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Sadly, I don't actually have pictures of several of my real life friends, so I'll make up for it by posting pictures of some of my online friends here, as well. I'll add more of my friends as I get more pics of them (and as I get permission to post them).


In the middle of this picture is my good friend, Russ. He is the guy I turn to when I have the strange desire to go to faire or to a poetry reading or to a goth club on a Sunday night. In short, he's my partner in crime.


This is me with my very good friend Manya. We are preparing to go to a Renaissance faire together (of course). We actually met at the faire several years ago and have been friends ever since...despite being geographically challenged.


Miles is another of my friends. He is also a director. (I'm a smart actor that way. <g>) Generally speaking a phone conversation between us will include him saying something like, "I have this show coming up and there's this part in it for you..." I love conversations like that.


This is my friend Felice. She's getting ready to accompany me to the 2003 Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball.

I really like this picture.

Below is a picture of Felice in her costume and the mask we made for her.

I really like this picture, too. <g>


This is Amanda. She falls into several of my friend categories. She's a Labyrinth of Jareth-going friend (this picture is from the 2002 event where I met her), a Renaissance faire-going friend, and a geographically challenged friend. Oh well. That's why there's email.


This is my buddy Emma in a little graphic I made for her for use on her website (which is, unfortunately, down for the time being). The picture was from the Halloween party where we met. How could I not end up friends with Alice in Dom Land? <g>


This is Ms. Molly, a good friend from online and the only possible incentive I can imagine for me to move to Virginia. (Nothing personal, Virginians, I just know far too much about your legislative procedure to ever want to live there.)



Well, I guess that just leaves ME, though I'll be darned if I can figure why anyone would want to see a page full of pics of myself. =\

(did that sound believably humble?)


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