
The Stars

The Others

Miscellaneous Stuff

The Rest


Wil Anderson


Episode Guide

All About Me


Dave Hughes

Regular Guests




Corinne Grant

The Folks Backstage


Thank Yous and




FAQ (Not the TV show)



F.A.Q stands for Frequently Asked Questions. Simple enough, right?

What is The Glass House? The Glass House is a TV show made by GnwTV Productions.
When's it on? Around 10pm Friday nights on the ABC. Hard to be precise since it airs whenever the show before it finishes. It can range from 10pm exactly to quarter past ten.
Who's on it? It's hosted by Wil Anderson, with Dave Hughes and Corinne Grant as regular guests.
Hang on, you said GNW. Where's Paul and the others? I said GnwTV Productions, not GNW. Same people in charge, different people on the show.
So is this just "the new GNW"? Nope. There are similarities, but it's not the same show. There are no games on The Glass House, and the host has only sung once, and probably won't again. He hopes ;-)

Got a question for me? Email me and I'll try to answer it. Unless I can't, when I'll direct you to those who can.

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