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Name: Whistler

Race: Shapeshifter

Power: Shadow-based

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: White

Weapon: Weapons shifted out of himself

If there's one member of the Crystal Gryphons no non-member should trust, it's the shapeshifting Whistler. His scheming is almost as skillful as his shifting, and he has no opposition to any plan someone else comes up with, as long as it makes sense. He doesn't even mind shifting into a female form, such as that of Margola Faust's, to complete a mission. On the night of Margola Karowitz's birth, Whistler snuck into the forest after the Silver Dragons to fake Faust's death at the hands of her former husband, Sigma. Little did the devious Brood know he had not only attempted to kill the wrong person, Whistler had shifted from living Margola Faust to dead Margola Faust, cancelling his vital signs in that form. The shapeshifter himself does not have a heart or blood and does not need to breathe to survive. Master of disguise (duh) and trickery, he is an essential member to the scheming plans of the Crystal Gryphons.