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Wyrmstar's Wicca

I'm not an eloquent speaker nor do I have the skill with prose that other Wiccans I love possess. And so, therefore, I explain my faith in the words of others:
What is Wicca, Anyway?
-The Wiccan Rede
-Porter/Thompson's Rede of the Wiccae
-The Affirmation of Acknowledment
The 15 creeds of Silver Chalice Wicca
Wolfmoon call to the Great God
The Five Basic Points of Wiccan Belief
The Five Gods of the Wiccan
By Chalice and Blade:The Ordains of Silver Chalice
The oath of Leadership
The Way of the Harper-anonymous
The Path of the Hunter-anonymous
Other pages on this site:

Silver Chalice ancestry
How the internet is wrecking Wicca
Why I'm back in the Closet

Other UEW Links:
Coven of the Far Flung Net
All One Wicca
The UEW Mailing List (for 2nd circle and higher members)

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