Chapter Eighty Two

Finally they were done for the day and all of the boys bounced up to their rooms. Izzy hung back with Joey, she knew that JC would be in the shower first thing, so she had a few minutes to spare.

“So how do you think he’s going to react to our happy little news?” She asked Joey.

“I don’t know, not too well I would think, since he seems so happy about this baby.”

“You know this morning, I wished with all my might that the hospital had made a mistake and the baby really was JC’s.” She said and Joey looked a bit hurt. “Oh sweetie not that I’m not happy that it’s yours it’s just…”

“I know, I understand, it would just make life a lot easier for everyone.”

“Yeah it would, but then when has life ever been easy when we’re involved.” She said and Joey laughed.

“Yeah, I know. Well I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ll be around if you need me.”

“Okay thanks, I appreciate it.” Joey just nodded and went off to his room. Izzy sighed and went into her room. She found JC staring at the TV, he was watching the ultrasound tape from the hospital. He gently touched the screen and turned when he realized that she was there.

“That’s our baby?” He asked and Izzy nodded walking over to him. “Was this from the hospital trip you just took?”

“Yeah, I taped it for you, because you couldn’t be there.”

“Why didn’t you show me sooner?” he asked gently.

“We were just too busy.”

“It’s so amazing.”

“I know.” Izzy said looking down to the floor and noticed that JC had some papers in his hands. It was the lab results from her hospital visit. Fear rose in her throat. Then her worst fear came true.

“I was reading the lab results and I noticed a mistake. It says here that the conception date was in early April, but that can’t be right because we didn’t start sleeping together till the middle of May. Heck you weren’t even on tour with us till the middle of April.” He looked at Izzy who continued to stare at the floor silently, because she didn’t know what to say. “Izzy?” She walked away and stared out the balcony doors,

“The conception date is right.” She whispered softly.

“What?” He asked because he wasn’t sure he heard her right. Izzy hugged herself tightly.

“I said,” she started more strongly now, “the conception date is right.” Her statement hung in the air like an awful stench. JC half laughed,

“Funny, nice joke Izzy. I thought we were-”

“It’s not a joke, JC! I’m not being funny!” She yelled at him and then turned her voice softer, “You’re not the father of my baby.” JC just stared at her not wanting to believe her.

“No! No! Take it back!” He yelled at her.

“Don’t you wish I could! I want you to be the father of this baby, but there’s no way you could be.”

“When did you find out?”

“Yesterday when I saw the lab results.”

“So you’ve been lying to me, leading me on to believe that the baby was mine! Were you ever gonna tell me? Or were you just going to let me live a lie!”

“I wanted to tell you, I just couldn’t, because I knew how excited you were. I just wanted to believe that you were the father.” She said with tears slipping down her cheeks. JC looked down to the ground trying to hide the tears in his eyes.

“Is it Greg’s?” He asked and Izzy shook her head,

“No, it’s not.” JC looked at her,

“Then whose is it?” he asked and Izzy couldn’t look him in the eye. JC asked again, “I want to know who the father is Izzy, or don’t you know?” The tone of his voice was malicious. Izzy was shaking and managed to get the name out,

“J-Joey.” She said her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes darting everywhere but JC’s face.


“Joey, Joey's the father.”

“Joey! As in Joey Fatone?! Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr.?”

“Yes, Joey! Who the hell did you think I meant?!”

“I can’t believe you, here I was making myself believe that there was nothing going on between you two, when I was right all along! Does he know?” Izzy sadly shook her head,

“Yeah, he does, but you got to believe me that I wasn’t cheating on you!”

“You’re pregnant with his baby!!!! You’ve been lying to me and you expect me to trust you now?” He yelled at her and she looked at the ground,

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to lose you Josh.”

“Well you should have thought of that before you decided to fuck Joey! God, do you ever think of anyone but yourself? What about Kelly? Brianna? Don’t you care about how they are gonna take this?”

“Don’t you think I know! I keep hoping that this is some horrible nightmare, that any minute I’m gonna wake up and none of this happened.”

“I don’t want to hear it! Get out of here! I refuse to live with anymore of your lies! Just leave me alone!” He yelled at her and stormed out on the balcony.

“Josh!” She yelled after him and turned quickly,

“Get the fuck out, now!” His voice was filled with anger and hate, but that wasn’t the worse part, his eyes, normally they were a warm blue and now they were ice cold blue. No longer did they hold the love she always saw in them, now they only showed hate. Izzy turned and ran out the door, tears poured down her face as she ran down the stairwell and out of the hotel, but she didn’t stop there. She kept running down to the beach and then down the length of the beach. She kept running until her legs simply gave out and she collapsed into the sand. Her crying didn’t stop the tears came and it felt like there was no end to them. She had lost Josh; her worst nightmare had come true. Suddenly the skies opened up and it began to rain. Izzy didn’t care the weather matched her mood.
