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THOUGHT for APRIL 9th 1999


To awaken to the morning light. The day has begun with out me seeing the rise. The golden rays peep past it's grey shades, beaming the glistening dew drops into movement. As the soft winds darts their light everywhere. The moist air sticks to my working hands, as the ground is made soft to cover the seed of love! The ears grow with sounds, as the birds sing their tunes of lullabies. The warmth of a spring morning brings comfort. The windows of the house is open as to let out the staleness of winter and refresh the coming of promises! The voice of love, shares this morning with me for they are in spirits. The soft sounds of whispers are heard by the Angels that God has sent. Their umbrella wings shelters the tears. The birds sit on branches just above to bring food of nature to fall within. The multi-coloured butterflies lay kisses all about the newly broken ground. The dew radiates her beauty of purity! As the Angels fold their wings with lifting love of our gift towards the heavens. The sky now weeps! The clouds roll back in path for the heavens to beam their warmth of Love and their thankfulness for such a precious gift. I know she is safe from all harm, she only had the touches of pure love. She is truly a blessed blessing!

Thank-you for giving unto us, even if for a short time!

( Sleep Lullaby )

*** Sleep now baby, don't you cry ... our hearts now merge in lullabies! Placing soft kisses on your cheeks ... staying with you ... as you sleep!!! Sleep now baby, we love you ... Mummy and Daddy shall come to you!! ***

( Adina )

THOUGHT for APRIL 10th 1999

( Anthony )

“Our tears shall fall to the earth to help you grow.”

( In memory of our daughter )

THOUGHT for APRIL 11th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

The words, " We have to live our own lives " are so popular. I would have to say it is quite the common phrase. Seems so hypocritical at times if I may say. In my sort life time, I have heard it very much and in recent times too. I am astonished to see it used in such a fashion. Around 90% of the occasion the phrase is used when in a hole so to speak. Just like it is rehersed as a screen play is. Why can't people just be open to themselves? Why do they hide behind a mask of illusionistic irony? The truth does hurt; yet lies cause my substancial pain within. It takes a bigger heart within the person to so courage and openly admitting! We tend to only remember this part of a phrase and nothing else! " is so hard to swallow, when you're wrong..." Just bite your tongue, get it off your chest and in the end, the road will be a much smoother road. Hence, I am trying to say, " Happiness is not procrastinating. Procrastination causes bitterness and depression. Live life for what is is! " Stop being a fool for someone else!

THOUGHT for APRIL 14th 1999

( Snowy 99 )

"There is no peace, in this enslaved life! Not in our mind, for they cut it out with a knife. Tell me how do you ride the storm? Oh Mighty Ones! who engages with strife!"

"Living and making memories is a part of life. Shared memories is the happiness of life!"

"Smiles are a universal language unspoken! =) Have a free one on me!!"

THOUGHT for APRIL 15th 1999

( John Lennon '68 )

" ...Some kind of innocence is measured out in years. You don't know what it is like to listen to your fears. You can talk to me. You can talk to me. If you're lonely you can talk to me... "

THOUGHT for APRIL 17th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

It is a total joke! Hundreds of people with power just playing mind games with themeselves. It is the epitome of everything that is morale`. Arrangements can be made and deals can be set within a couple of hours, no matter what the time is around the world. The world "AFTER HOURS" has no meaning to these hypocritical prima-donnas. When it comes down to the crunch, the don't have the power of respect nor the honour that they so desperately seek! When asked by a needy person for a little helping hand, it is like asking them to dig into their pants and break open the wallet that is covered with cob webs as the moths set sail at the site of the light. Power is not that of conquering. Power is that of giving and helping when in times of need. Reverese the roles. Put them in the gutter. See them asking for help! People have long and lasting memories! They never forget actions!

