February 24, 2001 - I'm stuffed

Went out for dinner with my family tonight for my grandparents' anniversary. I'm very full. It was all right but I've had better for sure.

From my counter, I can tell people actually see my site. But no one seems to write to me. :( I guess maybe I expect too much!

I'm sitting here with my brother's java programing book in front of me. I don't need to know any of this stuff. It's ridiculous and essentially useless in theory. At least until you find a practical use for it. Like... like... I dunno. It seems silly. What's wrong with not running java and just having a nice simple easy to load page? Is that too much to ask? I hate it when just the frames and such take so long to load that I never see the content. That's a piss off.

Enough ranting. My brother is so not nice to me. He is pissy possibly because he and his girlfriend have broken up. I don't know if they have but she doesn't call (and I've been here all week) and he didn't really go out all that much, and when he did it was with his guy friends. Whatever. I didn't take out all my David crap on everyone else. And it's been sort of funny to be able to make fun of David with my mom. And Jan.

Lots of messages on my phone at school. About a job, about a movie I ordered, about a shift I couldn't have worked anyway because I'm not there... People only love to call me when I can't possibly be there. Isn't that the way?

I guess there's something to be said for playing hard to get after all.

Speaking of playing hard to get, part of me is dying to have someone to play hard to get for. I mean, there's no one in my life right now that I'm even remotely interested in. It's been a long time since I just pined for someone. I haven't felt twitterpated (Jan's word) in a long time. Brian didn't make me feel twitterpated. He still kind of gives me the creeps when I run into him. And who else is there? Anyone? Jeff. But I didn't really feel twitterpated. It was a conscious decision to pursue the slight feeling I had. *shrug* Twitterpation is spontaneous and overwhelming. Beautiful. Simple. Complicated only but the stuff human beings do to themselves to make feelings complicated.

Have I gone over the theory about men Louise, Thelma and I have? Hmm... I'll have to check. It goes like this, in a basic overview. Women spend their energies complicating relationships: wondering what every little thing means, reading too much into everything, thinking everything must in the end be important. I've been guilty of it. Every female I know is guilty of it. Part of that is what makes a good journalist but over-analysis in the end is a downfall. Woman's downfall. Anyway, men are simple. They don't look beyond the surface, which means they miss hints, which means they miss hints that just aren't there. Simple. They walk around in a world filled with the happy-go-lucky Peter tune from Peter and the Wolf. Yep, easy. Not that I'm saying men have it easy. It's women they're contending with, the grand complicators. I can say this because I AM A WOMAN!! Were I not one, I would never say such things. I wish I could have a more simplistic view. Like a man. But it's just not going to happen.

© lily keller 2001
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