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Margola Karowitz

Name: Margola Janine Karowitz

Nicknames: "Gambit" (created by Aly Yui) or "Ace of Spades" (created by Zach Hawk)

Race: Human

Power: Enchantment - all elements

Eyes: Silverish blue

Hair: Aqua Green

Weapon: The Brotherhood

Margola, the daughter of Neyon Karowitz and Laura Esmerelda, holds a striking resemblance to her mother. During the first attacks of the Code Droids, Laura followed the other Silver Dragons into the combat zone, where Margola was born. At first named Janine, after Neyon's sister Ripley, Laura and Zeon - who had arrived just in time to help deliver the baby - were attacked by Sigma Faust but saved by his former wife, Margola Faust. The female Brood died in the process, or so it was believed, and Laura named the child after her. Margola Faust reappeared later as one of the leaders of the Crystal Gryphons, an opposing organization to the Silver Dragons.

Margola is skilled with Enchantment magic and was trained by Silver Dragon Incubus. Her skill exceeds his in some areas, particularly in her ability to enchant objects without touching them. She has been known to stop bullets in midair by enchanting them with ice from the inside out. Her preferred battle strategy is to enchant playing cards with powerful spells and toss them at enemies. Her most powerful spell, Eclipse, she usually enchants into her favorite card, the Ace of Spades, which influenced Zach Hawk to give her said nickname. Her other weapon in The Brotherhood, a bluish sword with a clear blade. Her father supposedly recieved it from a wandering warrior who had recently slain a gigantic, world-destroying monster.