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+ Sagittarius
+ Virgo
+ Aquarius
+ Estrella
+ Villains

+Defenders of the Realms+

Sagittarius's Bio

"It is curious that physical character should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."
The Girl

Birthday? Where do you live? Height and weight? Blood type?
Dec. 18 In CA near the hills 5' 8"; I think between 150 and 170... O positive
Any bad habits? What about your family? Dream for the future? Any hobbies?
I spend way too much A Father, Mother and older brother Restore the Palace on Sirius Shopping;tending to animals
Least favorite food? Favorite food? Favorite type of guy? Favorite color?
Meat Pasta Funny and a gentlemen Green and Silver
What are you good at? Favorite sport? Favorite fashion? Most wanted?
Delegating, listening, entertaining Archery Classy/upscale Meet with Lezelia again
Worst school subject? Fav. place? Fears? What do you need to work at?
Calculus because I'm lazy Ireland;it's green! The dark and being alone I need to learn when to keep quiet

The Senshi

Special attacks? 1st transformation? What’s _____ Crystal Trans.? Most painful battle?
... I was scared when a talking cat came up to me It's how I become Sagittarius, without it I couldn't transform Caterina's death;she hurt us so simply yet so hard
Most formidable enemy? Your role in the Sailor Team? Your sailor weakness? Era of Silence?
Opal sisters Logical thinker;kind of a leader I'm not good physically A time of peace and tranquility among the stars;before we knew of the Silver Mellenium
Future home? Sailor Scout difficulties? Sailor Scout advantages? What if: you hadn’t been a Defender?
I hope we can do all we need to where we are so we can rebuild what we once had Double life;painful I get to kick butt! Goodness, I would be a vet or a crime scene investigator

The Group

What where you like before this happened? How did you all meet? Who do you want to be better than & why? Your motto?
I was quiet and very studious I met Wendy at school and right away we became best friends; I met Jaqulen while she was fleeing the law I don't really want to be better than anyone... I have many!-Praying is good, but stay clear of the rocks anyway.

Sagittarius's Indepth Bio

Vanessa lives in a two story house with her mother, father and older brother. She is a honor student at Royal Palm and attends there with her best friends. She is mostly an A student but every now and then she gets a B or worse a C. Her parents are very caring, but sometimes push her really hard and she gets frustrated with them so she finds her escape in tending to her many pets.

As Sagittarius, Vanessa has the ability to talk or communicate with any type of animal, living and non-living, like mythological beasts. She can sometimes communicate with them not in her sailor form but that is a rare occasion and only happens when people are in danger.

During the Era of Silence when only the Stars existed, Queen Lezelia's court consisted of a representative from each of the constellations. Vanessa was the representative from Sagittarius. While in the court she stayed loyal to Lezelia and was one of her favorites. When the evil beings attacked Lezelia choose Vanessa along with 12 others to defend the star kingdom.

During the fighting the Evil Queen Cassiopeia, attacked the stars with her strongest allies. These attacks were met with great force from the ones defending the stars. These attacks were so great that the stars shattered and were sent throughout the galaxy to form the planets and moon.

The ones defending the stars, the Sailors of the Stars, were triumphant in defeating the evil beings but their spirits were weakened and had to be sealed away to keep them alive.

Without any spirits the empty vessels had to be sent somewhere until they we called to awaken again. Lezelia thought it best that they were sent to Earth along with Estrella to awaken them if those beings that once attacked the Stars tried to repeat that act on Earth.

Vanessa was awakened in Chapter One by Estrella.

Sagittarius's Attacks

Vanessa lifts up both hands and says this holding her Star brooch. Two stars starting at her feet travel up her body and change her into Sagittarius.

Hawks Beak!
Putting her hands at about her waist her Bow appears as does an arrow. She pulls back and releases. As the arrow flies it quickly transforms into a hawk screeching toward the enemy. This attack only works when the enemy is frozen. The hawk then hits it smashing it into millions of tiny shards of ice. .

Serpents Kiss!
Putting her hands at about her waist her Bow appears as does an arrow. She pulls back and releases. As the arrow flies the arrow becomes a full grown snake. The serpent then flies toward the enemy with gaining speed. Once it hits it coils around them and sinks its fangs into the victim poisoning them.

Sagittarius's Images

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Sagittarius's Image Credits

*=Julee, but her site isn't working right now.
**=Tsukino, Site
***=Tower of Time, Site
****=WaterbutterflyA, Site


TODAY- "Be careful whose toes you step on today, they might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow."

This layout was made by me and the images were created by me as well. Please don't take anything without permission. Sailor Moon is (c) Naoko Takeuchi and all credits go to her. All scout colors, themes, and anything dealing with them is (c) by me and any likeness to any other scout is unintentional.