I own nothing except the words, and probably not even all of those.
Career Counseling: Damon Stone has unique aspirations for a Hufflepuff, the kind of dreams that surprise his Head of House.
Power Lunch: Cuddy makes room for lunch with a childhood friend. RPF crossover.
What IS It All About? :Willow takes her philosophy class a little too seriously. BtVS fic.
Mighty Ducks:
Lavender Shadows: Why two blondes should never be allowed to travel together. Someone gets kidnapped and bad stuff happens. Finished but not yet HTMLed.
Stranger than Truth: Ducks discover fanfiction. Finished for now, although there may be a sequel in the works.
Tanya Online: An odd little scene based on this piece of fanart by Elizabeth. Finished.
Surreal-Life Stories: Seven days of Anaheim weirdness, with every cliché possible explored and twisted. Finished. Go me. Now in the process of being made smaller so Angelfire doesn't sh*t a brick.
Monday Monday continued Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday SaturdaySunday: For a notion of what dressy Tanya might look like, click here or here. The former is by Elizabeth, the latter by Kimee. Stare and marvel, wretched mortals!
And I adopted a different Tanya! Ain't she cute?