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Current Topics

The Website Devoted To The Acceleration Of The Evolution Of  The Human Race


  Current Topics            

 The New World Order 

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   What follows are some of the current issues in society that we have been discussing at If you have any comments or issues you would like to discuss, please email us at This page is for everyone's opinion.

-   I wanted to say a bit about crime, and Michael Moore's new movie, 'Bowling for Columbine'. 
The biggest reason there is very little crime in Canadian communities it that there is very little necessity for crime, with a good health care system and strong social assistance.
When Americans ask 'Why so many less murders by guns in Canada, a gun populated nation, do they consider how many of these guns are owned by the government (police, etc...), and of the remaining guns, how many are hunting rifles, shotguns, locked up and unloaded, as opposed to handguns?
The social opinion, of course, plays a huge factor as well. You cannot deny the political evolution of guns and arms and protection in the U.S., nor the somewhat passive nature of the Canadian government. The ethnic diversity of Canada aided in it's social stability because it was embraced from day one, inevitably by the evolution of the country. The emphasis on national security and self defense has caused suspicion, fear, paranoia... in America's ethnic views.

- The practice in society of holding children responsible for their actions is sickening. On talk shows they say what a 'red flag' it is when a child harms an animal, and come down on the child with their fear and their righteousness without even considering the cause of their actions. It is a scary thing that an innocent child has been treated so badly, has been so dominated and hurt, that they feel a need to overpower and hurt a helpless victim in order to feel some sort of balance. Who is educating the child in the first place, and who is looking out for the child, who is making them ok. The media has a huge effect on society and I wish they would evolve and act responsibly. Thanx

- I think we should get involved in political parties that already exist, like the Green Party. They already have a platform of political responsibility, but I think they should pay more attention to the financial concerns of everyone. The government has to show the corporate world the inevitable and help them realize the profit in recycling, etc. We have the resources, the technology and the education, there are many ways in which this country can be profitable. The corporate world wants a formal financial breakdown. The government itself needs to get with the technological times as well, every citizen in every country can understand the benefits of financially sound government. If a C.E.O. were to run his company as archaically as the Canadian government, with so much paperwork and footwork in this electronic era, the company would not be around for long (or the CEO wouldn't be). What about promoting free internet access and the other great things about Canada and past governments, and the importance of responsible government to all? It is important that government represents the best interest of all peoples, and I don't think the working man votes enough because he doesn't see a good reason to. What's wrong with buying votes with campaign money? It was donated to help you're cause, not line you're pocket. I would offer companies $10 an hour (20 for execs) for an hour of their time, mainly to tell the people that don't vote, why they should vote and to appeal to their intellect, that you have something worth voting for. I think they would appreciate this.

