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Daily Stuff for 3-31-03

Monday Sucks!

I'm dead serious. Monday should be removed from the week. Have you ever heard someone actually come in and say, "Yes! It's Monday! I feel so happy that I could just burst! I'm an idiot hear me roar!" No you haven't. It's always the same "Oh God It's Monday" kind of thing. That's because of the weekend. We have our nice break, and get a bit of a taste of life without having to go to school. Then they force us to come back in. It's horrible! Stop letting us feel free and then stealing it from us! Second of all, most teachers don't even let us enjoy the weekend. To them it is just extra homework time. The weekend is supposed to be fun! But it's spoiled by Mondays and evil teachers!!! Monday is such a horrible day for everyone, so it should be removed. But then we'd come back on Tuesday, so they'd have to take it out to, and while they're at it, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday too...


Well, I went to school, as usual. I was feeling like crap this morning (up till 2:30 last night). School was pretty boring. All the teachers are piling up the homework now before the end of the third quarter, so everything is really intensifying. A bunch of my friends had to stay after school today to prepare for the West Side Story performance in a couple of days. Oh yeah, computer graphics was hilarious. Our teacher, Mr. Vernon, started dissing Bess, the school internet filter, like crazy. Then he showed us how to sneak around it. It was great :D (even though he got the bypassing technique from me). Anyhow, I got home and my dad says he's sick. So I make fun of him like he has the Hong Kong flu or something (he doesn't ;) ). I have to take out my homework then, work on piano, screw around online (a must), play paintball, and somewhere in the mix, update this page. I'm also stressed out cause of this damn storyboard I have to finish for TSA by Wednesday for this video we're making. I made the video first, now I'm doing the storyboard lol ;). Ok that's about it for today. Elemental out.



Some astronauts go to the president and say, "We're going to go to the sun in this spaceship we built!" The president replies, "You can't do that! You'll burn up! Are you insane?!" They answer, "Oh we thought of THAT. We're going to go at night!"


Home Star Runner -- Don't ask, just look.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

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