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+ Sagittarius
+ Virgo
+ Aquarius
+ Estrella
+ Villains

+Defenders of the Realms+

Aquarius's Bio

"Strength is the only thing that matters. Everything else is an illusion for the weak."
The Girl

Birthday? Where do you live? Height and weight? Blood type?
Feb. 3 (In CA)Near my "school" 5'5";about 140 AB
Any bad habits? What about your family? Dream for the future? Any hobbies?
Ha! Um...I cause trouble Mother, father and 2 older brothers To get away from my past reading ,actually and running
Least favorite food? Favorite food? Favorite type of guy? Favorite color?
Salad Hum...meatloaf A nice guy, with a wild side A light blue and dark gray
What are you good at? Favorite sport? Favorite fashion? Most wanted?
Running and many sports All Comfy A better family
Worst school subject? Fav. place? Fears? What do you need to work at?
History Mountains because it's quiet there Being caught My temper

The Senshi

Special attacks? 1st transformation? What’s _____ Crystal Trans.? Most painful battle?
... It was either go with a cat or a lady wearing red...I didn't like red The way I get to be Aquarius None, I'm a trooper
Most formidable enemy? Your role in the Sailor Team? Your sailor weakness? Era of Silence?
Ha! Those weak things?!?! Physical power I mostly am the first one to try and fight without thinking things through Like I said I don't think things through The only place I ever had peace
Future home? Sailor Scout difficulties? Sailor Scout advantages? What if: you hadn’t been a Defender?
I hope it's peaceful Can't use our powers for revenge I get to kick major butt! I would most likely be a lawyer

The Group

What where you like before this happened? How did you all meet? Who do you want to be better than & why? Your motto?
A problem child I think I ran by them when I took that necklace No one...I am who I am The meek shall inherit the Earth-ha not likely!

Aquarius's Indepth Bio

Jaqulen lives in a two story apartment with her mother, father and 2 older brothers. She is a student at Desert Palms, a correctional High School. Jaqulen has had some trouble with her family in the past. Her life is not as wholesome as Vanessa and Wendy's but she makes the best of it and tries to become a good person. The only difference in Desert Palms is that she must wear a uniform that is not very appealing to her. She likes it there and meets Vanessa and Wendy while walking down the street.

As Aquarius, Jaqulen has the ability to control water and control the paths it takes in the world. She can control lakes and rivers simply by concentrating and waving her hand over the main source of the water.

During the Era of Silence when only the Stars existed, Queen Lezelia's court consisted of a representative from each of the constellations. Jaqulen was the representative from Aquarius. While in the court she stayed loyal to Lezelia and was one of Vanessa's true friends. When the evil beings attacked Lezelia choose Jaqulen along with 12 others to defend the star kingdom.

During the fighting the Evil Queen Cassiopeia, attacked the stars with her strongest allies. These attacks were met with great force from the ones defending the stars. These attacks were so great that the stars shattered and were sent throughout the galaxy to form the planets and moon.

The ones defending the stars, the Sailors of the Stars, were triumphant in defeating the evil beings but their spirits were weakened and had to be sealed away to keep them alive.

Without any spirits the empty vessels had to be sent somewhere until they we called to awaken again. Lezelia thought it best that they were sent to Earth along with Estrella to awaken them if those beings that once attacked the Stars tried to repeat that act on Earth.

Jaqulen was awakened in Chapter Four by Estrella.

Aquarius's Attacks

Aquarius Crystal Transform!
Jaqulen lifts up both hands and says this holding her Star brooch. Two stars starting at her feet travel up her body and change her into Aquarius.

Glacial Icicle!
She says this and puts both hands above her head. Between them forms a tiny spindle of ice. It continues to spin and once it has become as big as the enemy it begins to hurl towards them. As it flies towards them she must stay completely still for the spindle to continue getting ice from her hands. If she moves her hands then the attack is over and she loses energy from losing the attack.

Raging Tempest!
As the attack says, this is mainly a water attack. Aquarius must be over water for this to work. She puts her hands over the main source of the water and moves her hands over each other to form circles. She pulls up her hands and points them towards the enemy and they then get drenched with water. This attack doesn't really harm them it just gives the scouts a chance to employ all three of their attcks.

Aquarius's Images

** **** ******

Aquarius's Image Credits

*=Sailor Orion's Refuge Generator
**=A Request from Runic Future Site
***=WaterbutterflyA, Site


TODAY- "Good generally conquers evil. Unless, of course, good is stupid."

This layout was made by me and the images were created by me as well. Please don't take anything without permission. Sailor Moon is (c) Naoko Takeuchi and all credits go to her. All scout colors, themes, and anything dealing with them is (c) by me and any likeness to any other scout is unintentional.