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Chronology of Events 
in the 
History of Microcomputers

Last updated: 1998 June 04.

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  • Intel's MMX is the biggest advance in PC processors since the 386. Not a new chip, but a new technology that will be applied across Intel's entire line of CPUs, MMX speeds up key multimedia and communications operations using a new set of 57 processors instructions. The Pentium MMX chip also has a 32K cache instead of the ordinary Pentium's 16K, delivering a substantial processing speed boost with any application. Six big names have started selling MMX system: Micron, Dell, Packard Bell, NEC, Toshiba, and Gateway 2000. These heavy hitters all had their own spin on next-generation multimedia hardware.
  • January 7, 1997, 3 p.m. PT March April May June July August September October November December


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