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Summoned Skull
Card Number
- MRD-003
Info - Dark/Fiend, Lv.6 2500/1200

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating

Date Reviewed - 01.07.03

Summoned Skull is the best one tribute monster, and he can fit into most decks. Also he is one of the easiest monster to get, plus you can pull him out of your deck with witch of the black forest. There is little to no downside to this card. But like my teacher once said, nothing is perfect and this card would get a 4.99999999 lol, but I feel fine with 4.5. Final Rating: 4.5
  Beaver Warrior  
ok, 2500 ATK for a lvl 6 that sounds a but load better than Red Eyes, not much for defense but eh, who cares, better than Griggle. And you only have to tribute ONE!, creature. Rating: 4 out of 5
This is by far the best one tribute monster out there(until we get Cyber Tech Alligator)Shield & Sword is the easiest to take it down without much effort. Use this card in a dark deck or a beat down deck for ultimate useage of this card. 4/5

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