June 8, 2001

I'm reading Margaret Atwood's "The Blind Assassin" and it's very good. It's really unfortunate that I essentially have everything worked out in my head as to what happens already and have since half-way through. Not that it's predictable. I've read a lot of Atwood and I know her hints and foreshadowing and the pieces make sense to me. Maybe other people wouldn't see it as an easy jump but I read this stuff all the time.

Oh well, it's still an interesting read. I mean, people read books all the time where you know the ending already - you're just waiting for it to come together.

I'm not nervous about leaving, not really. I just have to put the edges of things together and get make sure I'm not forgetting anything. At least not anything too big to mail.

I'm supposed to go see Shrek tonight. I don't know if I'm going to make it. I was supposed to go last night with Dee, but she was mixed up on what day it was so we went gallery hopping and had nachos and daiquiris with Lisa. It was all right, but I had really wanted to see the movie. Oh well. I'll go tonight. I really want to go before I leave, and a movie theatre will be relaxing, hopefully.

Dee's current state of confusion worries me. I think she might be depressed and just not acknowledging it. She has her, er, boyfriend (they're not defined, but she's leaving and wants it that way) but I'm not sure that's what she needs. I don't want to do it, I said I wasn't going to do it, but that's what it was like with David. I relied on him to help me get through the trying times before I left. It makes you reliant on someone you might not otherwise be. But I refuse to say anything, and I'm leaving tomorrow, so I guess that's all there is to it.

I can't believe I leave tomorrow.

By the way, I won't be back for a week, maybe a little more, because I'll have to write these entries at the newspaper office and I don't know when I'll have time... until then, ciao.
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