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Daily Stuff for 4-1-03

What happened to April Fools?!

Oh my God, what the hell has gotten into people's minds?! There were literally NO PRANKS in school today. All there was were a few kids throwing some water ballons down the stairs. THAT WAS IT! Every year I have seen people releasing mice, greasing the handrails, putting stuff in the school lunch, but this year, nothing. God, people need to get their fatasses up and do something. They spoil everything. I got a few people with pranks myself, but I'm not gonna go pulling the big one as a freshman. Go with the flow!


Got up, felt like hell. I had stayed up late again last night. God, why do I always do that? Every morning I think, "Oh man I'm really tired! I'm gonna go to bed real early tonight." Somehow, my feelings are very different whenever the night actually rolls around. Grrr... So I got on the bus, played a couple jokes on some kids in the spirit of April Fools. I convinced this one kid that Circuit City was selling Game Boy Advances for free with rebates. He actually called his mom and told her to go buy one :P. I got to school. Nothing really happened for the first few periods except the stupid PSSA testing (Pothead Sexual Sanity Affirmation ;) ). I figured some kids must be planning on a REALLY big stunt if they had waited so long. But nope, no stunt. NOTHING! I got home and was so mad that I actually went and updated this thing first for once. Not much has happened since I got home (it's about 5:00). Elemental out.



A man walks into a bar and says, "Bartender. Give me 20 shots of whiskey." "Wow, what's the matter?" replys the bartender. The man answers, "I just found out my son is gay." "Ooh, that's harsh," the bartender answers.

A week later, the same man comes in again, and says, "Bartender, give me 40 shots of whiskey." "What happened now?" the bartender asks. "I just found out my OTHER son is gay." "Ow!" says the bartender.

The man doesn't come back for a month, but when he does, he says, resignedly, "Bartender, give me 70 shots of whiskey." "Jesus Christ man! Doesn't anyone in your family like women?!" exclaims the bartender. The man answers, "Yeah. My wife."


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One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

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