February 23, 2001 - I get to take care of my mom

My mom is sick. She was supposed to work, but I spent the day trying to make her drink more water, making her tea and other food (mostly bowls of ice cream) and trying to convince her she really ought to take some ibuprophen. Yep, I'm mothering my mom. It's weird.

On the bright side, I had to run errands for her and got to drive her car. She babies that thing. It was fun to squeal the tires on the sand. But on the way home... oh my. The end of our street is a mess. It was at Christmas, but there was usually enough snow to cover up how bad it was. It's worse than ever. There's a four inch lip across the end of the street where two separate pavings have cleaved (heh heh - good word) and left this massive bump. I felt like I was driving over Everest or something. They've got to do some road repair this spring. That is ridiculous!

I've been having funny dreams. For one thing, there's no snow. There is so much snow here (but it's snowing at school and I'm not subject to that right now, thank goodness). The snow banks are huge. And they don't go away. They've always gone away before. Where's the warm weather? What happened to that beautiful damp we had when I was a wee lass? I feel like a senior citizen, complaining like this.

Yay, I realised people actually visit my site. Do I have fans? They don't seem to contact me. Maybe I should let them know I do check on my guestbook and that I have a place for contact. It's hidden in the main page. Oops. In case you missed it before, here it is. Here. So send me some mail. I'd love to hear from everyone who reads my site regularly or even just passes by.

As for now, I keep thinking I should change the layout, maybe add frames and one of those sidebars with what I'm listening to and reading and such... But maybe that's not me. I kind of prefer these nice simple layouts of just text. Nothing big. Besides, my html skills are still minimal. Sheesh. I have a life besides this site! Really!

As for what I'm listening to, if you really want to know, it's eels, as always, with a little Tea Party and Holly Cole mixed in. I'm not reading anything at the moment, and as for films I've seen recently: Cinema Verite, a National Film Board of Canada film about the Cinema Verite movement in France, and Alisee, a Canadian-French film (subtitled) about a girl who gets pregnant by the gay man who turns out to be the man her missing father thought he murdered. Yeah, I have strange taste. So what? You should have figured that one out already!

This is sort of an after-thought. I have barely thought about Jeff all week. I figure that is as good of a sign as any that the whole thing is simply a problem of circumstance and nothing more. Unfortunately, I'm back in those circumstances soon enough.
© lily keller 2001
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