fucked up?’ she asked herself.
