TYRANNICIDE: Best band ever. Period.
02/18/03: SORRY we haven't updated in months...but alot of things have been accomplished. No, seriously.
First off, there was a period of chaos during which we thought we had to change our name-- Mystic Spiral style. Apparently there's ALREADY a band called Tyrannicide. And another called Tyrranicide (which by the way is a lame way to respell). We came THIS CLOSE *holds thumb and forefinger 1 millimeter apart* to changing our name to...
Veil of Tiers!!!
...*blank stare*...
Nice one, Chloe. Anyway, upon further research of our name-sharers (Read: STEALERS), we had a couple realizations.
A.) Tyrannicide was a band from 1986. That was 17 years ago. We're fine.
B.) Tyrranicide...sucks a MINDBLOWING amount. We laugh heartily in their faces. Screw artistic encouragement, SCREW BROTHERHOOD...they suck hxc like whoa!!!
In short, we're keeping our name.
We've also been writing and recording like CRRRAZY, so we'll have some stuff up on MP3.COM soon.
11/24/02: We had band practice yesterday until 4:30 in the AY EM. Progress on the new album is coming along smoothly!
C: Oooh! Harmonize on "ho" and "cunt"!
Z: Wait, should I harmonize on "slut" too?
The lyrics and MP3's should be up within DAYS!! (several, several days.)
Z: Do you wanna just scrap "bitch"? I mean, "dick" and "prick" are fun...
We have a gig at Gradie's Café coming up soon! Tickets available at Ticketmaster. First-come, first-serve!
C: Aaargh! I'm a pirate!
Z: Of world peace!
C: Yo ho ho and a bottle of--
Keep checking back for updates!
Email: tyrannicide@hotmail.com