January 11, 2001 - At least I wasn't working

Two emails this morning - one from the TV people and one from the radio people. The digital camera has gone missing and so has the CD burner. It happened before Christmas. I wasn't working on anything at the time. I think they've already looked through all the books and are questionning the appropriate people. But I wasn't using the stuff at the time (but I had used the camera two weeks before. I'm also glad I wasn't working at the desk since they're responsible for signing out the keys. If someone screwed up and signed them out to the wrong person... ow. I'm glad I wasn't working. But then, I know just about everyone in the school, so I don't worry about signing the keys out to someone I don't recognize. This isn't a good thing, though. It probably will blow the budget for the year.

The fire alarm was going off, but it wasn't this building. I think they might be testing the one on the new and yet to be complete building. The funny thing is, I can hear the alarm but I can't see the building. The angle for this window makes it look like the building just isn't there.

This morning was unbelievably long. I went to talk to Kim about my radio story so I could get the edit done and record it. I had to wait for her for a bit while she did a story meeting with the workshop people. I then let her "tweak" my story, which means she trashed everything. Oh well. She says she really likes it, and that makes me happy. That means it's a better story than last time. My first attempts always seem to go bad. Like TV. The stupid girls who always hang out together in the class completely trashed my piece. Yeah, well, at least I took a risk and went out somewhere to get a story instead of sticking with people I knew and things I could handle.
But I'm not bitter.

My posters are falling off the wall again! It's this stupid weather. It looks like it's going to snow AGAIN!!!!! It's been snowing for weeks now on and off. Why can't we have a winter like every other and have rain and wind and no snow!!!! I hate walking on slippery sidewalks. I fall on slippery sidewalks. I don't want to go through another fall like the one I took down those steps outside the library - six feet to the ground, a giant thump, a bruised knee and more importantly bruised pride since everyone who witnessed it thought I had killed myself.

I have such a flair for the dramatic sometimes.

I'm debating cutting my hair. After telling my mother I refused to after she complained that it looks better shorter... I've decided to take a good three inches off, taking it up to chin length again. Though ponytails that stay up are really great, the amount of hair I've been leaving around is getting kind of gross. I'm not losing excessive amounts - it's just more noticeable because it's longer.

But my story again for a second - the people who were there really liked the story and I do sound decent on the radio. Though I was told today that the only time they ever turn off the radio is when Kim's on. This is my prof and she's disliked. Weird. I feel less secure in her liking my voice for radio now. I wasn't planning on doing it anyway because it's a lot of work for no pay, but I at least had the idea that it might be okay to try. Shot down once again by the ironies of life.

A final note - I finally got a new light and it has a dimmer. I feel like I live in a porn film now. The guys' rooms have had them for years. It's about time we girls got some mood lighting too!

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that it's snowing. AGAIN! Just in time for my voice report to go on the air and be all the more timely. Yay! But, one downfall. The host said my name badly. And she knows me. And she messed it up bad. Actually, both hosts stumbled over simple words like they were drunk. Badness. Oh, well. I'll just be my usual calm self. I went through my voice report today on the first try with only a minor stumble - barely noticeable. I think that's good.

Back to the real world again!
© lily keller 2001

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