" REMEMBER: The people you walk over to get to the top, are the people who will kick you in the teeth as you start your fall back to reality, back to the human race. "

You people know who you are! You are fucken paranoid prima-donnas in my book! Wake up to yourselves, as well as the world. You are all just a fucken joke! Can't you see people laughing? Can't you see power disappears? We have the last fucken laugh at your expense!!

THOUGHT for APRIL 18th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

How can one say sorry for all the wrongs made, when at the other end of the phone is just silent? How can one express themselves, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Why wake up in the morning if your love is not there?

I run these meandering thoughts through the empty halls of my head. Consideration of the heart and opaque mind must be determined. One must place themselves in the shoes of the other! Things just happen and for reasons no one knows! All one can see to determine is that it is a path meant to be travelled. All I know is to walk that path and see where it does lead, for that is the only way of knowing what lies ahead. That is one of the mysteries of life. But, the path is there and it must be walked. If that is alone or hand in hand with another, then that is life. Our path is lined with trees that whisper sounds and secrets to distract and to cause tension. The mind must be forced to become opaque to succeed. We must first make peace with people that are dear to the heart to travel the path. As I say again:

How can one say sorry for all the wrongs made, when at the other end of the phone is just silent? How can one express themselves, when there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Why wake up in the morning if your love is not there?

THOUGHT for APRIL 23rd 1999

( Nowhere Man )

I don't know what to say or feel now. I am at a total loss. I have no idea where my love currently is as she really was in an upset state. We set our hopes on something and then some bastard comes along and dashes our hopes. I will name names to three people I believe who created this problem as there is a link! How can a person be denied the correct documents when everything was filed correctly? How can a courier company say it will be there at a certain time and a certain day and then give a false tracking number and deny that this document ever exsisted. This world is full of CORRUPTION and JEALOUS BASTARDS. You have something called Real Love and you are put through hell, because of ex-friends are pissed off because you didn't go to bed with them and fuck them! This world is the epitome of death. Real love branches to the unearthly. Now, I see the world doesn't respect the love I have for this woman. Then, the world shall lose the opportunity to see this love at work. There are people waiting for us in another place. It will be a joyful reunion. Full of tears and full of love. Being surrounded by people who understand love and not see love as being fucked in the bed. As John Lennon said: "You're still a fucking peasant as far as I can see!"

THOUGHT for APRIL 24th 1999


America The Land Of The Free?

The hot blood flows violently through my veins. As life's travels should not be tested as the patience of JOB! Again the system proves it is for the crooked and not the law abiding citizen! What is an American? This I no longer know! What FREEDOMS do I HAVE? How much of me do they want to rip from my mind now? They drug and tested us in schools. They exercise brain washing schemes. They use our boys for toy soldiers. Then used their wives for breeding grounds! They lay out false promises then condemn you in the eyes of the public, and divert your attention to the bloody holy wars of distant grounds! They pollute sister lands with their industries, twisting the money in hand! They have the nerve to smile in your face as they stab you. The scales of justice? They speak loud with lies! For the innocent is guilty and the guilty is innocent! I have no rights I am held prisoner here in my own country. One that claims to be FREE!!

THOUGHT for APRIL 25th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

I keep on saying it over and over again, but it seems to fall of deaf ears. Being polite starts to wear thin as people's memories become sparse. How many times do you have to tell a person the same objective before it sinks in between their ears? I have lost count with one particular person! They seem to have a very short memory. They know of your character and yet persist to carry on without a thought for tomorrow or what happened in the past. I seriously wonder how they would deal with the same situation! They had gone through it before, but not as often or as detailed as what I have been put through. If I can remember correctly, they did change their ways for a week or so. As they say " old habits die hard."

I am now at that crossroad. Do I persist to keep it bottled in? Do I let out my feelings on these actions shown? Do I play the same situation back on them? It is hard. For this person is a highly emotional person. Now, I have to think the course of action over carefully. I don't want to cause any harm. I believe I do have love and compassion in my body. Maybe they do? But, who knows with the actions they have been displaying, with thoughts being self-centered. I begin to feel, that I should lock myself away as I once was. Also! Promises made are to be kept! Well, this is one that has been broken on numerous occasions. Maybe it is time to break one of my own!

