January 12, 2001 - Keys

So, I just got a phone call. There are keys missing. I took them back last night when I was working and stuck them in the box and they seem to have disappeared. Which doesn't make sense. I'm 90% sure I took the keys from the last person who had them and put them in the box. Weird. The funny thing is that my memory is so filled with holes lately that I can't be sure of anything. I am living in this place with a lack of space-time continuum. I have no idea what day or time it is any more. Thank God for my watch.

Speaking of feeling detached, I was gossipping at the desk, as usual, and talking about boys, as usual. The subject of who I like came up and there's no one. People think that Jeff is a good choice, since he is pretty cute. I just can't muster up enough anything to actually like him. Same with Chris, though everyone seems to think I like him. Though one person who heard the rumour said, "That's ridiculous. What would Lily see in him?"

It's so true. What would I see in him? He's so goofy and spacey. And I like that in him but it's far from what I look for in a boyfriend (which is someone who's grounded, for a start). And Luce thinks I like Stu. No. Also too goofy, though less spacey. I like a sense of humour, but these people are just my friends when it comes right down to it. And Stu's way too young. Ick.

No more emails about the stolen goods, but the way things are going... I hope things turn up. Including the keys. That doesn't feel good right now.
© lily keller 2001

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