Weekly Fun Thing


for you
to have
lots of fun

Tim and Jill
Invite You
to Have a Look-See

01.24.2005 Hello! Welcome to our recently-updated website of random things! We are currently working hard on another site, www.whattoread.net. So between the two, we're keeping pretty busy here! Feel free to hang out for awhile!

We've only made a few changes to this site, content-wise. We've added a weight loss diary page for Jill that she hopes to update regularly as she continues to be successful. We're also adding a weekly fun thing, which you can see if you'll look upwards and to the right! Sometimes we take up a weird project for the week, or just learn how to do something cool, and we want to share it with everyone! When it's up and running, you'll be able to see what we're really up to in any given week!

01.31.2005 Hello Monday! Haha. Hope everything's going well. Tim and I (you will soon notice that I, Jill, write on here mostly) have been working constantly to get the other site running, and now it is! Whattoread.net

Other than that, we haven't been doing much. I'm working on updating the weight loss page tonight, as I had a great weigh-in this past week. When anything exciting happens, we'll let you know.

02.19.2005 Greetings on this gloomy Saturday! It was fun this week, enjoying all the nice sunny weather! Anyway, I (Jill) have begun working full time at my job this week (and Tim's still working full time), so we've been pretty busy around here lately. I did update my weight loss page a little bit. We got a few haiku submissions, so I'll get those on the page as soon as I can! Hope all is going well, and we'll talk to you soon!

Hits Since July 19, 2003:

Last Updated 02/19/2005