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Daily Stuff for 4-2-03

Procrastination is Life

Mr. Vernon yells at me for doing things at the last minute. That is just my way of life. I'd like to see how he lives his life, procrastination free. Grrr... He doesn't understand that I am the world's best procrastinator. I can procrastinate better, longer, and more efficiently than anyone else. Procrastination is my way of life. You see, when under pressuree I work like a demon and I always get everything done.


I get up late this morning (10:00) and wake my mom up to take me to school (I was feeling sick - hong-kong flu ;) - actually it isn't so funny anymore. I get to school, right at the end of Computer Graphics (not too short to be cussed out by vernon) and I have about 3.4324 seconds on a computer before I have to logout and go to French. In French the teacher gave us a bunch of permission slips for different places. The one to Niagara falls looked kind of interesting. The rest of the day was pretty much boring, until the TSA Meeting of DOOM (for me). Basically, Mr. Vernon told us our video would loose and we needed another kid to the audio. Keith just told Vernon to piss off and then we went and recorded the sound ourselves. I have just finished the video a few minutes ago and MR VERNON BETTER LIKE IT OR there will be consequences...Okay it's 2:21 AM and I'm exhausted. Elemental out.



A bartender puts a sign out in front of his bar that says, "If you can make my donkey laugh, you win $500!" Many people attempted and couldn't do it. One day, a really big guy walks in, takes the donkey out back and the donkey is laughing hysterically when the guy comes to receive the prize. The bartender just looks at the man with disbelief.

Two weeks later, the bartender puts out a sign that says, "If you can make my donkey cry, you win $2000!" Many people couldn't do it once again, until the same hairy man walked in, took the donkey out back, and brough the donkey in blubbering. The amazed bartender gasped, "How did you do it?" The man replied while counting his money, "The first time, I told the donkey my dick was biggerr than his. This time, I showed him."


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Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.
Benjamin Franklin(1706- 1790)

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