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Sigma Faust

"Diabolical!? That's all you can call me? Surely there must be worse things!" - Sigma

Name: Sigma Faust (a.k.a. BlackDeath)

Race: Brood

Power: Several types - no definate

Eyes: Red

Hair: Dark something

Weapon: Shiva Arc

Sigma is the major enemy of Canosa Coruth and a very powerful Brood. His dragon form is a black, menacing, skeletonic dragon often called Black Death. Sigma is a ruthless killer who appeared first on the scene at the request of General Kaspar to hunt down the escaped Project Neon (a.k.a., Neyon Karowitz). Along the way, Faust was also hired by the dictator Neon Genesis for various assassin jobs. Through Canosa's interference and Neyon's skill, Sigma was never able to complete his mission, something he'd never failed to do before. Thus, he developed an eternal hatred to the Silver Dragon and his DragonSlayer friend.

Sigma has three children - two daughters, Enigma and Zodiac, and a son, Eclipse. Only Eclipse still fights at his side - his daughters abandoned him and joined the Luminienne Corps.