So what was my offer. The only offer i could make. J needed help and I couldn't help financially, but i could help with the worry of the house, cooking and the chores around the house. i Wrote Her a long letter, i had a lot to say and i knew i would not remember everything or the right order and if it wasn't put over right and sound organised i think it would have been dismissed as not being thought through properly. The time to think it through properly was though one thing i did have on my side.

This letter came out at about 3 pages long, and took several days to get just right. The gist of the letter was that i offered to swap roles with Her. After all She was the breadwinner now and it was only fair i helped Her as much as i could. i knew that in my male persona This just wouldn't work, it couldn't work with me in male mode. my stupid male arrogance which i can do nothing about, as it is just the way i am, would just make it fail at the first hurdle.

So gulp, gulp i made the offer to be where i was at my most submissive and that meant in a dress or a skirt. To be honest i didn't think She would go for it. and She didn't say a lot about my letter. In my letter i suggested a dummy run at the weekend to see how it went and to cut a long story short that is exactly what happened.

That weekend i still think was a turning point in both our lives. i was seduced into the pleasures of being female in every way possible and possibly a few we invented ourselves :) It worked for us, well at least it has has for many months anyway. We have both changed in this time.

Our sex life is superb now and i have seen Mistress J become the Mistress She is and the Mistress who has been and been under my very nose for the last 25 years.

We have of course both realized that it is probably only Her exposure to friends of ours and being on the scene with me  that has prepared J for this, perhaps Her greatest ever challenge and certainly mine as well.

Turning me into Her femme maid that is custom made for Her use. I am being moulded and sculptured as my Mistress wishes me to be moulded and sculpted and i am loving every minute of it.

She is becoming a superb Mistress, hell we are both learning the rules as we go along, but She has it. i am positive of that, even though i think She has doubts of Her ability, i don't, i know Her effect on me. Ok at the moment She may not be able to Domme anyone else and be comfortable doing it, but with me, She knows me better than i know myself.

A week ago i gave Her another of those letters, this was shorter and thanked Her for becoming my Mistress in every way. But i also suggested She tighten the screws on me now and She has taken this on board as well.

Talking this early in this kind of relationship is so very important and while i don't want to top from the bottom, there is a point where She needs to be reassured its OK for Her to do this to me etc. If i don't suggest it She may think its a hard limit that i wont go beyond. Actually my only limits are the limits that J herself imposes on herself. i think i will happily obey any command she gives me now.

i think it is rapidly getting to the stage that i will not need to do this suggesting anymore. The major points i needed to raise have now been raised and She can take them on board or not as She develops. She is developing fast. so very fast and i am having to keep up.

i don't think we can ever go back to how we were now. She has tasted the power She can exert over me now, and She wont give that up, nor do i want Her to. One of the reasons this is working for us is the time we have known each other, the trust and the love we share for each other. When i was punished the other day, it was a real punishment, not a play session (Big difference) i deserved it. i literally asked for it by deliberately disobeying Her in public, so i got what i deserved , but i know this, my next punishment is going to hurt even more and She will be stricter with me every time . but She wont incapacitate me. i trust J and that is the most important factor in any relationship.

I explained to Her once She said She wanted me to be Her maid, that i am honoured to fill that role, but pointed out that She has to be very strict with a submissive maid. me in this case. Even minor offences i will have to be punished for and seen to be punished for it. if i show Her up in public or it affects anyone else i may have to be punished in public perhaps even on the spot.

Everything i do now has consequences and She does a weekly monthly, quarterly and yearly report on me now, i simply created computer generated forms for her on a protected web site. She fills in a form on the pc and it is delivered straight to my mailbox, so She can keep a close eye on my progress or lack of progress.

I am rapidly falling in love with Her all over again, no that's not strictly true really. The love was already there, but it is now being focused where it is needed, but i am falling deeply under Her spell and i am powerless to resist and to be be honest even if i could i don't think i would. If i feel like this 6 month into becoming Her femme slave, how will i feel in 25 years time?

She has me now and i couldn't be happier about it. Its this femme maid slut slave's dream come true.

We have had to adjust our contract to take account of our changed circumstances and i will print that out on these pages . Not only so everyone can see the extent of how serious this relationship is for both of us, but it is also handy for me to flick to these pages to glace at my contract at any time.
