UPDATE FOR 3.18.2000
okay, so it's been 2 weeks since my last update. and here's an update just to tell you to go back to Rzez 4 Prez. and also to let you know that I'm going to Italy, and I won't be back for ANOTHER 2 weeks. =)
I'm changing the counter, I don't know what it will be just yet. and that's all.
UPDATE FOR 3.4.2000
nothing new has happened, but check out my other site Rzez For Prez!
also, I'll be adding my small collection of fanfics at some point in the future. I've got about five done now, so that should be interesting.
sorry, I have nothing else to say. except that maybe I just saved someone else's toes, and after that, nothing else seems too significant.
UPDATE FOR 2.19.2000
as you all should know, Dave was the touring keyboardist on the dizzy tour, as well as a member of C.O.Jones
counter is now weird computery-key-thing...jeez, I'm such a nerd.
UPDATE FOR 2.18.2000
well, if anyone actually bothered to bookmark this page, change it. I've decided it's wrong for me to keep the JohnnyRzeznik.com domain name (see what a good citizen I am?) but I don't think anyone else should have it either, so it's just kind of...in limbo now. if you attempt to visit JohnnyRzeznik.com, instead of seeing this lovely goohome page, you get byebye.
and while we're at it, I'm so gonna change the counter. I hate the hearts, so they're outta here! let's change to...
UPDATE FOR 2.13.2000
hmmm...well, it's 1:07 in the morning, so I guess that makes today Sunday, which would make tomorrow Monday, which would make me mad! >=(
obviously =)
and no, I'm not updating anything, because I am sooooo lazy, and it's not like anyone ever comes here anyway. live with it. I'm tired. I'm uninspired. I'm really, really depressed. where's my therapist when I need her? how mad would she be if I called her at home, now, at 1:09 Sunday morning?
I don't care to find out.
UPDATE FOR 2.2.2000
through the goo goo dolls mailing list, and hopelessly devoted to goo, I am going to attempt a...heavenly feat. At the International Star Registry, you can purchase a star and name it after someone. hmmm...now, if *I* had a star, who would I name it after...
so anyway, do you think it would be awesome to have a Star Named Goo? well, then just email me and I'll let you know how this project's going. Stars ain't cheap, so if you'd like to donate some $$$....that's cool! I'll post more info as I get it =)
you may have noticed that my site is kinda, well....completely unorganized and never updated. well, there is a reason for this, and its name is MIDTERMS!!! they got delayed because of snow, but I take my last one Thursday, and then I get a 3.5 day weekend, so that'll give me plenty of time to not have a life. and what do I do when I don't have a life...? I go online and update stuff!
changed the counter from those scary pink bunnies to scary pink hearts. anyone else think Valentine's Day is sadistic? it's just an opportunity to think "yup, still single..." and there's no better feeling than that >=(
UPDATE FOR 2.1.2000
Hmmm...you may or may not have noticed a slightly new look to the website. I now own the domain name johnnyrzeznik.com !!! so what's that mean? all kinds of cool stuff! I'm still trying to figure out how to take advantage of everything that's offered, but sometime in the future, I may be offering johnnyrzeznik.com email addresses!!!
btw, I don't want to be stepping on anyone's toes here, using someone's name without permission. if I am contacted by John, or someone who represents him, I will give him the domain, and find myself a new one. but please don't randomly email me and say that I'm abusing something, because unless it comes from the man himself, I won't take you seriously.
I can now be emailed at: webmaster@johnnyrzeznik.com
read all my old updates...they're worthless, but I'm saving them anyway...
back to our previously scheduled program...
hello, my name is "Something That I Wish I'd Said." I was born on December 5th, 1999, which happens to be John Rzeznik's 34th Birthday. Who is John Rzeznik, you ask? * * gasp * *
Just in case you don't know, John Rzeznik is one of the Goo Goo Dolls. There are 3, actually, and the other two are Robby Takac and Mike Malinin, and this page is for them.
What is this page? It's just a little creation of Steph's. She thought it would be nice to have a little record of all the pearls that dance from the Goo Goo Dolls' mouths. So she made me.
Does this chick have a point? Why yes, actually, and you can click here to find out precisely what it is.
Or you can simply click one of the below links to delve right into the magic that is the speech of the Goos. Don't be intimidated by the buttons; go on, they won't bite.
two updates in 2 days!!! Aren't I the speedy one???
Check out lyrics to "Hold Me Up" added Dec 19th
And I also, just now, added my links page
so what ELSE can you do??? Brilliant question. I'm featuring an adorable little game-thing of my own invention which I have affectionately dubbed "Dizzy Up the Quotes." Try it, you'll love it.
Click here
or here
or here, it really doesn't matter, they all take you to the same place anyway.
I know you're dying to email me, but lo, I am just a simple page created of complex yet unthinking HTML. However, Steph has no life, and she also has email, so feel free to contact her often.
"Your Daily Horoscope"
"[Fwd] Don't Delete! Not a chain!"
but she's not very swift, so she might get confused and accidently delete it.
"Something That I Wish I'd Said" and all contained pages © 1999, 2000 by Steph. All quotes belong to their respective owners, as noted.
hey, don't beat my ass with a baseball bat! check out my disclaimer first!!!
page last updated 3.18.2000 by Steph