THOUGHT for APRIL 26th 1999

( Anthony )


The word NAKED is preceived in one particular way, SEX. There are many people out there, who see being naked as wearing no clothes. Walking or roaming around in an explicit way or for sex and games. That is not naked. Well, that is one part of being naked we tend to only see with our tunnel vision.

Nakedness is so beautiful to the eye of a lover. No matter what time, it is always beautiful. In the evening, you can see the body just shut down and total release any stress, as in the morning hours, the aurora is so strong and plentiful. It is the only time in life you get to see the beauty of the body as well as the beauty that is always buried deep within the soul. You see the real person, the innocence as the body just radiates all these features out for the lover to admire and think of love and life.

Going to bed, your cuddles reveal so much against a naked body. They reveal if you are in a good mood, bad mood or pleasurable mood. Being so close, you can feel the pulse beating in time in different parts of the body. You can feel the warmth radiate from the body. There is so much more to nakedness. Just look at the story: The Emperor's New Clothes. If you read between the lines, the emperor was proud of himself, as people could see him for him and not what he wore. Not the materials. But, the people just laughed as they were and still are naive.

Clothes are there for us to wear, to stop unwanted eyes looking at what is not there for there eyes. Just look at Therians, who were partially naked. They understood the beauty of it. Clothes do restrain our aspects of our souls, but that is for protection in this day and age. Don't get me wrong. A naked body is also very sexual and erotic. I am just saying that there is more to being naked then just one factor. Think about it. Look at your lover and see if you can see what I just said.

THOUGHT for MAY 11th 1999

( Snowy 99 )


As we branch out on the tree of life grasping onto the idea to venture to the tips. The higher we go the smaller the branches are! The roots of where we came from are our strength! The test is the uneased swaying. The weaker snaps; give way to the lower in hopes of being craddled! Treading so slightly as we reach for the outter goals! For the warmth of success beackons unto us! The storms blow with strength that rips at the secured thoughts tossing wildly about! To DOUBT oneself, is suicide in its opium form! To WIN, is to cling on with absolute POWER!

THOUGHT for JUNE 17th 1999

( Nowhere Man )

Life is one big spinning top. You remember! The one you had when you were young. Well, the more you kept on pushing down on the winder, the more speed would generate. Just like life. The more you try to achieve from deep within, the faster the progression of results is. Another point to it, is we just never know where it will stop. As with life; everyone has highs that are matched with lows throughout life. On both topics, we can't measure where things will be for us when we reach the top or when we slide back to the bottom. Just like the spinning top. As soon as we let it go, the force driven sends it anywhere ; totally out of your control.

So far, I am still experiencing the whole situation. I call it 'TOP SYNDROME'. At this time I am at the bottom of the pile. The time at the top was great. Time at the bottom is great too, if you have a stable mind. All in all. The more you believe and act, then the shorter the time at both ends. You will find the comfort zone.


( Snowy 99 )

I now shut the window and bolt it tight For my own emotions will not even be used by myself I have loved like never thought possible, to no avail is the passion returning I can not read your words everyday nor live to the likings. I do not compare, nor shall allow myself Hidden thought and jesters must come into view For it has been a long time no see My love breaths are laboring in the gutters of life Love can kill as well as make a new life!

THOUGHT for JULY 6th 2000

( Snowy 99 )

Illustrated ideas of love is read into the child's dreams. Is love but a wish based upon the fairy book. The happy ever after is crated by yet another dream. Fantasized emotions are based upon the other's needs. What happens when there is no more needs to met? Sabotage the needs of the other is a dangerous game in love, for unconditional love has no motives, no beginning, no end. That is what THE HAPPY EVER AFTER becomes.

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