The following people have earnt my countless thanks
during the conception and development of this website.
Kel - for coming to all the tapings with me so
I don't have to feel like a loner.
Nick - for introducing me to Kel.
Myth - for not saying the page looked crap, and
offering screencaps whenever his capture card starts working again.
Hails and FR - for approval and general Fishy
Kat - for offering her insights, and general Fishy
Ames, Xavier and 'Manda - for typing up articles.
Quiescence and Meli - for the screencaps.
The hard-working folks at the ABC - for helping to make the show.
The wonderful folks at GnwTV Productions - Thank you, thank you, a thousand thank have no idea how much you've improved my life over the past few years.
The stars of The Glass House - for being funny and giving me something to make a website about...
Whoever is responsible for this site getting a link on the JJJ Breakfast Show Home Page, which has sent my hits through the roof!