Chapter Eighty One

Next morning Izzy got up and hopped in the shower. She let the hot water pour over her, soaking every inch of her. It felt so good and she let all of her worries disappear for a little while.

She had just finished putting conditioner in her hair when she felt two hands slide around her waist and a kiss on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” JC said, “I’m sorry about being such a prick about you and Joey.” He said and Izzy sighed leaning against the shower wall.

“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean those things I said, I was just aggravated that’s all.”

“Well you had every right to be, I guess I just have an overactive imagination. But I’m gonna try to stop and leave your relationship with Joey alone. I don’t need to know everything that goes on between you and Joey. I’m not perfect and I’m really grateful for the way you bear with me.” He finished and pulled her tightly against him. Izzy stared out into space,

“Why you gotta be so sweet?”

“Because it makes it hard for you to be mad at me.” He half joked and she turned around,

“You got that right.” Izzy put her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the feel of his arms around her. “I want to stay like this forever.” She whispered.

“I wish we could too.” He agreed, “But then we’d get pretty pruney.” He joked, she laughed and kissed his neck.

“How true, how true.”

They finished up their shower together and JC wrapped Izzy up in a comfy robe and then did the same to himself. When they walked out into the bedroom Izzy grabbed him and kissed him deeply.

“Mmm, what was that for?” He asked.

“For being so sweet.” She replied and kissed him again, this time she pulled him towards the bed and began undoing his robe.

“Izzy is this okay? I mean for the baby?” He asked and Izzy smirked,

“The doctor said it was more than okay, in fact it’s recommended.”

“Remind me to tell your doctor thank you.”

Afterward they were laying in bed, and JC had his head resting on Izzy stomach and he was rubbing it gently. Then he started singing to it,

“Baby, baby, oh my little baby, so sweet and tender…” Izzy started crying silently, she knew that JC was going to be crushed when he found out that the baby wasn’t his. She was crushed that the baby wasn’t his, not that she minded it being Joey's, she just wished with all her heart that it was JC’s.

Izzy grabbed her bag to leave for the interview. It was so heavy so she dumped a bunch of things out of it onto the desk in the room and then left quickly.

Later that day Joey caught up with Izzy at the food table.

“Hey sunshine.” He said as he grabbed a bagel and kissed her cheek, “You look tired.”

“I’m exhausted.” He looked at her with a worried look,

“Take a break, sit down and put up your feet. You need to take care of yourself and the baby.”

“Thanks dad, but I’m fine, thank you.”

“Well, speaking of which, have you told him yet?” Izzy looked down at the floor and shook her head.

“No, I don’t have the heart to do it. He’s so excited about it, he’s already writing lullabies and he was singing to the baby this morning.”

“Izzy you gotta do it, you can’t lead him on, it’ll only get worse.”

“You don’t think I know that Joey? But you don’t have to look into his eyes and see that light that sparks every time I mention the baby. How can I kill that?” Joey didn’t say anything but just pulled her into a tight hug.

“Everything will turn out okay. I have faith in you that you can do this.”

“Well at least you do.” She said hugging him tightly. “This is exactly what I needed.”

“Well I try to please.” He said dropping a kiss on her head before letting go of her.

“I know you do, and I’m thankful for that. You need to get back to your interview, but I need a hug for the road.”

“That I can do princess.” He said pulling her in for another big bear hug.

JC looked over and saw Izzy and Joey talking, they were standing a little close than he would have liked. Then Joey gave her a huge hug and JC felt the jealousy rise. He pushed it back down, ‘No! Izzy would never do that to you!’ he berated himself, ‘Don’t get yourself in any more trouble!’ All day long JC tried to push that thought out of his mind but for some reason it stuck into his mind and was refreshed every time he saw Izzy and Joey together.
