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A Quick Look at an Interesting Being (By Crissy)

Richie is a mysterious being, and not many know much at all about him. That is his way. I was, however, fortunate enough to gain his trust so as to learn more about him. I discovered quite a bit in the process, perhaps more than I set out to know. I learned, for one, that Rich is not a vampire in the traditional methods, though he does bite people, he is a being with an immortal spirit known as a kha'laan (and I'm not positive I spelled that right).

Richie works as an assassain-for-hire, and is armed to the teeth at all times, although he may not appear to be. To disarm him, one would have to strip him to the skin. Rich's spirit, as I said, is immortal, but his body is not . He could be killed, if one was foolish enough to get near him and lucky enough not to be killed. This current body, he told me, has been around for roughly 300 years without aging from its current state. Rich is obviously quite dangerous . He also informed me shortly that he doesn't actually drink blood, he simply shares, gives, or takes life-energy. He rarely takes enough to kill a person, believing in killing with weapons, but has been known to kill occasionally. Richie is also known as the Jaguar in his trade.

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