6: Kairos Services


"Moving from sinful chaos to godly shalom through Christ"




Renewal and Reformation Services

The Kairos Initiative seeks to help build a new generation of godly leaders for the Caribbean, able and ready to lead us through the crises ahead to a new era of godly reformation, sound and sustainable development, under the blessing of God.


In pursuit of this vision, the Kairos Initiative is prepared to provide the following services to the church and wider community:

Ways and Means

Many of these services will be offered through this web site. Other services, God willing [James 4:13 - 17], will be provided as follows:

  • Through working with the ARC/COM Ministry Teams and Network, and through other discipleship-, missions-, revival-, renewal- and reformation- oriented networks and alliances across the region.
  • Through these networks, collaborative identification, development and implementation of a cluster of strategically important renewal and reformation projects.

  • Associated with this, the collaborative creation of a web-based "School Without Walls"tasked to develop and implement a regionally delivered series of discipleship-, skill-building- and reformation- oriented short courses for equipping Caribbean Christians (and others) through an articulated training scheme under the Christocentric fullness theme.

  • Through special arrangements for specific cases.


Contact Us:

Going Further:

For more details on the Fullness Vision (PDF):

Discipleship/training resources:

a) Courses:

(b) Documents (PDF):

About Fullness


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This web page was created by Gordon Mullings; all rights reserved