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Nate Brad Adam Steve Josh

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Welcome to the Official
Face Value Website. Face Value
is a 5 man punk band hailing
from Eastern Michigan. The
band recently released their
new album "There's Always the
Radio" and it rawks, I went
out and got it the day it
came out and I love it. If
you have any pics or info on
the band or anything that
you think I might want to
post email me.

I apologize....

Do to my own busy schedule with school, soccer, and trying to maintain a social life, the last few months I have barely put any time into the site and I apologize. Soon I'll add info on the new cd (lyrics, discog, etc.). I plan on basically doing a complete overhaul of the whole site and changing the setup and all that jazz, I'm not sure how long it will take, but please, be patient. Thank you.


-I have a new number for booking info for the band it's (248)792-2FAC, otherwise you can email Their Manager.

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